Ok seriously, how do i kill myself and it look accidental/natural?

ok seriously, how do i kill myself and it look accidental/natural?

not trying to get a bunch of insurance money- not trying for anything that will inherently have a major investigation.

it is very important that I die and my family not know it was deliberate. plz help.

(pic unrelated)


why do you consider ending your life?

Even though I have to advise against suicide for anyone not terminally ill, I guess you could always fall from a building or some shit. Just try to make sure it's somewhere you would see plenty of people leaning on railings.

>it is very important that I die and my family not know it was deliberate. plz help.
I'm sure you won't mind when you're too busy being dead..

Could always sabotage your boiler so that it releases carbon monoxide? Go to sleep, never wake up. To the outsider it just looks like a tragic case of a faulty boiler.

pretend to fall off a bridge with witnesses
>not there to say woops

>research the Clintons
>use research to create believable rumor that you have damaging information about them
>leak your identity and that you are going to testify against one or both clintons
you are now dead

You could grind up 120-ish apple seeds, being sure to chew thoroughly on them. Cyanide is a quick bitch.


Don't kill yourself, buy magic mushrooms, camp at the forest for a weekend, enjoy the trip and your life will change forever

Don't do it famalama, shit gets better.

im gay

Go chow on some dicks, you'll feel better.

please don't try to talk me out of it. I get it ok.

it would take me a long time to articulate my situation, and I truly think you'd have trouble seeing how anything is close to decent for me.

beside life is not that special imo

He said it was important it didn't look like a suicide, you fucking moron. Getting murdered by the Clinton's goons doesn't help him if it still looks like he killed himself.

Time out, i.e. keep living until you die of natural causes

thank you. researching this now

how does this not look totally intentional though?

I was in the same boat though user, for like most of the first 30 years of my life, lost count of how many times I was ready to end it but pussied out, then I finally got my shit worked out and life is fantastic now.

Unless you're terminally ill with something painful or about to get life in prison or some shit, it's worth hanging on.

Then why are you trying to make it look natural read, what you're fucking saying...

Drugs aren't the answer, but holy shit this. Just like the suicidal guy who went to mexico and spent his week doing coke and fucking hookers and came out with a new sense of life. It sounds like you need a break OP. Peace of out town for a while, run away and do whatever it is you want to do for a bit.

Suicide is a pretty final solution to a problem. There's no turning back from it. But there will be from something like this.

god what a totally cringey fucking garbage post.

I used to grow psilocybin mushrooms ok. what horrible advice even had I not

tried it. didn't like it

In hindsight, they'd probably realise you'd been screwing with the boiler, and your search history would be a dead giveaway.

Either that or the poor bastard to last service it would end up with your death on his conscience and/or fired.

pleeeeease explain how you got your shit worked out. genuinely would love to hear

are you retarded?

i hear ya. over the last year I lost most of any financial support though through some awful fucking circumstance.

I don't even know how i'd "take a break" and that not be homelessness

to save what little family I have left the pain. even though deep down they'd all kinda understand

hmm yeah you're probably right

Don't do it. I realise talking it out wont work so just leave a note behind making someone feel really guilty

drugs are a "map" of sorts you cretin. you still have to do the work

If possible, try and change your outlook from "Things are not how I want them to be" to "Live in this moment and see it as an experience". Life is shit at the moment but if there's a certainty in life, it's that everything is constantly changing. Don't kill yourself in a trough when a year from now you could be on a peak

different user, but my story is pretty similar.
I just accepted that a part of me is working against it and that I have to stop clinging to it and change my life.
Then I took acid to realize what that part was
Then I took a little dose of MDMA to realize how to change it
Then I did. On both trips I was talking with good friends.

If you're dead, you're dead. Something might come after, it might not. Either way you're out, done for good.

You can always kill yourself if being homeless gets to that point. But you can always skip town, find work somewhere else, start a new life. Its adventure, its challenging and it could be just what you need. Most people would never do it because of the risk and the life they'd leave behind. You have no risk (you're already dead, right? What could be worse?) and no life to leave behind because you would already be doing that. There is literally nothing holding you down - you are truly and utterly free.


Just crash into a tree on a back road somewhere. And make sure you at least tell us where you're doing it so we can find it on the news.

You say making it look like an accident will reduce the pain dealt to your family. Your death in general will fuck them up. Imagine spending years of your life and hundreds of thousands of pounds and all of it going to waste because that investment felt sad.

yeah and they can break old patterns just like that, so they can be a start, but it's ok if you want op to die

i appreciate your input here but my entire life has been almost like some fictional work of horror. again, I personally do not feel like there's actually much special about human life.

