If i am born that means its possible for me to exist

if i am born that means its possible for me to exist.

so whats stopping the matter re aligning after im dead to create a new consciousness?

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OP assumes consciousness doesn't just go on after death with slight amnesia once re-spawned

>matter realigning into new consciousness

well think about it, if i have a consciousness now then that means consciousness is real and can somehow be created, so whats stopping random matter forming a new me after im gone?

This is what I'm open to, OP. Reincarnation without the soul.

science limits consciousness to the a functioning brain

no brain function no consciousness

well whats topping a new brain from forming and me becoming that consciousness?


This is one of the reasons why suicide should be allowed. If this is true then why not commit suicide until you get your ideal life. Instead we just piss about waiting to die.

Someone support my youtube

Doesn’t nesaserally mean you would get a good life you might end up with an even shitter life?

probabilities you dumb fuck. sure matter could spontaneously form a new consciousness resembling your current psyche and memories but try calculating the actual chance of that happening and if you still feel confident about it go ahead and an hero but do it on camera for the rest of us to enjoy

That's the beauty of it. Kill yourself again and keep riding the suicide train until you reach utopia

Over an infinite amount of time every possible matter alignment will happen, so that gives me a 100% of coming back if my theory is true

I don't think you get OP. Your memories and current psyche would be gone. The only thing left would be that it's you experiencing the new body.

But what if in your next realignment you are a devout Christian that doesn’t believe in anything I’m saying right now?

Yeah but what makes you think your consciousness is it's own separate entity other then a product of your brains synapses firing off non stop

>implying universe is infinite
>memories and current psyche would be gone
>you experiencing the new body
so... it would be you but you have no memory of yourself... like.. almost as if you were a different person altogether?

Well with both possibilities what’s stopping matter realigning and creating a new brain and a new body?

>implying the universe isn’t infinite.

>if a, then b
>therefore, a

That's not a proper argument.

Explain further

Then I would live that life. Even If you die at 98 rather than right now you will still have to face the next life. So if you're not enjoying your current life you're better of just rerolling and hope for the best. Sadly most people don't consider this and just out wasteful lives.

Yes. Just as reincarnation basicly works.

14200 megaparsecs in diameter

muh circular logic

But dude I don’t actually believe in this theory i posted like I said it’s just a theory

Personally I believe that it’s just like before we were born after we die so why waste this life?

Well actually it's more of an hypotheses, if even that. But if your belief is true then in 400 years the person who waited till 96 will be in the same boat as katyln Davis. The OP thought is correct then may as well roll the dice till you reach a utopia where you can live forever.

Assuming matter exists...

>assuming the word assuming exists

In the framework of what our consciousness perceives it does.

thats the most melodramatic shit ive ever read holy fuck

You assume the brain is consciousness.
David Chalmers has some interesting talks on this matter

Ego isn't consciousness, the ego is shaped, it's a reflection and reaction of and to your environment. People are born as a tabula rasa for a reason.

That's not how matter works, and the only thing lost in death is energy, which is used up in our final bodily functions. Nothing goes anywhere because what you think your consciousness is is just a word and definition, in reality is just the software that gets us from A to B before we die and it turns off.

With that logic it would be a 1 in a infinant chance that the matter realigned into another conscious, and even then you would not be able to remember anything and you would be a completely different person

It's an illusion created by your brain. When your brain becomes a pile of dirt, it won't be conscious.

If my body get recycled and recreated what’s stopping another conscious from forming?

>thinking consciousness is attached to matter
>also thinking that contextually-bound-to-matter consciousness can continue to exist once the context (your life) ends
>also thinks that matter can spontaneously generate consciousness


>Collapse of the wave function though
>Consciousness actively affecting atoms though

>Collapse of the wave function though
don't be a brainlet, that's not how it works
>Consciousness actively affecting atoms though
just no

Nothing, but that won't be You in any meaningful sense

If your brain creates your conscious and your brain is made of matter then what?

>also thinks that matter can spontaneously generate consciousness

I mean, it could, but the odds of it happening are less than astronomically small.

What’s stopping it from being me?

>also thinks that matter can spontaneously generate consciousness

Is does. Brains are matter and they produce consciousness


>Dean Radin
You can't possibly be serious

In all seriousness though, I feel that the ego needs to be taken out of academia. Galileo was considered a joke by his peers as well in his time. Sometimes ridiculous ideas can have a glimmer of truth to them.

Galileo's ideas were never ridiculous, though. Controversy doesn't mean anything meaningful. It's usually just a sign of human stupidity

Why do you think you would ever gain consciousness after losing it?

What's stopping me from being you? We're different people.

True, but notorious physicists like Penrose, Planck and Heisenberg all believed in some form of base consciousness. Yet when people are actively trying to prove that this notion goes beyond the human brain, people are called either crazy, or quacks.
I for one am willing to accept the ideas of people like Hameroff. Controversial ideas and tenacity might one day either prove the (seemingly) impossible, or destroy anything ambiguity beyond the shadow of a doubt.

entropy, literally the most important rule of the universe it that everything dissapears fading into empty space, isolating itself

>when people are actively trying to prove that this notion goes beyond the human brain, people are called either crazy, or quacks.
Because there's no logical reason to think that. It's completely unscientific and it has no place in a logic based discipline.