Can someone tell me how so many think the Holocaust is a myth?

Can someone tell me how so many think the Holocaust is a myth?

People argue there is hardly any evidence but no shit. The Nazis knew they were losing and so destroyed as many photos and footage they filmed.

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If you do the math on killing 6 million Jews in the span of WW2, it’s physically impossible

>tl;dr: hitler did nothing wrong


not an argument

I'd be glad if someone explains this.

Sure it is. It's just an argument he can't really prove. Just like the one he responded to.

If the National Socialists had won, how different do you think the narrative would be?

Typhoid kills, zyclon b has been used to kill lice, no cyanide or arsenic residue in the prisoner camps...

There's a lot to consider before just swallowing the winners narrative.

Fascism was considered a serious, viable political philosophy for a hot minute. The Nazis discredited fascism so thoroughly that neo-fascists feel a need to rehabilitate the Nazis' reputation.

Easy to explain. Someone printed some numbers on a piece of paper. Consider yourself explained.

I'm sure they just increased recruiting efforts, user.

did someone forget all jews werent in Germany and as bad as it is to say, even jews can repopulate?

>Easy to explain. Someone printed some numbers on a piece of paper. Consider yourself explained.

Is it really that easy?. Not mocking, just want to know if those almanacs are faked.


- Anne Frank diary, written by her dad.

- Faked photos

- Soap and lamps made of jews, that can't be proved if really existed.

If something is bad, is it really necesary to lie about it to make it worst?

For example, don't washing your hands can cause they rott and fall of.

What's the number 1 reason people say this shit never happened?

There were multiple battles where the Axis and Allied Powers captured over a hundred thousand enemy prisoners and transported them. 6 million isn't that large. If it was over 100 million, then yeah I could understand skepticism, but I live in Phoenix Arizona, there's 4.5 million people living her alone, New Delhi has like what 22 million? Europe overall has larger concentrated populations than most of the rest of the world. I could definitely see how millions of Jews were killed in the Holocaust, only issue would be the bodies. Which makes sense to the Nazis burning them. Seriously it's not that much of a stretch

>- Anne Frank diary, written by her dad.
>- Faked photos
>- Soap and lamps made of jews, that can't be proved if really existed.
You can go to Yad Vashem and see that shit in person if you want. I have.

Also, not saying the almanac is fake per se, but they probably don't have comparable numbers, polling methods, etc.

Most deniers don't believe it's completely made up. They just believe the numbers are vastly exaggerated.

No it's not. The overall death toll in WWII was between 50 and 80 million, so it's easily possible for that amount of people to die in that time span.

it was just debt credit insurance and payback for the preivious world war 3

Regarding the picture: it's obvious that the NYT ran a cropped person because you can't put a naked dude on the cover of a newspaper. The black & white version would be the original, the sepia version would be cropped from that.

cropped version*

Not saying it was real or fake, but if you were to fake something.... It would be pretty easy to do so in a world where the only form of long range mass-communication was print media.


I did some division and auschwitz would have had to be able to cremate 32 bodies per hour

You know who never denied the Holocaust? Actual fucking Nazis. They admitted to all that shit. They just said "it was war" and "following orders" or said nothing because they were fucking dead.

So he did some editing and collating after her death. So the fuck what?
Totally possible. That's not even too difficult to achieve, logistically.

You didn't read.

> A Paris-based lawyer specializing in intellectual property issues, Agnès Tricoire, told The Times that the foundation’s explanation suggests that it has “lied for years about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”


Don't forget that the Soviet Union had occupied all territor of the "deathcamps" and could have easily done it to draw away attention from theor mass rapes and war crimes in theor own ranks. But it's not like the USSR is know to forge historical evidence for the state or anything like that.

You're taking that quote way out of context and using it to imply that the diary is a forgery, which no one ever said it was. This is just an argument about the authorial status of the editor. Also, it's a royalty-grabbing maneuver that has no bearing on the authenticity of the diary itself.

Himmler found that the killing methods used by the Einsatzgruppen were inefficient (using guns)
So they started using gas.

Then into the crematorium they went

It takes 2.5 hours to cremate a normal body with today's cremation technology. Auschwitz had to cut that time in half with shitty brick ovens. Also the 6 million figure I used doesn't even take into account the claimed 11 mil total victims in the camps that weren't jews

There's a weird kind of doublethink among neonazis where they'll deny that the holocaust happened but they think it's really cool and they'll make jokes about it.

>Totally possible. That's not even too difficult to achieve, logistically.

Zyklon B was used for delousing and cleaning, which tint everything blue. Storage rooms at "death camps" had walls tinged blue, "gas chambers" did not.
No death camps liberated by allies, only by russians who had fought and ideological war against germany. Not reliable sources >> obviously going to destroy german reputation.
Truth many people died in work camps, but mostly from starvation. At end of war, germany barely had food for soldiers, let alone for labor camps.
Hitler had a program that relocated jews from german territory to isreal (jerusalem area since isreal didnt formally exist). The program ended in like 1944ish (late war, cant remember exact date) when it was literally impossible logistically to do so.

