Who else uses Efrexor? I've been on it 3 weeks

Who else uses Efrexor? I've been on it 3 weeks.



Effexor? As in venlafaxine?
I took it for about a year. Had memory problems. Literally stopped feeling pain or fatigue. Shit got crazy. I started to get fits of rage, killed my kitten during one. Decided to cut it out cold turkey due to that, as my wife was pregnant.
I'm doing better now but over two years later im still having withdrawal effects. This chemical is fucked up. It did irreversible things to my brain, as it's meant to.

Gonna need more info on the kitten killing.

Felt slightly better on it after 5-6 weeks, but it was impossible for me to get orgasm. Hours of sex aren't fun if there is no end in sight. I quit after 3 months.

Tried an anti-depressant once. I couldn't sleep, I was vomiting daily, and the depression was so much worse.

I'll leave my brain chemistry alone, thanks. Mild intermittent depression is just fine.

I was on it for a couple months. Made me angrier and indifferent toward everything. I stopped taking it and I feel like my memory is worse as well. I went through a solid week of withdrawal symptoms that were serious enough that I couldn't work. I would avoid it OP.

I would get hysterically pissed over the littlest shit, especially if I missed a dose by even five minutes.
Basically it wanted to go explore and I wanted to pet it. Got pissed, smacked it real hard and it started jerking around all weird, stopped breathing, and died. Probably snapped it's spine.
That's when I knew I needed to stop taking that shit. Probably just didn't react well to my brain chemistry

Also, This. I could not even get hard. Which would then enrage me further.

Yeah. Like his address

I also found it very difficult to orgasm. That's a side effect I didn't see anyone talking about.

Makes you realise what real head fuckery is when you get on these things. Some people never come back. There's no proof SSRI class drugs help reduce depression

u wot m8

I take desvenlafaxine, which is what venlafaxine is metabolized into. Literally the only drug that works for me, tried at least a half dozen others and none had any significant effect. Only side effect is that withdrawal is a huge bitch if you run out.

Thanks for sharing. That must've been an awkward conversation.

OP here, been on it 3 weeks, 75mg. Missed one day and felt so atrocious at work I went home early. Fuck is this shit. That 24 hour break allowed me to empty my balls like confetti several times.

I'm on sertraline. works wonders for my anxiety but fuck all for depression. Can last like 2 hours in bed now lol which is fine with some people!

Ayy, always a silver lining.

Awkward conversation? I simply stopped taking it and stopped picking up the script. I have a bottle of the expired shit somewhere.
Yeah if I missed a dose by even five minutes I had to just cancel my whole day, even if it meant calling off work. I was so dizzy I was unable to walk, the room would spin, I would be puking and sick as shit the entire day, even after taking it.
When I stopped that was a rough month. Still get all those withdrawal effects almost daily, even years later

It's fucked. Especially since you can just ask for them and doctors will basically throw them at you. Meanwhile, they're taking away opiates from everyone because retards are ODing.

No, I meant about the kitten. I assume the thing didn't just vanish from everyone's minds.

yah and helps my insomnia. honestly its best decision I've ever made. You gotta do more than Just take meds tho. Gotta sort your life out...good food, exercising, socialising etc. i'll stop preaching. ~

I decided to try it instead of being addicted to 6mg clonaz a day. Maybe I'll. Just go back to booze and clon.



I have to imagine doing those other things would help more than the meds, tbh.

Plus worst part of it was I did and said shit I never would have done otherwise when I was on that shit.
I got my dick pierced, tried to fuck my sister in law, I even got into an argument with my neighbor once and tried to beat them with a horse whip. I was fucking psychotic on that shit.
Easy fix. I lied.
Yeah booze is my go-to now
I had anxiety so bad I couldn't function. Now I have anger problems instead due to that drug.

Yes, user. No matter how much you lie, talking about how your kitten fucking rolled off into the sunset is an awkward conversation.

I used to always do that. I mean that's my life but off my meds I turn into a social wreck. stable on 100mg so aint too bad.

>being an asshole to everyone
>"but... but it's really the medicine's fault, guys...honest...."

Take some responsibility, dude.

Well I was still on that shit, so I literally didn't care. I flat out told them the kitten got crushed by a box falling on it.
They were slightly upset.
I was more focused on the fact that all I could feel at the time was either emptiness or anger. Literally only felt angry.
So not really awkward for me at all.
Buried the thing and moved on.
And now I drink heavily so as not to think about it.
And I did take responsibility for it. I still did it. I made the choice to take that shit. It was my own stupidity and anger that caused all these events.
It's why I stopped taking it. Just because the medicine caused it doesn't mean it wasn't still my own fucking fault, retard. It just means the medicine was part of it. Which I myself caused. Meaning it's still 100% my fault.
Besides, I don't really give a shit what people think, I don't really view you all as equals, mentally or spiritually.

I take 75mg twice a day, cheaper that way. I've been on it for what... Five years roughly? I can't get off during sex, i don't get hard from foreplay but when i do finally get it up i fuck for a while, then it goes soft.

I feel like it really helps with my anger issues. I hate being on it though. The withdrawals are fucking awful, but not nearly as bad as some people here. My head spins like I'm drunk, i get sick to my stomach and dizzy, but that's it.

My advice, if it's doing what your doctor says it's supposed to, keep at it, but stay at the lowest dose possible. Gl Sup Forumsro.

Don't give a shit what we think, yet you'll spend all this time typing long passages to us. Interesting use of time.

Careful, OP. Don’t skip doses or try to get off it going cold turkey. Discontinuation Syndrome is some serious shit, and Effexor is one of the worst.

Took it maybe 8 years ago and I remember trying to jerk off on the toilet for about an hour. I got there. The toilet was covered in sweat.

Started taking it again a month ago and im horny ALL the time. Trying to do nofap to remain sane. Also taking Phenibut, Modafinil, Zinc, Magnesium, fish oil and just started with D aspartic acid.

Couldnt imagine doing something like killing a kitten in a fit of rage though

What else to do with my time?
I'm literally just explaining that while these medicines will help some people, others it will cause problems. Believe it or not these things change you. Neurochemistry is not something to fuck around with lightly.
But how I entertain myself is none of your retarded business