Why is France so serious and no-fun allowed compared to Spain and Italy?

Why is France so serious and no-fun allowed compared to Spain and Italy?

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Because fuck you Brazil

Because France has big responsibilities

Because they are not Southern Europeans, they do not have that hot Mediterranean blood that flows throughout the veins of their depraved neighbors

but I liek France :3

fun is haram

Our germanic side

Because we're only half mediterraneans.
We're not inactive like mediterraneans, but we don't work as much as northerners, we're in the middle

because it's only half a latin country

the french aren't people

You can't compete with brits by having fun

fun is haram

Some of the most famous frenchman (Louis de Funes, Remi Gaillard) are famous jokers

>Remi Gaillard

They can't afford it. Unlike us and italians, France has no natural borders. It's like a second Poland. Even worse, they have the Eternal Anglo to the north and Magna Germania to the east.

So it's Agincourt and Verdun forever for France, while we and Giuseppe dinner pizza and gazpacho.

Their nobel tootonic blood

To think Rene Goscinny lived all his youth in Buenos Aires yet he never uttered a single word on spanish in his interviews

That delicious French-porteño accent lost forever

we're not even machines

>France has no natural borders


That would have been the logical evolution of the old burgundian realm at the beginning of the XVI, but then "something" happened and France lost his chance. Forever.

we have natural borders, where is our rich exquisite culture?

honestly you can do w/e you like or want here
except criticizing jews, this is the only thing forbidden here

and blacks
and arabs
and muslims/Islam
and homosexuality/LGBT bullshit
and trans """people"""
and feminists
and antiracism/antifascism

>and blacks
Muh racaille
>and arabs
>and muslims/Islam
Muh radicalisés
>and homosexuality/LGBT bullshit
Muh racines chrétiennes
>and trans """people"""
Litteraly no one talks about it
>and feminists
Muh sauvages
>and antiracism/antifascism
Muh casseurs


yes, but you guys tend to be more serious and less HUEUHEHUEU than italians and spaniards

I have noticed right wing people tend to think the various opinions they have are somehow "censored" by the media while right wing celebrities and journalist are free to publish anything

And at the same time, left wing fags are enclined to say that the media is overtly encouraging right wing ideologies because of the way information is treated and how they take a similar terminology

And you're both wrong, media cares only about your money so they'll throw out the most ambiguous, clickbait-y titles, terminology and situations to hook you up. And if the right wing magazines like "Valeurs Actuelles" are less popular than "Le Monde", it's because people don't care or don't agree, not because these views are censored.

Ofc, even things such as bfm or le point talk about these subjects this way because it sells.

I don't understand why they say we can't talk about it when the reality is that they not only talk about it but exaggerate them.

>media cares only about your money so they'll throw out the most ambiguous, clickbait-y titles, terminology and situations to hook you up
I don't think that's quite true.
I remember when Trump was elected, I go to my university campus and the entire journalism department is fucking crying.
I am 100% confident that they believe all of the bullshit they put out.

I would love a world where corporations were completely heartless and cared only for their bottom line. At the very least that would produce journalists who produce clickbait titles because that's what sells, so you could blame the state of society rather than systemic corruption in the media.

Unfortunately that isn't the truth, because we produce journalists that produce clickbait titles because they genuinely believe in their own lies, indicating a systemic corruption in the media and their utter refusal to adhere to journalistic integrity.

You're thinking of Italy, most Spanish posters are either the retarded get mad at everything type or clinical autists.

>I am 100% confident that they believe all of the bullshit they put out.

Imagine you make a "journalism" platform or site, and you're looking for max revenue. In this situation i would immediately hire the most extremist tumblrinas as long as they can shit out articles every day, this type of content is so polarizing i'll have the right, the left and even normies clicking and commenting. I don't care why people read, i do't care what they think, this is a pure gold mine.

Of course the journalists, most of them, are gullible enough to believe whatever they write, there are more powerful forces at play here

>I would love a world where corporations were completely heartless and cared only for their bottom line.
We're almost there pal, trust me

>you could blame the state of society rather than systemic corruption in the media.
I don't think it's healthy to have a media system that will constantly bait you with the most sensible topics, that are purely societal, your opinion about gays or minorities will not change the course of the economy or geopolitics. By constantly talking about these societal taboos we're diverting the attention away from more important issues.

True, it only took a rumor of a planed attack before the presidential elections to have 3 full days of "terrerism flesh speciels", instead of confronting the candidates and presenting what each of them was about. sad!


I love you America forever, I don't even care

France is the only Romance speaking country that should be taken seriously

france is a fun country

fun is haram

They are partly Germanic so no humor.

>And if the right wing magazines like "Valeurs Actuelles" are less popular than "Le Monde", it's because people don't care or don't agree, not because these views are censored.
uhhh m8 i have some news for you look at this pic
far right is definitely much more popular online

Not true, in private you can say whatever you want and very few people will get angry, even sjws

Try it if you don't believe me, i do and i am perfectly fine so far and i am in Paris of all places

I found a nics trick is asking the sjw if he/she is on the side of jews or muslims, or with israel or with palestine
Surprisingly few are competent enough to give you the official bullshit talk of how we should all live in peace somehow blah blah blah, usually they get embarasssed at their lack of knowledge, give up out of fear of offending someone and just change the subject

Anyways in public like workplace or uni do be careful though since in there you do risk getting kicked out by the stasi

Muhammad does not tolerate fun

>e&r is far right
Says who, Manu ?

German genes

oh come on
yes it's true soral is a fucking retard, dieudonné is unfunny, the jewish conspiracy angle and all is a bit too muslim-friendly,, etc

but honestly they called to vote fn in the end, and what with their popular success they probably won a lot of votes
ultimately they are still in the national camp

i mean they regularly deny the holocaust let's not pretend this doesn't make you far-right to 99% of normal people

i don't even believe their ideas but they are objectively a good thing for the far right