Should I continue?

"official and unofficial estimates"

First of all, I'm not even sure I accept your 2.5 hour number, but okay, for the sake of an argument: it takes 2.5 hours to do a really neat job and produce a tidy pile of uniform ash that you can put in an urn. I'm sure the Nazis didn't care so much about presentation. Also, please go into detail about "today's cremation technology" and the radical scientific advances in cremation that have happened since then.

Topf built 25 crematoria ovens, which had a total of 76 incineration chambers (called 'muffles'), for concentration camps. H. Kori built 42 single chamber ovens at various camps.

What kind of amateurs do you think the nazi's were? Which side are you on?

>Also, it's a royalty-grabbing maneuver that has no bearing on the authenticity OR NOT of the HOLOCAUST itself.

(32 cremations / day) * (2.5 hours / cremation) / (8 working hours / day) = (10 ovens in simultaneous operation)

Seems pretty achievable to me, and as I pointed out here 2.5 hours is probably a gross overestimate.

Theres people that have lived in the concertration camps still living and documented. ..

So what would you say is the rate of error to match with six millions of deaths?

Don't strawman me, I never said the nazi took time to make things look neat, that's the normal time it takes a human body to be fully turned to ash. Also you igored how that number even makes sense with the 11 million figure currently claimed

The only thing I regret is that they were not able to gas every fucking kike in the world. Then Hitler would have been a truly great man

One of the most important things they teach cops is about confirmation bias. Say you go to a murder scene in a nice neighborhood with a black family of significantly lower means. You start tying the murder to the black father. He was at home alone that day. He owns a knife and the victim was killed by a knife. He was seen arguing with the victim. He has a history of violence.

Easy case. Except the victim was killed by her lover from two towns over. You found a case because you wanted to. And it happens all the time. That's exactly what goes on with the Holocaust. Jaded idiots think they failed at life because of Jews, not their middling school records or lack of ambition. The Jews control the media, it can't possibly be that the truth isn't what you want to hear. Everything is the fault of others. They take random facts and build stories. And skew. And lie.

It's called a locus. Some point it inward (and tend to be successful) and some point it anywhere but themselves and sit in poverty wailing about the world not handing them yachts and supermodels and cash by the pallet.
They had enough ovens to dispose 4400 corpses a day.

If the ovens were there for the entirety of ww2, 6 years, then they could have burned over 9 million people. (They werent there for the entirety of ww2) So I can see how burning millions of people over a few years becomes possible.

Imagine if they had Facebook back then. And smartphones.

Can't believe someone really thinks that...

They have fucking planes that can fly over land and find bodies of water under the ground. Know how many of the ash piles they've found? 0

This guy has your answer

The camps were in operation for 3 years. Splitting the 6 million between 6 main death camps and splitting that number into the number of ovens in the largest death camp, you still don't have enough time, even though that i's a very generous number with the rounding


They would have banned video tapping fat jews.

What he's saying is that they probably didn't burn them right down to ash. Just enough to be more easily disposed of. Plus they had huge pits where they would dump hundreds of bodies and then just set the whole thing on fire and let it burn for days.

Meant for

man I fucked up just like way too many times

It's not that Jews are keeping people down.

Its the fact that Jews are in control of the central banks around the world (Federal Reserve), in control of the media, are the ones that created and continue to push Marxism, multiculturalism, and mass immigration into the Western world by third world countries.

These are facts, and this is why some people have trouble with certain Jews.

This is actually a good post. The holocaust was grossly exaggerated for propaganda but it is undeniable that the nazi regime really did a number in the jew guerillas in occupied territory and used civilian jews as slave labor.

Yeah that IS interesting.
World census,that exists?

Here's one
(4400 cremations / day / camp)*(6 camps)*(365 days / year)*(3 years) = 28,908,000 which is over 2x the claimed death toll of the Holocaust.

I'm not a historian, I don't know. But as far as I remember reading, only 5.9 million jews were killed, so I guess you're right and the number is exaggerated to an extent.

Constantly taking the admonitory position is one way of not admitting that you do exactly what was described here. It doesn't confirm it or deny it, it just leaves no occasion for declaring yourself as having internal or external locus of control.

can 6 mil rebound in 12 years,its like othin happened

if the holocaust wasn't all real then who was phone?

eh its 2 sets of groups,scholars and kids.

the reason i know the holocaust was real:


It isn’t so much that it is a myth it is that people played it up so much. Nobody actually gave a shit about the Jews getting rounded up until Hitler almost conquered Europe. Then the allies used it to demonize the nazis even though the fucking Russians were doing pretty much the same shit. FDR, the only man I know of that deserved polio, wanted to be bff with Stalin so badly he would throw Churchill under the bus. Not to mention throwing Asians in concentration camps himself. The truth is that they didn’t hate the nazis for killing Jews and fagots, they hated them because they were terrified of them.

gas vs coal or oil fired
cant adjust flame
burners only on bottom
shit thats just common sense there

6000000/3years/365/24hours=death tol per hour needed 228
228perhour/6camps=38 jews per hour being killed
Auschwitz had 46 ovens
A body take's 2-2.5 hours to cremate (there werent masses of skeletons found, so yes they were cremated t completion)
They would be overwhelmed by corpses if they were continually killing jews an a daily basis
More going in than coming out

>World census,that exists?

