I used to work for a tech company in Calexico and we had customers who lived out in Ocotillo and Jacumba which are...

I used to work for a tech company in Calexico and we had customers who lived out in Ocotillo and Jacumba which are rural areas sorta hidden away.

One year ago today myself and 3 other men got sent out to map signals north of Ocotillo because apparently the signals were fuzzy and customers were having problems receiving calls and such. The only thing is that nobody lived out where they sent us.

They told us we would have to hike a few hours and camp out for the night while we do our work in a remote area. We were used to this kind of work nothing I hadn't done before except this time was different. We were hunted.

We parked our service truck near the foot of the mountains and started our trek up. This was around mid December so the heat wasn't too bad but we still had the risk of heat stroke so we each carried about 2 gallons of water. We started around 5 in the morning and by 9 we started noticing some strange things.


As we hiked up higher into the mountains we saw what looked like caves in the mountains. These mountains sorta look like somebody just dropped a bunch of rocks down in a pile and of course there would be little openings between the boulders but these openings were to big. Almost big enough to fit a person inside. They has this look as if somebody intentionally made them. We saw about 4-5 of these before we hit the summit.

We were tired from carrying our gear up so we rested before continuing on, I still had about 1 3/4 gallons of water left and so did the other guys they had about the same amount. Mind you that we were used to these types out journeys so we know not to drink too much water. We didn't use shitty plastic bottles either we had heavy duty equipment that would not break open if you jumped on it. ( I know because I tried)

All of our equipment was good quality and the rods we planted to A. Test the signals during the night/ see where and when the signals drop off and B. Help guide our way back down. They were about an inch of solid steel rods with the antennas on top reaching a height of around 4 1/2 feet. We would plant them on high rocks to be able to see them from a distance and so they had better coverage.

After we hiked for about 10 hours we set up camp and got ready to tuck in for the night by that time was sun was already setting and the only lights you could see were the faint flashing red lights of Plaster City and the tiny blips that were the cars on the highway. Nothing else. That's when things started to hit the fan. We each carried our own little MRE's and we had set up a basic campfire with some dry brush when we heard them. These things had followed us up from where the caves were up into the summit.

We had no idea we were being followed because nobody was paying attention but the signs were all there. Like I said before the mountains look like piles of boulders so it doesn't sound to


out of place to say that every once in awhile the boulders weight causes them to shift around and sometimes move. The sound of shifting boulders was them throwing rocks near us in an attempt to spook us. None of us noticed this even though it happened for hours. Next were the calls. We assumed because we were somewhat near the highway we would hear distorted sounds like honking and just the general air currents rushing through up the side of the mountain. The muffled screeching noises were coming from them. Their rally cry.

Now it's important to note that we had guns with us. I had my AR-15 that I had personally built and the other guys had pistols (B.P. knew we had the weapons because we sometimes did encounter animals like Mountain Lions so they were for our own safety.) Around 8 pm we were all sitting down playing a game of Bullshit and just chilling out and talking when we heard the first screech. It sounded like a barn owl but a lot louder and deeper. It visibly scared us all. We knew whatever had made that noise was within 100 yards of us. If you've ever a heard a mountain lion scream it sounds like a woman being disemboweled we had heard them before and knew immediately that it was not a lion.

I rushed into my tent to grab my rifle and head lamp while one guy pulled out his pistol from his side and the other dug in his pack for his mag light and got ready to see what was up. As I sat down and put a clip into my rifle we heard it again but this time louder. We knew that it was not the same "voice" someone else had spoken and this one was bigger. Its voice echoed in my ears and I damn near pissed myself. We knew these things were closing in on us. We didn't know whether it was to just investigate us or to attack us. Again we heard the smaller one screech but this time it was followed by rapid clicking noises. Like someone was tapping a pencil on a desk but it sounded heavier like a 4 foot solid steel rod on a rock

Is it skinwalkers? It's skinwalkers isn't it?