"living in the moment" is also the exact mindset that has sometimes let me make my own fucking stupid decisions and let my life spiral further beyond any circumstance.

I understand that the only constant thing is life is change. But I'll disagree about the in the moment thing. I'd just say life IS shit. It is inherent shit

that's the most bullshittish part, OP.
FUCK the family.
this is your life

mf this

Do you have any cash? buy a bus ticket, a train ticket, a plane ticket to some random place, pack essentials and just go out on a tour. What's the worst that could happen? Die? lol

this is the only post thus far to make any shred of sense.

Think of all the amazing experiances you will have if you dont die. Sex, a wife, a family if your own even. Things may seem rough now, but hold on.

OP here

everyone plz stop advising me to take psychedelic drugs. I'm a huge advocate for them - but that reply has no meaning. Posts like that are actually why I despise drug culture, though I have had positive experiences with most drugs. thanks

I had suffered from crippling anxiety for close to a decade, and had never really been happy or motivated even before that. Could barely function or go outside, didn't have friends, lived at home but didn't interact with or get along with my family. I wish I could tell you there was some trick to it, but one day I guess I just woke up and decided to work toward improving. I started making money on the internet, just pennies at a time at first, youtube videos, self-published a book, micro stakes poker, I just built up tiny revenue streams which combined eventually made me enough money to rent a cheap as dirt apartment. Actually going outside and interacting with a realtor was the hardest part of all that because I was a massive suicidal autist manchild, but I took a shot of vodka and went through with it. Once I was doing it it was so much easier than it seemed from the outside looking in. Everything was. I started at university, met a girl, got serious. All the shit I thought I could never do I just started doing. I don't know your situation or where your depression comes from, but a few years back I never would have dreamed of being where I am at now - back then I struggled to imagine even being alive in six months. Shit can and does change for the better, and it doesn't take a miracle.

aww that's cute

If you kill yourself there wont be anything there. An eternity in darkness. If you believe in heaven and hell then you would go to hell as suicide is concidered a massive sin

For every person who's life is shit, there's a very good chance that someone else would trade everything they had to have it.

I'm also not saying to live in the moment as such, just accept the things that are outside your control, and do what you can to influence your future being better. See every part of your life as an experience and as a chapter in the story that is you.

All the greatest people throughout history have been tried and tested, have suffered unimaginably but have persevered and become something which we admire.

And if you want to adopt a purely mathematical basis for this choice, the probability of life improving for you is greater than zero. If you kill yourself, it IS zero. Make the logical choice.

does this thread really just illustrate how young most users on Sup Forums are now? everyone seems to be speaking from the reality of VERY little life experience

I have this thought of driving against a tree many times when I'm driving but I don't want to end crippled and even more fucked

Ik, im a motivational speaker

don't even waste your breath mate

>back then I struggled to imagine even being alive in six months

And I'll just add that this is the number one reason I think it took me so long to ever work on improving my situation. I could not get past this. Every plan I could ever come up with seemed impossible because I was so anxious and depressed that I was convinced I would kill myself or die of some untreated illness before it could come to fruition. This is the hump a lot of people have to get over.

way to motivate me further into depression

Pain is a test to see if you are worthy of greatness. Dont stop now, don't give up.

man please leave the thread. you're contributing nothing of worth to op or anyone

btw drugs are awesome though

Ok. Once the great milo said "faggots should go back to thier closets"
Is that good enough for you?

hmm yeah. the "you don't owe your family anything" type deal

you could go die too, that would be sufficient

Do it in a cool way like drive your car off a cliff or something

Why dont you find some human traffickers/hard drug dealers/ gang assholes? Make the world a better place and go out in a blaze of glory.

The thing is you owe your family everything

If you have a driving license you could just crash into a tree or something else, especially with this kind of weather it might look like an accident


a buncha early 20 somethings speaking from the venomous western view that we're all special or entitled to much of anything.

help op kill their self ok? if they cannot put meaning into their life, then yes that life has no meaning of it's own.


op here

not the worst idea

how is the pic related?

you 4real?

op here

I owe them for having a child that was an accident? for my dad leaving me immediately, then later my mom. only to raised by my gma until she passed when I was 16 then out on the streets?

I owe my family for the ppl they knowingly allowed around me that physical, verbally, and sexually abused me?

