Will answer any questions about science you're too lazy to google

Will answer any questions about science you're too lazy to google.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Piccolo green?

How much poop is there on earth at any given time

Why is anything green?


About tree fiddy


What is love?

How come girl cows got 4 peckers, and boy cows just got one?

baby dont hurt me

Anime worth watching?

The amount of biomass assimilated from one tropic level to the next is approximately 10%. The amount egested varies and is dependant on many other factors. However, as a rule of thumb, one can consider that the amount of faecal matter present in the Earth is currently 10% of the total mass of the consumer population.

pigs in north carolina alone produce more fecal matter than the entire eastern seaboard of humans combined. and it gets all dumped into lakes and rivers @_@

What is Kno3 and what are its uses.

Objects appear green as their atoms absorb all colours of light, but only reflect away the green component of light. This green light enters our eyes, and is perceived to us, as green. The type of lights that an object reflects or absorbs depends on the object's internal molecular structure, and its atomic structure, itself.

>The amount of biomass assimilated from one tropic level to the next is approximately 10%.
Did you mean "Trophic"?

Where is the Higgs Boson?

Is your mom heavier than the sun?

Who is blacker? A HOLE or NEIL DE GRASS TYSIN

How do magnets work?

As per our current understanding, studies claim that love is the result of chemical processes induced when an organism experiences a stimulus that is comforting to it. This stimuli can extend from hugging a mother, towards petting a dog, and is even conditional, with some enjoying malevolent acts as 'gore', per se. However, in each pathway, a consistent hormone has been identified. Oxytocin is currently the main hormone that is believed to transfer feelings of love within the body.

What is the derivation of movement (v)

Yes, excuse my haste.

How do Bitcoins work?

How can it be that i can predict gets?

Are we just fractals in a set

What does IP, MAC and OSPF stand for?

Great, how many pills of that do I need to take to love ?

Why daddy hits mommy?

Are all male Justin Biba fans gay?


potassium nitrate is a reactive salt that is primarily used as fertilizer for plants. The nitrate component provides a steady building material for plants to grow (providing amino acids and nucleotides required for DNA synthesis), whilst potassium ions are also used in a variety of enzyme complexes, as well as simple buffer solutions present in the plant.

What does the colocalization of Pax7 and Tunnel in an immunohistochemical stain represent?

thank you. What purpose does green serve though? Is it just aesthetic?

Can a llama spit faster than light?

The Higgs Boson is present throughout the universe, extending along with space and time.

Why do these guys think they're funny?

Is moot already dead?

N vs NP

Still waiting you fucking mensa larper

Is this kid ugly?

What science should I use to make my penor longer?

Do wild animals smoke weed to?

Can I build a computer from 100% scratch, not that lego build your own rig newegg shit?

What is more realistic: Star Wars or Star Trek?

What is googel?

No he bauetiful

Why isnt star trek written like star track, it would make more sense?

Turner foto

Could you be more precise with your question? Are you asking me how it was derived, that 'v', velocity is treated as the displacement of an object, 'x' as a function of time, 't'?

Shadow sportplatz

iPhone, Macintosh, and the third is an anagram

Otherwise she'll get an infection. These are too easy kid

Why can't science make limbs foor handocappers?

Is water wet?

It was already copywriten so they had to shorten it

Who invented sheets?

Light does not necessarily serve a function of any sort. 'Green' light has existed before humans have existed, and we define the range or the interval of light within which green light is present. These are all arbitrary definitions. There isn't any single function of light, nor is there any intention of an organism or any object to reflect ny said light.

As per our current understanding of Relativity theory, no.

Nobody knows, seriously!

What is the question? Would you like me to explain the problem to you? Would you like me to elaborate on one of the implications of the problem?

Can a box speak? No but a tin?

Because he is a grandson of hulk

Ugliness is subjectively defined within a population and depends on cultural and environmental factors (one can also argue that genetics, too, play a role). There is no absolute answer to any arbitrary question posed.

Your mom

No more

Both claim FTL. Anti-matter energy generation does not provide sufficient energy to travel faster than light. Both are unrealistic in terms of space travel.


This has been very enlightening, thank you

Everybody is ugly in their special way



What determines the heat capacity of different molecules?

The main difficulty in regeneration of limbs occurs due to rejection of the the external donor organ by the body's own immune system. Scientists are trying hard to bypass this, some turning into STEM research, which currently seems promising. Robotics, too, is also rising up in this field. Currently, we just lack testing and trials to establish the best method to go about regenerating physically handicapped individuals. But I personally believe that the future hilds much promise for these two fields of research.

The chinese


The magnetic force created by magnets arises due to the allignment of neutron spins within each atomic nuclei in the magnet. In order for neutrons to allign their spin onto another material, they have to exert a force onto that metrial. We observe this effect as 'magnetism'.


>you're too lazy to google
typing a full sentence is more work than googling, didlo puncher.

Electro magnetic fields are the shift of electric fields due to electrons moving with great numbers. So basically electro-magnetic is not the same as pole alingment. But it works the same way.

*Avira Safesearch

should i get 1 ounce of 20% weed or 2 ounces of 12% weed?


The heat capacity of any substance depends on the internal attractions within the substance. We will talk about intermolecular forces in this case. Intermolecular force is the force of attraction felt by any two atoms within a substance. Certain substances have a greater intermolecular force of attraction ( like solids) whilst other substances may have weaker intermolecular forces (like gases). So, a substance with a greater intermolecular force would have a higher heat capacity, whilst substances with a lower intermolecular force will have a lower heat capacity. This is because substances with a higher intermolecular force require more heat energy to break these bonds (A greater kinetic energy is required to overcome the potential energy).

can you tell me a good science joke?

Buy cannabis oil


Voltage floats

Yo mom so heavy she falls faster than light travels trough vacuum

Why are mountainscalers resistant to mosquitoes?

Because vectors and scalars don't cross.
Mosquitoes are vectors of disease, whilst mountainscalars are punned as 'scalar'. You can evaluate the vector cross product of a scalar and vector quantity.

Sometimes I wish I had quads or quints

Heard that before

Yor mum is a muslim

I got dubs see

government doesn't sell it yet

Ih gut dubs sea

Dubs income

Allow me to share another,

the red blood cell deeply desired to have been oxygenized. Alas, it was in vein.



Most people dismiss it as no. But a group of researchers looked into. Looking at changes in people's outlook and mental states before and after watching anime they have concluded that. No. Anime is fucking gay and it makes people retarded neck beards who merry animated women

The Bishoo of canterbury will or will bot be pleased with trips

How many times i can repl to my own post?

Number 8