What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

Is it even a good question?

Isn't it to reproduce? All living organisms do it. It's the only thing that keeps us going. Naturally there's nothing else I can think about. You could also argue the meaning is to push forward the human race as a society technologically, politically, etc... And if you're failing to do that you should kill yourself.

Getting as many girls as you can to submit like this

Don't think there is one. We're just dumb monkeys that got too smart in a short period of time. Our Hunter and gatherer brains are still in shock from all the shit that were surrounded by. So we're trying to put meaning to satisfy our smart brains when there is none.

To find meaning in it...

live until life put you in your place,
give up be drained and die


Life is a journey, not a destination.

from a natural perspective, this

from a philosophical perspective, this


All living organisms reproduce, yes.

From its beginnings, life was reproducing. DNA emerged as a substance that replicated its form and the information contained in it, the configuration and order of nucleotides.

This information began to develop as an interface.

To reproduce is what life does. Meaning...

Reason. The "why."

Isn't the question simply too subjective?

thats like saying eating is

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women

To struggle

To love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.

Get rich or die tryin.

her delicious feet/ass

that girl's asshole

Whatever you choose it to be.

To get to the other side

How about: the purpose of life is to assimilate non-life into life?

And I think this is perfect for to consider as well,

Because we can look at DNA and organisms, and see that indeed they are all just turning non-life into more life, and there is a profoundly joyful insight to gain from this:

It is a truth that resonates to the utter core of our being that to look after our own well-being, to prioritize yourself first and foremost before any other individual, makes it possible to live in harmony with all other life.

Morality is a tool of life, when we look at life's purpose this way. Religion, government, language, business and economic activity, modes and forms... these are all tools of organizing our behaviors and systems in order to bring us into alignment with the purpose of allowing each individual to choose the best way to improve his condition.

But what's the point of reproduction for the sake of reproduction? Obviously all organisms do it, but for what purpose?


To die before "your" physical death comes. Look up ego death.

Here's hoping that no one will engage this guy.

But who the fuck am I kidding, it'll happen. Probably some spiteful faggot like "lol ima show this autist" before sperging out on his keyboard.

>doesn't understand philosophy at all

Your parents brought you to life so you can suffer.

the purpose is to fill your life with bullshit as a distraction of how miserable you feel. fill your existence with alcohol drugs and then eventually die.

"Heaven is eternal – the earth endures.
Why do Heaven and earth last forever?
They do not live for themselves only.
This is the secret of their durability.
For this reason the sage puts himself last
and so ends up ahead.
He stays a witness to life,
so he endures.
Serve the need of others,
and all your own needs will be fulfilled.
Through selfless action, fulfillment is attained"


Meaning is a human idea. It doesn't exist outside of our experience.

>posts Daoist excerpts
>is called a jew

I know this makes me sound autistic but once i got high af on shrooms and figured out the meaning of life but forgot it when i woke up the next day but now i just believe we areto proceeate until our species can find out the answer to this question

Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night.

Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else.

Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. Streets stank of fire. The void breathed hard on my heart, turning its illusions to ice, shattering them. Was reborn then, free to scrawl own design on this morally blank world.

Was Rorschach.

Does that answer your Questions, Doctor?


That's quite an assertion!

Heidegger claims that Dasein is universal and necessarily connected to Truth; in fact he says that "Being is something which "there is" only in so far as truth is; Truth "is" only in so far as long as Dasein is. Being and truth "are" equiprimordially." (Being and Time, chapter 44, subsection 6, pp 230 in the German edition)

Assuming that you are a phenomenologist, as I presume from your assertion, how do you contend with Heidegger here?

There is no life in the universe.
The universe is infinite and life is finite. Any finite number divided by infinity is so small it can be ignored

That's not "autistic".

LSD and mushrooms are referred to as "truth drugs" for a reason. I doubt that you figured out the "meaning of life", but it opens your mind to the realization that all things are interconnected, codependent, and perhaps even derive meaning from one another through a dynamic, relational existence.

Thich Nhat Hanh says in the opening chapter of his book "The Heart of Understanding" "If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud,there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow; and without trees, we cannot make paper. The cloud is essential for the paper to exist. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here either. So we can say that the cloud and the paper inter-are."


lmao fuck off dude this is Sup Forums

All those lefty's telling us to read a book must have worked

f you want me to believe that meaning exists outside of the realm of human thought I need to see evidence. Otherwise I'm saying it's just an idea.