I owe them for letting an unwanted child starve and be constantly outcast by a majorly wealthy family? I owe them for the privilege they all had aside from me becuase I was such a mistake?



Dont eat for 20 days. Just drink water.

dude come on

Yea definitely kill yourself its the only manly thinh to do
Fucken soyboy

Ricin, and it's very easy to make.

Hold your breath

op again

see i'm so fucked, that just reading this dribble post reaffirmed how pathetic human life is. like I don't even want to participate in a world where we are all so doomed by stupidity

Focus on getting rich and then enjoying ignoring them when they are desperately trying to crawl back into your life like the parasites they are.

Revenge is good motivation to live, and living well is the best revenge there is.

Hang yourself with a belt but stage it as autoerotic asphyxiation.. take a viagra, have a porno looping on your computer. Putting on some panties would be a nice touch.

i have no desire to be a non "soyboy"

I have had a rewarding career I worked hard for. no element of nepotism got me there. you just cannot have the perspective here.

please leave

op here

yes ok. it's not a full motivator, but legit point there

FTR: my family isn't really a focus of my issues anymore like at all. I was just a bit heated when some fag said "you owe your family everything"

Kill yourself

They did that to very fat people and they didn't eat for over a year.

It can't be that rewarding if you want to top yourself.

op here

PLZ everyone stop mansplaining or giving me your naive 12 year old take on things.

I truly want suggestions / brainstorming on how to make suicide not look like suicide


become drug dealing

i have no sense of reward for anything. it would surprise you to find what all I've accomplished

Go hiking and jump from a cliff

drink a fuckton of alcohol,get into car and start driving really fast on a empty road

literally only thing I can think of

a local with some major illness, i forget what, did that 5+ years ago.

Go to Chicago projects wearing a white pride shirt and go door to door with a petition to send all Africans back to Africa make sure to address the black on black crime rate. If your black just go to a bar in the south and grab the biggest white guys girl friends ass.

long shot:

anyone know anything about suffocating on nitrous? i've heard it leaves no trace as it dissipates in your body upon death

(Wow u got trips)
Without them you would have never been able to have good moments in your life, meet nice people. Imagine if they were liberals and killed you. All of that, gone. Plus isnt u getting trips a sign that Sup Forums is telling u to stay alive?

hey op
im the guy who was making the dumbass comments about the pic being related and im the guy who called you a soyboy.
I am in the same boat as you, suicidal. I hate humanity. I hate all people, dont trust anyone. And every night I am disapointed I didnt kill myself.
But im also on anti depressants, they sort of work. I come here to take the piss n Sup Forums. Usually leave suicide threads alone because they trigger me. But this one was so fucked I felt I had to join in and be part of the problem. Even though something inside said dont do it, this is wrong.
Sorry dude, I recognise your pain.
Now for a cliche: suicide doesnt end the pain it passes it on to someone else.
>pic unrelated

sure. then all my peers will know me as the closet bigot. I sadly have to attempt leaving some integrity.

I have been involved with many things public over my life

Glad at least something I've said made some sense, and I get equally annoyed when people insist you owe your family shit for dragging you kicking and screaming into an existence you didn't ask for.

Gotta fly, user, but for what it's worth I really hope you don't end it all. My life was in the toilet and then suddenly it wasn't. It didn't take magic or some grand change. It was gradual and was more a shift of perspective than anything else. I know I can't put it into words that won't come off as platitudes and I won't insult you by trying, but hopefully just knowing someone else crawled back from the brink might pique your interest in where you could end up if you keep breathing a little longer. I'm confident it can happen to you too. Hang in there; it's worth it.

If in America find the blackest, most ghetto neighbourhood you can and scream nigger until you die.
Or start waving a gun at cops.
If not in america, go on the longest drive you can, fall asleep at the wheel.

Or stop being a god damn fucking retard. Suicide? Really? What kind of utter bullshit makes you think thats a valid idea? Don't give me your other excuses, those are reasons to find a way to fix or deal with your shit. Fuckin' lazy, man, fucking lazy. Put the effort in and live. If you're still too fucking lazy to do that then forget the "make it look liek it wasn't intentional :(" because thats fucking pointless. Fuck you

if this is a legit post at all -

thank you for saying so. I'm sorry to hear of your pain. and yes, i'd say that cliche is true. I would pass my pain on to like one person. again, sorry to hear

straight up tho i agree 100%. before ending your life do some things you never thought you would do OP. This right here should be one of them.

Now now, that isnt fair, i didnt know about that. If i did know then i wouldve said "the hell with your family!"