I have mice living in my apartment. Wat do?

I have mice living in my apartment. Wat do?


You have to cut off their entrances into the building, but that isn't your job. It's the job of the landlord.

get a cat

Get a glue trap and cum on the ones you catch

Welcome them as guests and feed them cheese and crackers.

charge rent

It's funny you say that because I've literally done that.

Put cereal on a glue trap

They actually don't fuck with cheese but love cereal for some reason

literally this. the most simple solution you can do.

Charge them rent, fairs fair.

Honestly an idea I'm considering. I work alot but cats take care of themselves so it should be fine

>it's getting cold out
>house is old but lived here all my life
>never seen a mouse inside my house
>until this year
>for some reason faggot field mice wanna come stay warm in my house like they own the place
>buy mouse traps
>catch a few, kill a few
>haven't seen one in a few weeks.
>only saw about 4 total.

They're annoying but its not as bad as you think. Doesn't necessarily mean you're dirty. Sometimes they just find a way in. Just buy some traps and get rid of them.

Build a mouse empire.

Feed them and pet them and name them George.

Get a cat

Make those freeloaders pay rent. Build an empire.

Oh if you buy the traps where they actually trap them instead of killing them, i would take them at least 3 miles away from your house. Those little faggots are crafty and will find their way back.

Then strangle them to death

Who is stupid enough to do that shit anyway

kill your nig neighbors

I had to buy a few of those because my brother brings his dog over frequently and she's a dumb curious dog. So we put the non-kill ones around any place she might get into so she wouldn't poison herself or get herself stuck.

>wake up one day and go to take a shower like every afternoon
>see a little fuzzball looking thing on the carpet by the front door, not wearing glasses and think nothing of it
>walk by again and noticed its moved a bit
>realize this is a tiny babby mouse just chillin, poke it a bit and it doesnt even move
>looks either really tired or on the verge of starvation
>sneak up behind it with a glove and kinda grab it by its sides, it freaks out a bit and and I get it resting on my finger
>just kinda put it on the grass out front, check on it a bit and it was basically in the same spot until nightfall
>try to feed it peanut butter since I heard mouses love that shit but he doesnt want it and I just kinda smear it on the grass near him
I'm guessing a cat snatched him up or something since he was gone when it got dark out, was kinda cute too


Keep them as pets

Was it alive?



How many times did you do it? And how long did you keep it around for?

Only once, had this one for a few hours. My new place doesn't have mice so I can't do it anymore.

A few options here OP

- Sonic repellant. They are expensive and do not always work. But if you're lucky you'll never have mice again.

- Traditional traps. Fairly effective. Bait with peanut butter for best result. Don't handle with bare hands or else they will smell you on the trap and get suspicious.

- Poison bait. Highly recommend Tomcat brand. Super effective. Not a good choice if you have cats or dogs though as eating a poisoned mouse will make them very ill.

Best of luck my dude.