What's in the box?

What's in the box?

Other urls found in this thread:


nothing to be honest fampai

Ayesha's ovaries, the real creator of Islam

"The Black Stone". It's a meteorite that Muslims believe absorbs the sins of people who make contact with it.

Every time a Muslim prays in the direction of Mecca, they're in actually playing to that.

So, yeah, Muslims worship a motherfucking rock.

What's in the urns?!


a goat


what would happen if someone nuked, or just simply bombed it?

Looks like a vagina

Probably billions of venomous spider egg sacs.

Only some people can get inside
1. It's not inside, you can see it and touch it from the outside
2. Muslims don't head towards the black stone when praying, just the kaaba
I've been there

The world would be a better place

kek. When /pol gets into the Kaaba...

>fell from the sky and become black after being filled with sin
>was previously worshipped by pagans as an idol alongside 350 another false deities
>it told muhammad to retcon everything that God said previously
so basically the muslims worship satan?

I wish this was the first post. At least it was funny.

It's your shine box, so I'm guessing shoe polish.

Duh. As do the Jews.

sup reddit

I bet Mohammad fucked that space vagina and had a blast when his followers started kissing it.

Decapitated head or heads, it's been a while and it is big so there could be more than one head in there.

The 72 virgins.

Apologies friendo