Can we get more sad pictures Sup Forumsro's?

Can we get more sad pictures Sup Forumsro's?














my phone took this pic accidentally
if only I knew I'd never be walking by her side again..



or both.



TyTy: the ultimate ghoster

Part of me says it's fake, and the other one cries.


That right there is why I would rather have the few people in my life that love me die first. I can cope with it, but I believe they can not

tumblr-tier cringe shitfest. whether or not Sup Forums had these threads in the "good days" does not change that better quality feels content exists than this.


Prove it

My nigga Lewis with the facts.





god thats just fucking depressing

Is anyone here homeless? My roommate is leaving for a month to Florida so I have some space for you. I live in W WI, btw



Go back to InCel

Some of the best people in my life have been cats.

This isn't reddit fag, aren't you a little far from home?

I love mine but he didn't enjoy cuddling that much

It's so true. I mean, I always had funny suspicions of how shallow and cowardly modern women are, but these last two years especially have made me absolutely despise them. Every now and again when the topic comes up among my male coworkers when we're out at happy hour, I'm forced to just shrug and say "eh, I'm waiting for the right one, she's waiting for me" when in truth I just can't be bothered with them anymore.

I suppose what will befall them when all the good men are gone is some kind of righteous divine judgment. I just wish sometimes it would come sooner just to get it over with.


It is true, but thankfully it's not all women. From my experience, it's not even most women. Most women just kind of float through life, taking someone else's lead (parent, grandparent, teacher, friend, whatever), and they aren't the best judges of character and instead usually settle for what they know and whoever is available to influence them, and there's a lot of very stupid people eager and adamant to give very bad advice, so it's not all women, and it's a correctable situation, not the end of evolution for mankind or anything, just some isolated and temporary cultural insanity (this shit doesn't happen with good Catholic girls from, say, Mexico).

But the women that are evil like that, are always like that, they lie, cheat, steal, etc. But you can find someone like yourself if you really look. They're all over, and just like you, they are sick of the bullshit.

Here's the kicker. The good girls aren't here to entertain you, just like the good boys aren't here to entertain girls. They don't have to be extra nice, they don't have to get attention, they don't have to go out and find someone, because they are whole already. Just like you. Right?


source on artist?

And that's a joke I've also cracked with my guys out drinking. One of them, Dave, was getting antsy because, like me, he was in a similar situation and couldn't muster the will to approach any of the barflies and floozies around us, and he's sitting around the guys and staring at some of the couples around us until finally he says, "Mike, I tell ya, I wonder where the hell we can get any of these broads to behave. Where do guys like us have a chance picking up a girl who doesn't run around and actually likes standing by their man?"

To which, after a glass and a half of wine, I respond, "church".

My friends erupted with laughter, but looking back on that, there was probably more truth to that quip than I ever gave myself credit.


makes me feel more cozy than anything else tbh


That's just deluded. He set himself up for that depression.


I'm not the other guy but

I'm just now starting my 20s and I've run into nothing but bad. I try and date around but unless I'm.just hooking up. It never turns out right. My last ex lied and told me I was the father of her child. She lied of course. About it all. But since that day I've had trouble just making connections with people. I might try to hookup every now and then but I don't trust them for the slightest and I will lose all interest on the slightest red flag. My problem is that I just don't trust any women I'm even slightly Interested in so for the last half s year. I've been pretty much going loner at it all. Hoping that my move next year will make things better. Got my couple friends that I will say I trust with my life and we are moving in together at a uni.

Also. Every girl ive gotten close to and/or gotten attached to has had a traumatic experience eventually. Usually dead family members. Dead babies. Dead cousins grandmother's. Mother's. Or one that got disowned. So who knows

Well, yeah. But you're too smart and sophisticated for that, right? No time for the dumb unpeople of Jesusland. Better to troll for trollops who think nothing of abandoning you for the next stack of money or hit of whatever vice they prefer.

This is one sad monkey


Great thread

Whoa man I never said that. And if I let that on, I apologize. I am a Christian. Just haven't found the right church to make my Sunday morning travels a routine.

yeah i dont hop on much but I feel like i never see any feels threads anymore

contribootin' fellas
It has passed midnight and I can't sleep


Brilliant thread.



That other guy who just responded to you wasn't me. But yeah, I'm christian, also, and it's definitely the loss of religion in the US and in other affected countries.

When you tell a woman she's he own master, they think that means whatever inane nonsense they come up with becomes valid by its existence. There has to be some structure, whether cultural or religious, or shit becomes corrupt fast. There's a reason women are historically dominated. It's the only way the system works.

And by domination, I mean the biblical sense. Dominion, as in, care, maintenance, safety, security, order, not ballgags and ropes.



Kek. I was in that thread.


Well, everyone is different. I think most young men are hung up on the same thing young women get hung up on, "Social status based on appearance", which seems entirely the purpose of courtship in the teenage years, but is entirely obsolete before it ever actually mattered, as the focus should be on the character of the individual, and your mutual compatibility as people.

the world's so small, after all

Why are any of you even here? This is a feels thread, not a cuck party.


We're not cucks. And we're everywhere. Expect us.


Meanwhile, you don't even know what a cuck is.

this insomnia will drive me crazy one day
or dead



i'm sorry, i don't understand, could you explain it to me ?

more of an overused meme than anything else

It seems like I just have a lack of real I interest. I had a date with a girl I would give a 7-8 depending on the day. I ended up cancelling because I would rather just go spend a day with my grandmother. It seems the people I date or be with are never truly compatible. And I don't believe my paranoia and lack of trust and disinterest helps. I know not all women are terrible or cheaters or liars. They can't possibly be. But why are the ones I always get close to like that. I try to hide my wealth before I meet them tbh so as far as I know it hadn't been about money yet. If I get that treatment like putting my keys or wallet on the table during a dinner and then they are truly loveydovey and nice. Then I don't call them ever again.

You can see the man in the picture sitting in the dark in the adjacent room of the woman's room, looking out in the last panel of the comic.....

cry me a river you cringe ass pieces of shit
square up

>We're not cucks
>Expect us
I expect feels, not pity

low qual


Sure, let me break it down to you panel by panel.

1. Guy takes his date home to her apartment.
2. He helps her to bed as is preparing to join her when he sees something
3. It's a picture of his date with an elderly man that he recognizes....
4. He leaves, and we see the woman looking out in confusion as to what happened as her date walks away, while the man in the picture sits looking out the window of the dark adjacent room...

there are many shopped versions of this image, but this is the real and original, unaltered drawing by the artist.

Legit laughed

sure it's bait
if that makes you happy
but for real dude
grow up

This love is something else

do you even know what the word means, dude? get real. If anything the posts are specifically about NOT being a cuck.

hehe xd bro!


The lump in my throat is real.

>inb4 the lump is a cock.


We can only understand the world through our simplified models as reality is far more complex than any human's ability to truly understand it completely.

And in a very real sense, when we then imagine those models to be reality, that is indeed a profound and pervasive illusion that we entertain as a people.

>I don't like being called a cuck
Sorry "MGTOW"

Enjoy being retarded. I don't even play Magic the Gathering.

Weirdly enough. It's my grandmother that is most pushing me to not get married and instead live my life like my uncle. Helping society while also beeing able to so whatever he wants when off work. No family. So he has sent me pictures of his drinking with celebrities. And smoking weed with Motocross professionals. (My whole family has raced Motocross around the country). I don't know the celebs tbh he had a story and whatnot. But the other was Jeremy mcgrath and Ricky charmichle. I don't know if I spelt them right

what happened?