I'm 34 years old, poor and may possibly lose all income in a month or two. RATE MY GAMES!

I'm 34 years old, poor and may possibly lose all income in a month or two. RATE MY GAMES!


And explain to me why Fortune keeps doing that with all the pictures I take, they are not like that on my computer.

I said Sup Forums

Does that dock charge your controllers for you?

Where is Persona 5?


Get Skyrim you dick.

Apparently OP is not a weebo faggot like you are.


Well fucking fix it.

Not yet it has some goofy European plug and I have to buy an adapter for a normal outlet

I see that they are in an almost proper order from best to worst except that The Witcher 3 should be above Horizon and Driveclub should be right above Deadpool

European plugs are the exceptional and English ones are truly the greatest in the world.
Can't even power electronics correctly

You're right that they can't even power
electronics correctly that's why I have to buy an adapter

I know for a fact Witcher 3 was better than GTA V in every aspect imaginable. Let's stop pretending here, friend.

Gta v
Uncharted 4
Deadpool (should just throw this one away along with any God of War game that someone might buy you as a gift)

Deadpool is good, Uncharted 4 is some bullshit story I couldn't get into. TitanFall 2 is decent, Final Fantasy XV made me rage quit, Witcher 3 is over rated, Horizon Zero Dawn is shit, Drive club is not my kind of game, GTA 5 is the best game you've got, Dark Souls 3 is a pain in the ass and Bloodborne is way too god damn hardcore.

Faggot can't even get his photo rotated before posting.

Fuck off console kiddie.

Found the casual peasant, guys. How exciting for everyone.

Go fuck yourself, normie.

I have the Platinum for the game and a beat the game at bl4 and the dungeons at BL 58 o p here using voice to text

good, good, trash, hypertrash, decent, trash, hypertrash, decent, meh, edgy


Your PSN name is kitty toe?

Yep I got it because I'm a faggot that had a crush on Kirito from Sword Art Online except in the English dub it sounds like everyone is calling him kitty toe

What the fuck are those bottles?

Piss they're my piss bottles

>I'll take the thing that hurt my feelings and throw it back

Fucking got em' coach.

Those are my anabolic brain steroids.

Look how the mighty have fallen.

>console pleb
>sony playstation
>tfw no persona games

Hey ..psst.. make a pyramid. 5,4,3,2,1 with 2 bottles to the side. I am sure it will look much cooler

pleb who levels up in bloodborne? Literally beat the game with out that shit. Not really a souls game.

Bl4 is level 0 nub

What are you some sort of a 15 year old contrarian hipster?

Need my glasses lol but still. Dungeons were pretty easy too.

did you say Deadpool is edgy? fucking normie

Yeah Deadpool is edgy as fuck. First thing that happens when you load the game is fucking heavy fucking metal!!! And if you sit there on that screen for a while he'll get up and knock on your screen and ask "psst... you got any GURLS in there?"


Oh really well here's a question and if you would answer it wrong I'll turn you into a bonfire.

How does one defeat the loran darkbeast?

There is no excuse for not knowing because it's something that no one could ever forget and runs a common theme throughout the game.

You throw a bone through a crack in a door and he jumps to his death trying to fetch it!

I havent played it since I beat it so kind of forget but every single boss has a pattern and a weakness. Just buff your weapons with pots, dodge untill safe, attack ,rinse repeat. Im not saying it didnt take me a bit hitting so low lmao.

no ds 1 consider suicide

Why with what you just said I can be 100% certain that you have never played the game. I bet both of my testicles on it

No that's dork souls

Pattern wtf? You mean you psychic on rng? Potions? wtf

You are now a woman with a huge clit
I call every consumable pots lol. not psychic no lol just played demon souls and ds games religiously. Bloodborne is the most casual thing in comparison

No you are just some PC or Xbox fanboy that won't get a PS4 to play blood-borne so you just pretend it sucks to cope with your loss