I really want to believe you are tryng to be funny

>so I guess you're right and the number is exaggerated to an extent.

You aint even checking the numbers, there is a growing of 400,000 in fifhteen years.

If six millions were killed, almost the half, the other half was doing nothing than having sex, even children and elders.

lame joke.

" After the war, the company was confiscated and nationalised by the Soviet administration. The company's history was not fully researched until after German reunification in 1990."
You sure can trust the Soviets to not tamper with the company papers!

they actually dont
1.6 its fairly low in modern times

It's funny cause OP asked why people think it's a myth and it turns into a thread where you can't prove even one aspect of it

>Actual fucking Nazis. They admitted to all that shit. They just said "it was war" and "following orders" or said nothing
"They also discovered human remains as they dug into the ground, and on the surface "large quantities of ashes mixed with sand, among which are numerous human bones"."

So it seems they weren't cremated all the way to completion. Just enough to reduce their volume and make the remains easier to hide.

4400 per day on average is probably 3 to 4 times the average, you just took the highest number from auschwitz and applied it equally to all camps.

Ovens running 24 hours a day is impossible. Let alone doing it 365 days a year.

I bet the total would top at 33% of your estimate.

yeah and poles,germans but in the losses of time on source id really like to know where the data now u see jew shit its adl,blah blah all hies back to bilderberg/rothschild

33% of my estimate sounds about right. That accounts for just under 10 million Holocaust victims, meaning roughly another 3 million were killed outside the camps (firing squad, etc) in the years before the camps were built. So again, these numbers are adding up to match the claimed death toll of the Holocaust pretty well.

you know you can just take a trip and see the crematoriums

What about Robert Faurisson and his works showing that the use of Zyklon B is only possible in strong chambers and not rusty stuff like we see in auschwitz ?

I wonder how you gas 6 millions if you suffocate on the first and die on the second

Clearly he's alive and fighting for survive

Just look at the name Anne Frank
AN.tisemitic N.ov.E.l F.iction R .om. AN .K.


they fuckin deserved it,how many they get killed in the bolshevik rev?
how many are going to die in this immigration war?
esentially theyre trying to throw bloods and banditos in the same room and sayong,get along.
all zionists need to be executed man.
blood lines of bb and rchild completely see why anchoent people used to do that shit


>Zyklon B
That was just for lice control to prevent typhus.

>they actually dont
amortized over 70 years, would be trillions

It's terrible that the Nazis killed Anne Frank. Oh wait, she died of typhus.

Is there any proof that these bodies were even jews other than theor location. The article says many of them weren't even cremated. You really don't think the soviets would try and bury the civilians they raped or killed in a concentration camp to get rid of the blame. They were the ones who occupied the camps after the war after all.

jew skulls have a huge nose hump

here in germany they explain that it was used to actually gas them in the chambers


They said that shit for leniency in sentencing, which they most of them got.

Ahhh the delousing chamber bullshit...special Treatment in German means "Sonderbehandlung", which in Nazi terms means killing, plain and simple.

Hey Prescott cheking in here Sup Forumsro

Looks like a german spa that thing on the left obvies a old german dry saune for weak jewish prisoners so they can become more
Energeti c o 2

Im confused

Do Nazis hate Jews?
Do Nazis think Jews be allowed to enjoy the same freedoms as anyone else?
Did the Nazis like the Jews in WW2?

The system after the war for calculating the number of Jews killed was plain fucking stupid.
Basically, newspaper advertisements were placed all over Europe asking that surviving Jews write in and confirm they were still alive, check for yourselves please, many did not reply, many had left the continent to go to America, Australia, Israel, South America etc.

Make no mistake, the holocaust did happen, how many Jews? No-one really knows.

Do you remember a few years ago Swiss banks started to try and sell stolen art never collected by the Nazis that stole it?
They appealed for family members of the last people to legally own it, all of whom were Jews listed as killed in the holocaust.
Several families turned up to claim their art (worth millions), they were living in the places I listed above.

>Several families turned up to claim their art (worth millions), they were living in the places I listed above.

Why can't victims have relatives?

"Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in Germany in the early 1920s. It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid), as well as a cautionary eye irritant and one of several adsorbents such as diatomaceous earth. The product is infamous for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to murder approximately one million people in gas chambers installed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, and other extermination camps."

How did they kill a million people with a cyanidric gas volatil enough to kill everyone near it ? Nobody has a clue ?