Consciousness is the universe experiencing itself

Our only obligation as conscious beings is to experience life, all experiences are valid. Doesn't matter if someone has the happiest or saddest life, in the end both are the same.

You're right, my mistake.

I guess you could say I'm one of those "lefty's" [sic] that tells people to read books.

Whatever you want it to be my dude

"Nothing in the world is bigger than the tip of a strand of hair sprouting in autumn, and Mount Tai is small.
None is longer lived than one who dies as a baby, and Master Peng Su died young.
“Heaven and earth were born together with me and the ten thousand things of the world and I are one.”

If you're not already familiar with Daoism, please do yourself a favour. The Dao de Jing and Book of Zhuangzi are available for free all over the Internet, and you can find Legge's translation with original text on www.ctext.org

true true

The person claiming that meaning is derived relationally through human experiential discourse immediately asks for evidence.

This is an interesting turn of events.

What is evidence if not simply another fabrication of human experience? If we take Kant's concept of the schema as given, then Time, Space and Causality are indeed a means to filter "reality" through our human minds and do not imply any objective Truth.

>What is the meaning of life?



Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nation.

but that's reasonable

fuck that

trump 2020

It depends on your perspective and philosophy.
It's late, I have nothing better to do, so I'm going to lay it on you.

Biological meaning: It's all about the survival of your DNA. That's it. You have sex to procreate. You eat and sleep to maintain your body to keep going ad nauseam. It is literally no deeper than this.

Emotional meaning: Specifically, your emotions tie in to your biological meaning in that our ancestors' biology figured out through evolution that we have better chances of survival if we live in groups, so our brains evolved in such a way to make sure we stick with groups of a like-mind. However, our emotions also produce brain chemicals that we as human beings find pleasurable, and we use "deep" meanings to justify any addictions to them as a result. This is where the notions of the meaning of life being true love, friendships, and family come from.

Logical meaning: Epitomized by the phrase 'life is what you make it'. You find or create meaning for yourself and that suffices.

All of these are layered so that the deeper you go (the closer you move towards biology), the more profound the meaning will be to you, ESPECIALLY if you find a purpose that lines up on all three levels. That would be the True meaning of life to you.

That's pretty much it really. I just saved you tens of thousands of dollars in psychology and philosophy courses.

Been looking into Buddhism but it seems to be a pretty escapist religion running away from suffering and trying to remove it.

Gonna look into it, thanks.

>That's pretty much it really. I just saved you tens of thousands of dollars in psychology and philosophy courses.

Don't listen to this user. Anyone who tells you "this is it" in 500 words or less carries no authority to "lay it on us".

The only one that I'm even slightly inclined to agree with is the biological meaning, though the assertion that "it is literally no deeper than this" is specious at best.

If you consider Buddhism "escapist", then you will likely believe the same of Daoism.

But it should be said that when one truly "gets it" in Buddhism, Zen or Daoism, it is not an escape at all.

I'd recommend Chogyam Trungpa's "Meditation in Action", specifically the chapter on Patience.

I can give you scholarly articles dozens of pages long that will basically sum it up the same. They just do it in what I would consider to be more egregious details than what I just explained. I just summed up my years of study.

Watch Jordan Peterson and he'll add much more flare and flowery words to it, but he'll basically hit the same points I just made.

Not very inspiring, is it? Well, if you wanted inspiration, then go watch motivational videos on YouTube, I'm just an user giving you the realistic, and probably pessimistic, jist. Do what you will with this.

Maximizing entropy, the is literally nothing else

The central philosophy of Buddhism is to reduce suffering. That's pretty escapist I think.

Enlightenment is not really an escape though, it's more like acceptance.

I think controlling the mind and forcing it to think in certain ways is not escapism if it is done for the simple act of controlling the mind. If it is done so you can remove suffering and be happy then it is escapism .

Evolution has no goal. We just live and reproduce. Enjoy live while you can.

Do you have more of this girl?


I heard Jordan Peterson on Sam Harris. He seems like a shithead. Overrated as fuck.


>I can give you scholarly articles dozens of pages long that will basically sum it up the same.

Please do. And then you will have to contend with the following argument that a scholarly article is not absolute truth; in fact, I could provide more scholarly articles that argue the opposite of what you claim.

