It's September 10th, 2001

It's September 10th, 2001.

You know what will happen tomorrow, and you have 24 hours to convince the thousands of people going to work that day not to go to work, and to tell the whole world basically what will happen in the future.

How do you achieve this without being seen as a psycho who needs mental help? How will you be taken seriously?

I would just tell the cia that I'm a time traveller and I know what will happen and they have to try and stop it and if they don't believe me then ...

Would tells to every hobo to come for a free lunch at 8.

Pull the fire alert / issue a bomb threat to the concerning planes

Just make a Bomb threat, the will evacuate

CIA were in on it though theyd just kill you because you unknowingly identified yourself as a threat to their plans

So you are risking going to prison to save 3000 lives.... No thanks. They can fuck off if they don't believe me.

>Try to tell people, no one would listen.
> Once it happens, get hunted by government wanting to know how I know.

Nope. The only solution is to do nothing, play the lottery and be a billionaire 16 years later. Maybe invest in some bitcoin.

This. Also Hillary would've added another body bag to her collection

>maybe invest in bitcoin

Are u retarded? Are you afraid of btc to crash?

Being from the future, I'd know when it crash?

It's now gambling if you know how it ends.

The moment you tried to stop the governments plan to further fortify imprisoning americans into economic slavery you would be killed and it would be ruled out to be suicide.

Provide the name Mohammed Atta to the FBI and Boston airport authorities. Provide information that he had had flight training, was a known al Qaeda associate, and was planning an imminent attack. If he was in custody it wouldn't have gone through.

if anyone tried that they wouldn't be alive the next day

Only 24 hours? I'll stop the attacks. I give you my word.

Dude let a nuke go off and kill 12000 odd people lmao.

if there was no time at all to prepare it wouldn't be easy to stop the Plane hijackings since personally out cold I would not remember enough details. most likely. who would believe me at the airports?
if I could prepare and have my phone with me I could show somebody future videos...etc

This probably...

Ching chong ching chong

He wasn't there. He was miles away.

grab your balls and do it?

>purchase and set up cameras everywhere
>get the best footage of the entire event
>sell footage to highest bidders/news etc
>bet on horses I already know is gonna win
>pic the right numbers
>invest in companies I know will grow
>be billionaire some years later

Is it like ground hog day and we jist experience 9/11 forever or until we figure it out?
Count me in.

>Ground Zero Day

I want them to go work because i want them to die

i'd probably get some big sandwich boards that i could wear with some warnings written on them, then stand outside the WTC all day shouting loudly, so that everyone could hear me, that armageddon was coming and everyone had to stay home tomorrow. If that doesn't work, then some people just don't want to be helped.

I turned nine that day.

>Ground zeros day

Best answer

You are motherfucker bitch

You would stop 9/11 by assassinating George Bush, the current president at that time. The assassination of a sitting president would dwarf the deaths of 3000 people, making the attacks less impactful (No pun intended), if not stopping them completely.

You are gay

Call in a terrorist threat and get the building evacuated

Only when I'm not sad

its called a payphone. Its 2001.

wat he sed

Kek, the kids here have no idea what that is..
90% of this thread was probably born after 2001.

He is prob a millennial. No idea what a payphone is

Haha yea thats what i was thinking.

I would just buy a camera and wait so I can sell the footage to News peoples.

Do nothing to avoid the long circumcised dick of mossad

You guys are all discussing for nothing this is lit. just the solution.

The future might turn out totally different just by you being there at all.

>The future might turn out totally different just by you being there at all
What if doesn't change at since he's already been there?

Yeah, this is the one time where calling in a bomb threat would actually be a good thing to do. You best get back on that time machine soon after though.

I hate Niggers
- John McClane

I'd short the major indexes with all my money

I would wait until the next day break into all of their houses and steal all their stuff because you know they won’t need it anymore.

That's also what I always like to believe. Good argument.


to stop the people in the towers from dying bomb threat is the most reasonable idea.
yet there is another thing to consider. the whole stop Hitler idea. would our world be better if there wasnt hitler/the holocaust? how would we as mankind have evolved if there wasnt a gruesome example of what we are capable of? maybe another hitler type would have come 10 years later and made much more of a mess due to technical advances.

so if there was no devastating 9/11, maybe sandniggers would have made something even worse a few years later...

