I'mma die, I ain't even 25

>I'mma die, I ain't even 25

He died because of depression people should be more open when it comes to depression you shouldn't be ashamed of it it's normal please visit a psychatrist you will be fine

Hope you are all doing well I know depression can be hard you just need to hang on it will get better

ok cuck

Uh no stupid fuck, he died because someone gave him fentanyl inplace of Xanax.

20m I still know know what depression is

I'm a loner but I got used to it

Pic releated died under 25

fake pressed xanax wit fenta

he died when he came out as gay

Yes but he did xanax and anti depressants because of his mental health I did the same for years until I found out that I had depression

Feel the same always alone because I never talked to my friends again .... I rather did drugs

He died with a felafel in his hand

I don't think that xanax is the drug of happy people he kinda was depressed

I too die of depression after taking fentanyl I think is xanax


Fuck of

Or you can kill yourself instead

OMG so funny laugh my ass off

I'm not even white and I hope she get recognized by males of her true race, the gorillas and get brutally gangbanged until her anal cavity suffers an internal hemoragy and she dies in pain

Depression is serious I know this is Sup Forums and everyone must be edgy

Fake twitter account
Stupid people gets triggered

Depression is about as serious as the need for mosquitos.

Thank fuck he died. A depressed wigger faggot needs not be on Earth.

With saying that, you know what to do OP.

I wish I had an IQ of 200 like you

>implying a sadboi faggot who glorified depression didn't get what he deserved


Please go back to 9gag or pleddit god old Sup Forums was way better back in the days

You need to watch ricolo's and morryous

His entire shtick was doing songs about Od'ing on drugs surprised nobody once said this dude needs a hand

Depression is real like cancer


play stupid games win stupid prizes

most people grow up enough to realize this kind of shit is just a slow spiral down to death.

Sup Forums was never good only newfags say shit like this.
That's where your wrong cancer does its job to kill you being sad makes you retarded enough to make you think killing yourself is a good idea

Suicide thoughts are never great

Sup Forums was never good is a shitty newfag meme but ya that guy is a newfaggot.

Shit was a hell of a lot more fun back in the day, albeit it didn't last very long.

Pretty great when you want an entire generation of idiots an heroing all the time because they can't handle getting told no

Still is fun when you find that golden thread with good shit happening. But this place has always been trashed with gay shit all the time

Is that pewdiepie currently?? No wonder I stopped watching him long ago

Yeah since he said nigger he turned into a thug

This entire thread is so ridiculously retarded, the comments are like I'm browsing worldstar hip hop or something. Holy fucking shitballs, I hope this is an isolated instance of nigger speak and retardation.

>trashed with gay shit all the time

You are meaning tranny shit

ya there has always been a shit post/good post ratio but still, at least there was content back then/not just copypasta bot posts 24/7. I have started to enjoy this current wave of nuautism myself that said, its pretty fucking retardedly hilarious. Shit posting these days is 100% easier. The mobile posters were a blessing and a curse tbh.

Do you not know what board your on you autistic faggot?

Every single fucking person, save for two or three exceptions, is embarrassingly stupid. I can't even

Mate. I'm saying this in comparison to the board. That should be fucking obvious, CONTEXT my nigger.

Same shit different name.

I actually opened up about it and it helped. People have been helpful.

True but because of that we've been able to make some shitpost go irl

i cant tell if the xanax made him depressed or vise versa

either way you should stay away from that shit

Well shit man atleast there isnt that many fags from reddit in this thread even if we're all retarded here


had a benzo addiction in the begin its happy and to the end u count everything as happy as long u not depressed (and this is the main reason and u have less insecuretys.) I used to have depression and a anxiety disorder...Then are u pretty happy to be normal like everyone

32 year old guy who was unknowningly depressed for 12 years and cured himself in 2 months here.

I'm willing to bet that a good 90%+ of Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general are depressed, and arguably close to 60% in the wider western society.
The factors are many:

>Western medicine is completely ignorant and misguided about what (almost all) depression actually is
>Doctors like to treat it with antidepressants instead of treating the cause
>Most people don't understand their own issues
>Like obesity, it's almost entirely the result of lifestyle, so it's often difficult to change if you're at the deep end already

Thankfully, it's extremely easy to treat/cure.

First, what causes 95% of depression (this excludes recent trauma and mental conditions that exacerbate conflicting emotions- things like schizophrenia or recent family deaths) is simply some combination of
>Lack of daily exercise
>Lack of daily sunshine
>Lack of good food
>Lack of social interaction
>Irregular or poor sleep
>Poor management of stress

Fixing the areas above you're lacking in will cure 99% of depression. I don't feel this is an exaggeration at all. Most people are simply too depressed or too much of a bitch to endure the few months of plain old daily effort involved, so they feel like shit for years.

It's also worth noting that vitamin D deficiency is probably both the most common deficiency in the western world and the one that fucks you up most- Vitamin D is a hormone, hormones are literally responsible for your for fucks sake
stress and happiness in the forms of cortisol, serotonin and others. Western civilisation is depressed in huge part because we simply don't go outdoors enough any more- for some people it's as little as an hour outdoors per day

Ask me anything, happy to provide what worked for me

this guy gets it, if you dont want meds
>daily exercise
>daily sunshine
>good diet
>sleep schedule
is your only real option, neurological chemical homeostasis the name of the game.

as long as he was on it it helped but xanax is not the best medicaion for Despression
and xanny are dangerous because after 2 week xanax u have to make a horribil withdrawl u can get panik attacks, sezuir ,

Also most people don't know they're depressed, just like the majority of most countries are now vitiamin d deficient and don't know it.

