Reaction image thread?

Reaction image thread?
















solid tweet huh












how about without the shitty pointless text






Is the nigger in the first pic drinking pee?

















How retarded are you to post a thumbnail

When the fuck would you ever use this image?!




when all someone has done is fuck you in the ass





Is this a "save one, post one" kind of thread?
'Cause I wanna keep four from here.









What did he expect to happen





ive seen some fakes in my time, and this is no fake. rip lil beaner

















>Not changing the viscosity of the water before making it (((lava)))


lava doesnt flow like that, its fake


Yeah, radiant heat would have set her clothes and hair aflame long before she hit the "lava."

Are you guys saying that volcano fuel can't explode real beaners?