Well, I'd probably tell them that Luke dies.

I don't know how this would play out from Finland.
how long it would take me to realise and find out how to make a bomb threat call at the towers in time. That would basically sound the most reasonable thing. nobody would believe me. no time.

Simple call a bomb threat in

does kylo kill snoke?

lol i thought the same thing haha what a small world isnt huh guys :) love u

Yes, he does. Quite sneakily too. Stealthily spins a lightsaber around next to Snoke and activates it, cutting him in half.

Buy bitcoins.



Light a fire on the bottom floor and the top floor.
See which one gets to the middle first. I already know it'd be the bottom, but wouldn't it be fun to see the top win?
>not to go to work
Who'd work in a burned-out building?

And what if Hitler gassed the jew who was about to invent chocolate hover boots?

I would just call in a bomb threat then they would clear the buildings.

>being this naïve

Call in a bomb threat at 7 Am 9/11/01

They would evacuate and be saved.

No one would know who you are.

well, thats the philosophical dilemma.
the quesion ist how much was avoided because there were comparisons made to hitler or the holocaust.

I would have to the see the future in what way I would save 9/11. Every act to safe 9/11 is a different future, so I would chose the one where when its 2017, I mean financial stable with a balanced healthy addiction of alcohol, marijuana. While being the guy that saved 9/11 and created whatever shitty things that would happen after I stopped 1 shitty thing in the world.

Bets on the Jets.

Buy Bitcoins, drive to NYC, and pic out s great place to take pictures so I can capitalize on dank 911 memes.


1 hour before attacks, go around and pull fire alarms to make people evacuate

I'd deactivate alarms before you arrive

Stay at home, watch the news roll in, and lots of Fap

Best Fap day ever

So many of you btards got yourselves on another list.

I would short airline stocks, and invest money in some companies that produce supplies(guns, vehicles,etc.) for the military.

I'd pee in your mouth and shit on your chest.

I would let it happen and short sell all the crashing stocks

What did he mean by this?

Implying I wouldn't short airline stocks and wait a day.

I agree with this. Most likely thing to happen would be alerting authorities with vague info about the actual facts leading up to the event and only telling them what will happen. Best chances of stopping thus would be to know where some of the hijackers lived and preventing them getting to the airport. But then you would also probably be just delaying another terrorist attack.

i would simply not help

who gives a fuck about dying murifags? i'm actually glad that they died

Go to top floor with a few dozen parachutes and sell to highest bidder

Get a plane and destroy the twin towers by myself

Buy anti-aircraft gun and shoot the planes down before they hit the towers. Allow the masses to carry me around NYC as they chant "hero". Appear on multiple talk shows, get rich.

Feik and ghei

That day I was in a plane flying to a nearby country. 8 hours in the plane seeing the flight staff nervous, shat bricks when landed and knew what happened

You almost got me mate

step one: high jack a plane
step two: joust jihad
step three: die a martyr

That's cold lmao.

They'll just push you off the roof and steal your parachutes

Try to get to New York. Go to a safe but close enough distance to watch the whole thing go down. Nobody is probably gonna believe some kid, might as well watch

Not doing it
But spending my money on high qualoty cameras to get better footage from better perpectives

I don't believe in premonitions, so I'll probably do nothing and be very surprised the next day.

You all muricans overestimate the second amendment

You do realize AA guns in NY and literally all of the world are illegal for citizen use right? Only military

Bet you were a cutie.

This guy gets it

Buy Sup Forums domain.
Invent Sup Forums as the original facebook.
Drive to wherever Cuckerberg is. Shoot him solidly in the head.
Create facebook on Sup Forums's domain and create Sup Forums on facebook domain and quietly kek as normies flood Sup Forums and degenerates flood facebook. *Laughs Secretly*

tbh would be epic of to punch holes in the jet as it approaches if he got his (((legal))) 50 cal to the roof of wtc

Your an ugly fuck

9/11 wasn't such a tragedy, it's not like it was Pompeii or Hiroshima.

Pompeii never forget

I would tell them once, maybe twice if they actually seem convinced. If not then just not show up to work and say fuck em

9/11 was a tragety because us citizan were stripped of their constitutional rights because of it.

It's not like they ever did anything with those rights anyway.