And depression often gets seen (particularly on Sup Forums) as a mental issue or mental disorder or simply being a bitch when in reality the brain is just another part of the body- an organ like anything else. If you treat your body like shit by staying indoors for most of the day and not exercising or not eating a variety of vegetables every day, you're obviously going to shit all over your health and slowly become partially depressed

You finished your little rant with "I can't even." That bumps your faggot ranking up several notches.


"Rick and Morty"? Only a plebeian worm would engage in viewing broadcasts of such a sad and idiotic show. Unlike you low IQ apes, I please my optical sensors with only the finest of entertainment. I'll bet that you're inquiring as to what source of entertainment I am referring to. Although I don't expect you to comprehend it, the television show in question is "Young Sheldon". You see, the humor is vastly superior to that of "Rick and Morty". First of all "Rick and Morty" relies heavily on improvisional comedy, while the intellectual humor of "Young Sheldon" is scripted and well thought out before being presented to an audience. Second of all "Rick and Morty" is extremely unfaithful to its source material (Back to the Future, for you simpletons) while "Young Sheldon" is just as good if not better than watching "The Big Bang Theory". I could go on and on about how "Rick and Morty" is vastly inferior to "Young Sheldon" but I highly doubt that you have the mental capability to process such logic. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pour a glass of brandy whilst I redigest the latest episode of "Young Sheldon" so I can make an entry about it to the "Young Sheldon" wikia. Hopefully, I can forget about ever having the displeasure of interacting with you. Sigh... How tedious.


plz help me

Hi I'm 13 and I just started watching Rick and Morty and I can tell you for a fact it's my favorite show!!. Lik the one time Ricky said said there's probably like no good !!!! i was agreeing so much I'am smarter then you're average fidget spinner teen at middle school to even though I have one. I may be young but I'm smarter then every theist on earth basically the show is also really deep when they said like no one was born for a reason I was so blown away as they must have big balls to say that on tv so I told my friends on minecraft and they agree too. LOL once when my mom took me to McDonald's I asked for the Mulan dipping sauce and the dumb bitch didn't even get the reference XD One time in class i evan shouted "I'm PICKLE RIIIICK!" and Mrs.Janice told me to go outside i fucking hate that cunt school is for dumb ppl just like what Rick said, i m too smart for such imbicells. But yeah I love Rick and Morty and I'm actually smart enough to get it to.

were u 12 years depressed or did u have a depression?

I'm 21, got diagnosed with severe re-occuring depressions (F33.2) and borderline (F63.1), and several different drug addictions because of regular suicidal thoughts, drug use and a suicide attempt, that's just an explanation to show that I know what I'm talking about:
People who cover themselves in shit tattoos, artificial hair crap and act like attentionwhores aren't doing this because of depression.
Their whole lifestyle is garbage and that results in being depressive.
I feel no sympathy for fucks like those.
There's a difference between "I'm so sad pwease b nice 2 me ;~;" emo scum and actual, respectable, sympathetic people that have the potential to be someone glorious but are being held back by the spirits that haunt their mind.
Speaking from experience, I was in the nuthouse 3 times this year and met enough other patients of both kinds.

Emo shit like him are the reason our society is fucked up, it spreads like a fucking disease, it makes it believable that wrecking yourself in every possible way and drowning in the "I have depressions"-lifestyle would be something that's acceptable.

That is wallowing yourself in self-sorriness. It's victimizing yourself. It's embracing your own weakness, and accepting heartfully that it's only gonna go downward.
You have to fight the depression with every fibre of your existance. You have to tell yourself that a decent life is exactly what you want. You have to do your best trying to get the fuck away from the thought "It's okay to be a sick fuck".
Yeah, you shouldn't feel shame, but that's the catchphrase you hear around ever fucking corner that tells you "it's okay to be weak".
We built empires from believing in our strength.
We've grown prosperity from wanting to overcome our problems.
It's not okay to be depressive. It's an issue, and shame is something for pussies, just like acceptance. An issue has to be faced and overcome, it's like an opponent in the ring.
"Imagine Dragons - Believer" catches it well.

What's the deal with recreation Xanax these days?. The high just gets you makes drowsey as fuck. from a addiction standpoint, WD is worse than opiates and can be fatal.

>"Imagine Dragons - Believer" catches it well.
you got me

I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining at first. Hell, it was actually funny. But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day was born, I was destined for success. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, l was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, whom were smarter than half the posters in this thread. And now, where am l? In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17. Get this through your head: I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another comment, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the warld and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me. Know your place. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.

Yeah, ok. Enjoy playing with the feeble-minded, small-dicked, half-men around here. They are omega as fuck and do not even belong in the gene pool. If you were worth anything at all, you would not even find toying with them to be entertaining. I hunt predators. I don't play with insects. That you amuse yourself with the latter speaks volumes to your intellectual ineptness and vacuous soul. You couldn't handle an alpha's alpha. You would be reduced to a orgasmic convulsing girl ooze dripping uncontrollably, and you can't handle that so you wrap yourself up in petty manchild games to feel superior. It is YOU that have the control issue. Those of us who are actually in control and control others all day long in every walk of life have no need nor desire to engage in mere sparring for amygdala control when we can control the entire brain and reflexively have it act on our will without words, and permanently, with far less effort than you expend in your dysfunctional neural calisthenic dysphoria.

Run along, child, lest I focus my smite on you..


It’s a great cure for these fucking butt hurt depressed self pity ass clowns...
Kill yourself so the rest of the world doesn’t have to hear your endless sob story.

i luckly never had fake always 100% pharma in blister but xanax bricks are often lselfmade

makes u little drowsie and u pretty much stress less and also confident

yeah with drawl can be worse then heroin