For instance, you deny the possibility of Jungian analysis; the possibility of a collective unconsciousness undermines your argument on "emotional meaning" by taking the emphasis off of the individual and moving it to the archetype.

And your "Logical meaning" is ridiculous. You somehow equate logic with human experiential discourse, though I'm not sure how you found that conclusion. Logic and phenomenology are generally incompatible unless you misspoke.

to die

Life is a fatal, sexually transmitted disease.

Answer: "To experience life". - God.

>from a philosophical perspective, this
BA in philosophy, you're wrong

If you look closely at her ass, you can see a tampon string.

>The central philosophy of Buddhism is to reduce suffering. That's pretty escapist I think.

That's what it seems like, at first. But then you start to learn that having a goal in the first place affirms an ego; with an ego, one has not found Zen, Dao or one's Buddhist path.

It seems escapist, but by the time you're ready to escape, it is no longer such.

There's a reason it takes a lifetime to master these studies.


I'm a few years into my PhD program, so I'm not convinced. Philosophy is very different at the undergraduate and post-graduate level.

There's no meaning of life. Meaning IN life on the other hand is subjective.

It's right there in your pic related, dumbass.



Try not to be a dick to yourself or to others.
Stand up for good things, and hate/fight bad things.
Find love and hope it doesn't ruin your life.
Don't spend all your time planning for the future (enjoy your life as much as you can, you only get one)
Find something that gives your life meaning, you don't want to die feeling like you never meant anything.
Accept that you are going to die, without turning to religion for comfort.

Needs more flexes and explosions.

she looks like one of those aliens from MIB who likes to drink coffees.

Nah. Reproducing feels good sure but as another user said so does eating.

Whoa hey what’s the similarity there? Turns out the meaning of life is to be happy and that’s it.

Its 43, they forgot to carry the one :)

To give your life meaning.

For men it is to find the heaviest burden one can carry, and carry it. And to become stronger so you can carry even more.

Any source on this pic?

Ask yourself what could be better, and what you could do about it.


>michael bay's next movie

yeah, gonna have to agree with the other guy. your assertions are shallow and only represent one of the many sides to each case

Do what you know needs to be done and is hard to do, because you know it needs to be done and it's hard to do.

That’s stupid. I’m happy not carrying shit lol

Same user

If you are asking about an objective meaning that can be fulfilling for everyone, you're out of luck.

The sun gives us a shitload of "free" energy, and we happen to live on a planet composed and positioned favourably for a continuous local defiance of the entropic principle. This means that under the right energy and matter conditions, nature organises itself into (relatively) stable repeating patterns. Evolution is about energy efficiency. That is what you are: the most efficient storage and propagation device that has arisen on earth.

I suspect this started as some kind of natural reaction to alter the atmosphere and landscape of the earth to a more stable equilibrium state, but I digress.

Knowing the truth of your existence doesn't give you meaning (other that you are damn well lucky to be alive), so you have to find the fulfilling part out for yourself.

That's fine!

But you imply "happiness" as necessary, when the other user didn't.

You have two completely different foundations, which means you can't apply yours to his and say that it's stupid because his doesn't fit yours.

Well, you can, but it looks... let's say, stupid and irresponsible.


Are you happy? Is being happy the meaning of life? Where does sadness fit into your life filosofy? Does it take into account the need for contrast? Does it consider the value and meaning inherent to pain?

Should you die happy or should you die proud?


Does LIFE increase entropy?

I'm not sure about this, user.

Life seems to organize matter.

Any thoughts on that? Can anyone else give us any insight?


Life is meaningless. In the event that we fail to migrate off the planet humanity will be destroyed along with all other life on earth as various effects from the sun will make the planet uninhabitable. As far as evolution goes we have plateaued or perhaps even regressed as current living stardards have made it so even the weakest and most faulty genes can be passed on. On the individual level one can argue that each person's life is both meaningless or of the greatest importance since the ripple effect of their existance could effect the world in countless unknown ways. Ultimately though the universe will die, all stars will extinguish and heat death will occur and the darkness will become all consuming rendering all that was before pointless.


Philosophy? Philosofy? Filosophy? I forget how it's spelt in english.

Think of a time you've felt pain, the first that comes to mind. Do you think that pain is meaningless? Does it not have meaning at least for you?