What happens when you drink bleach?

What happens when you drink bleach?

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I don’t know. OP should find out himself

it disinfects you of toxins

Multiple organ failure. You die a slow, horribly painful death


Stomach is acidic.

You see Amanda Tod nude. In Clorox mansion.

you die

I took a gulp of it once. I had to drop a piss test and someone told me it would make my piss clean. It was the worst tasting thing I could possibly imagine. Shortly after, I puked blood.

Kills the parasites in your digestive tract that are stealing your energy.


You die.

Or maybe they've been lying and you get superpowers. Try it and let us know.

Yeah yeah yeah

Bleach is Sodium hypochlorite NaClO a salt of the hypochlorite acid HClO.Gastric acids have usually a pH of 2.
That means that the concentration of H+ in your stomach is about 10^(-2) mol/L
According to wikipedia the pKa of hypocloride acid is 7.53 (Not a strong acid).
This means that when ClO- (from NaClO) enters in your stomach a lot of it converts in hypocloride acid (if pH of your stomach was 7.53 you had 50% HClO and 50% ClO- just for example)
The problem is that HClO react with the HCl contained in your gastric acids and generates Cl2 and H2O. Cl2 is toxinc, I don't know why

Life Sciences major here, contrary to what these faggots are saying about you dying they're inaccurate. Instead your stomach acid will neutralize and because bleach is corrosive, it'll start eating away at your stomach lining. The effect will be you puking blood and stomach tissue which isn't immediately fatal but can kill you if you don't get medical attention. More often than not though you'll just live a crappy life after with perpetual stomach issues.

One fantastic dump.

I'll add though that this reaction is more severe with Draino, it's a stronger base and will elicit the black chunks of stomach puke response.

You trip balls while melting

You die.

Your shit goes out white. It is crazy!

This. youtube.com/watch?v=eqbn7oxXh38

I think the problem is the toxicity of the chlorine gas

Yes, but you have to remember that the bleach is in dilute form so while it'll emit noxious gas it won't be as heavy. OP would still more likely live assuming he or someone around him is by a phone.

You slowly become whiter skin over a Werk. Its awsome . It also cleens you from all youre Sinns . Take some sipps of Blech OP and become the White good Christian every user wants to be! I use this method once a month and now im a Pope ! Even my grandma is drinking it.btw since she's drinking bleach her skin has this healthy youtful glow, people Sometimes mistake her dir my Mom!

Sry my Phone correctet some words to German .. i mean your skin geht's whiter over a week Not Werk.

Nothing will happen if you drink milk right after drinking bleach

Oh that's just mean

Ethnic cleansing. It makes you white.

It cures you of Andy Sixxitus.

Y r u here?????


it burns your insides due to the prolonged exposure
causing internal bleeding

you die of eternal bleeding

yeah, and the HCl reacts with the bleach to pass chlorine into your blood stream. Not good

Nerve gas

You'll never be a nigger again


Really? Nobody? Alright you millennials.

Your autism will cease

it just hurt your stomach a little bit and then at the end of the day when you go for a dump you get your asshole bleached. That's how you maintain a good looking asshole so if you're looking forward to getting your ass fucked you should really consider it.