Ask a professional red-stoner anything

Ask a professional red-stoner anything

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>professional red-stoner
What is it like to be retarded?
Do you build all of this in game without using editors?

Do you have gamg wars with all the blue stoners in town?

A what?

do you actually place things in the game, or have you written software to compile logic gates into 3d blocks and edit the world directly for you?

All that bullshit to build a 4 function calculator

not worth

how much do you get paid?


5 min and already pure sperg

No I use mcedit

No I built it all on my own

I build things in-game and then tile them.

It's turing-complete though, and it also has a stack and call-return functionality. You could hypothetically compile C to it

lots by autism philanthropists



good guy hillary would be 10/10 president


Why are you posting this?



Define that please.

Because I am currently on the toilet taking a very viscous shit.
I have nothing better to do than shit post on this shit post.

cant u post something actually funny at least?

At least half a bitcoin a month

carry on then

Can you recreate a functional Intel/AMD CPU , with the architecture and what not

Why the fuck do you do this? Who the fuck pays for this? How do you make almost 10k a month doing this?

not everything is funny. The message is real .

Why not just program?
(inb4 you won't admit you're too thick)

Also, favourite mod?

No you don't. Stop lying for the admiration/envy of strangers on the internet.

You're straight up retarded. Enjoy your incense and crystals.

>this story is true

anytime something says that you know it's definitely not true

>photo is bullshit propaganda facebook tier meme

Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.

I don't even understand how you could identify this.

Okie dokie bud

What do you think pussy is like since you obviously don't know.

Why vanilla?

Half a bitcoin a day isn't worth having to live life knowing your most valuable skill is minecraft

There's zero truth to him sending the DNC emails.

It never happened. Alex jones tier conspiracy nonsense. Happy pizza gate you gullible pleb.

its beautiful

Caught the paid shills

As in x86-compatible? Probably not in minecraft, you'll just end up running into limits in the engine.

I've always wanted to try building a real-world processor though. I once saw a website where somebody did just that, but I've forgotten the address.

but mines bitcoin like 2000% faster than my real computer

I would say but I don't want to spoil it for you

Thanks senpai

Literally none of that is impressive unless you laid it all down brick by brick only using the vanilla game. Fuck outta here.

>Caught the paid shills
Caught the liberal retard!


Nothing you say is true. Seek help. You desperately need therapy.

I do programming now. I built this thing years ago and only dug it up recently

Otherwise it's no different than writing a simple python script that anyone can do after a few YouTube videos.

I think all you faggots need to work your way back to Sup Forums

Eat me


Do you consider yourself to have wasted your life?

>Dunning-Kruger in action

wtf I love hilary now

Yea, I agree with You need fucking therapy mate. I don't know why you feel the need to go on Sup Forums and lie, but you need to confront ur demons mate.



>doesn't make what I said is false.

That puts the redstone computer I made to shame. Questions about your machine:

What operations can the ALU do?

How many lines of ROM does it have?

How long is an instruction?

Is it capable of jumping?

How many memory adresses does it have?

What is the ALU's bit width?

What is the time per cycle?

I got no clue what the hell this all is, but im interested,

can someone give me a quick rundown pls?

>smart sounding word or phrase for trying to impress people on Sup Forums with deception.

Complex circuits in a game

A person with little knowledge of code logic is attempting to appear like a genius by copy-pasting bricks in mine craft which act as "on off" switches.

So basically nothing important.

sooooo...wat it do?

wat is it supposed to do or mean?

Anyone who watches a YouTube video or two can recreate this in game and make a "calculator" with the calculating abilities of a 4 year old.

all this for a calculator?


What are circuits for?

but whats the use of this

>What operations can the ALU do?
Addition, subtraction, AND, OR, XOR and I think XNOR, it's been a while since I made it.

>How many lines of ROM does it have?
64. The ROM holds all the procedures for fetching and executing instructions

How long is an instruction?
10 bits long, with a 4-bit header and a 6-bit address field. It has a 16-bit data bus though, so you could make the instructions longer with only minor rewiring

>Is it capable of jumping?
Yes. This was one of the things I explicitly wanted it to be capable of.

It's a stack machine, which means it uses a LIFO stack to store variables instead of registers. This greatly simplifies the process of implementing subroutines.

To jump, you would do something like


and then the subroutine should have a RET instruction at the end.

>How many memory adresses does it have?
It uses 6-bit memory addresses, but I only implemented 64 of them due to space considerations.

>What is the ALU's bit width?
16. It operates on the two topmost stack elements

>What is the time per cycle?
Huge. I ran the clock at 10 seconds per tick throughout testing

Recreational, if you have autism like OP


That's pretty neat that you built a stack machine, it's a time consuming endeavor. Mine just reads instructions directly from ROM to the rest of the machine becasue I'm lazy.

eye c..

Don't feel bad, it was a huge waste of time in retrospect. I'm sure you could have done the same (probably even better)

It did teach me a bit about binary though, which I still use regularly. So I guess I got something out of it in the end.

None really, taught me a few things at best.

>python babby "coder" is assmad because he can't understand assembly

It's okay, you'll get better eventually.

Also, if it's not too much, do you think you could post yours? I would like to look around it.

cool opie, do ur thing

Maybe I'll try it someday in logisim. I'm done building things in this game.


trips of gay
you realize you're on /b right



>ALU constants
This actually sounds like something that would be incredibly useful.

Overall they both look excellent, good job user.

> I'm done building things in this game.
Same. Minecraft just gets oppressing after a while

>This actually sounds like something that would be incredibly useful.

They are fantastic for generating sequences and checking inequalities.

>Minecraft just gets oppressing after a while

But at least mcedit exists.

Where did your parents go wrong?

So you don't actually play the game - you just use an editor to create redstone circuits?

Once you've learned to build the basic logic gates, and flip bits in memory, everything else you learn beyond that is just abstraction away from the base game - the same abstraction you'd learn from the first couple lectures of any computer architecture or digital systems course. you've essentially dedicated a huge amount of time to learning a small body of knowledge, via an extremely esoteric medium...

I mean...have you tried using computer software that'll let you design and simulate circuits, without the minecraft or redstone pieces? You could build entire processors and computer architectures and simulate their performance. You might learn an actual skill - and you'd do it 1000 times faster, to boot.

Or you could use one modded block