What are some ways to make people miserable...

What are some ways to make people miserable? I want to devote the rest of my life to making others suffer in different ways, maybe taking their mail, shitting in their food, sending messages to ruin their relationships, exposing their secret thoughts about their friends and family or powerful people, instigating fights, getting people to trust me and then betraying them, encouraging/reinforcing destructive behavior or building up their confidence so they go and embarrass themselves, abandoning them in times of need, etc.

What for?

Some men are born with the soul purpose of revenge

Or don't and be a decent person.

Did you fail a final or something?

You should be sleeping because you have school tomorrow also don't cut yourself on that edge fgt

never tried it

Funny how edgy everybody is until someone else comes on with something right up their alley and then everyone turns into saint Anthony

Have you ever heard of a book called diary of an oxygen thief? It was written by anonymous

>maybe taking their mail,

Please come do this. I get literally nothing but junk in my mailbox. I haven't gotten anything worthwhile in over a month. You'd make my heart happy if you stole my mail. I'd even pretend to be really pissed about it so we'd both be happy.

Anons are contrarian to the bitter end I suppose.

Go to a condom factory and poke holes in every condom you see


I was just kidding about the op post. I was going to write something more extreme but then I feared I might get party vanned

Being edgy is a meme

It's fun to watch but dangerous to perpetrate. Usually ends up in jail, injury, death, or just permanent alienation and ridicule. Once someone else is doing it, you can live vicariously through them and not suffer the consequences.

watch all those edges

Do u ever wonder why your shitty parents raised you to be a miserable person?
Ppl who are in pain love inflicting pain on others.
Fix your low self esteem. Loser

Nope, the people that do this are happy and just being natural. Suppressing the urge makes you unhappy, which is what you are. Your happiness will come from being contrarian and attempting to ruin my fun. That shows what a miserable person you are. Sad.

They're being babysat

Do this:

Go to home depot or walmart
Buy a rope, painkillers and a gun
Get a jerrycan of petrol and a lighter
Lie down in front of a train, tie your neck around a heavy object, take some painkillers and light yourself on fire.

You'll annoy so many people and we still get to be rid of you.

Do heroin and blame your family