While digging in his sack Arturo found 3 road flares that we normally only use in an emergency (in case someone broke their leg or something and we had to radio for a heli we would use the flares to signal where we were) he sparked one and threw it in the direction of the screeches. It landed behind a pile of rocks and we saw its light grow dimmer as it rolled down. Then almost as suddenly as the light grew dim it came back. They had thrown the flare back at us along with a hand full of rocks and dirt. As we shielded our eyes in an attempt to not have rocks hit us I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye dart into some nearby brush that was about 20-30 yards away from us. As I lifted my rifle to try and line up a shot into the bushes Gregory stopped me. He had also seen the figure.

His logic was that if we shot and killed one of them then they had even more reason to attack us. He immediately knew they were smart. They fucking threw the flare back at us to specifically avoid being seen in the light and also in turn created a diversion to move closer to us. Gregory was the only one not in almost total panic. He was scared but he remained calm enough to analyze the situation. While me and the other 2 men were gearing up fight these things Gregory walked a bit our not far maybe about 10 feet into the darkness beyond our campfire and was immediately meet with another screech from the big one and it seemed like a warning call. It didn't want Gregory to get any closer.

Gregory seemed to understand what it wanted and took a step back in our direction. As he did that they hurled one of our antennas back at us and it hit my tent and ripped a gash in the side of it. I kept my eyes locked on the bushes to see if the one inside there was going to try to move again. It didn't. But Marcos went to retrieve the antenna from my tent and noticed that if was bent almost at a 90° angle.

These things managed to bend a 1 inch thick steel rod almost into an L were we humans would needs tools to achieve something like that. They didn't, they used their sheer strength. After glancing away from the bushes to look at the rod I heard the bushes rattle and looked back to see one of them running from the bushes back down the hillside from where it came. That threat was gone but we still didn't know how many creatures there were and what they wanted with us. Gregory remained motionless while he stared at the pile of boulders which the creatures were hiding behind. Then ever so slightly he motioned with his hand for one of us to come over to him. Arturo approached him and Gregory asked for his 1 gallon aluminum canteen.

Like I mentioned earlier that our equipment was good quality and when Arturo handed him the canteen Gregory opened it slightly and tossed it behind the rocks where we heard it land and the water splash out. Then we heard the same loud screeching noise again but this time it sounded gleeful. As if somebody had granted its wish. After about a minute we heard a loud crushing noise and then they threw the canteen back at us. His canteen was completely destroyed (like if somebody shot it with buckshot) and devoid of all water. It was almost bone dry. Upon seeing his canteen Greg got spooked. He knew we were dealing with someone out of the ordinary.

Our backs were up against the side of a large rock face with about 40 feet of clearance above and where the rock had been eroded to create a bubble inside the side of the rockface in which we had set up. Not a cave but in a few thousand years it would be. On the South side was the side we had come up on so it had a bit of a slope leading into this clearing. We were vulnerable on 3 sides and our only real escape was to run down the mountain closer to their homes. These creatures knew they had us cornered and they were eager to exploit their advantage.

Maybe they would have left us alone if we hadn't been so scared, because of our fear we fucked up and it cost us big time. I truly think we could have all made it out alive if it weren't for Marcos. He killed one of them.
In a panic after they threw the canteen back, he shot into the bushes and struck one. If you've ever been hunting you know the sound the bullet makes when it connects with your target. We all heard it. Both groups knew what it meant. We all knew that there was going to be blood. Question was who would spill the most.
What I assume was the big one that we had previously heard ran out from behind the pile of boulders towards us and behind it were 2 other smaller ones. 1 came from the North flank and 3 others came from the South.

We were backed into a corner with no way out, we had to end this as quick as possible and leave the area before more showed up. Arturo gunned down the loner from the North and turned around to help hit the ones approaching from the South. Marcos was shooting wildly at the big one and I shot as well without connecting any shots because they kept moving around. Gregory managed to also kill one on the South and then turned his attention to the main group. In his turning around Arturo failed to kill the last one and it jump onto Marcos tearing out his throat in a single motion.

I quickly looked over and cleared the last of my bullets into the creature. Its weight made a considerable crash when it's short dense body hit the ground.

Gregory pulls my arm and we follow Arturo down the hill running at full sprint. The remaining 3 follow us down the path at only a light jog which allowed us to gain a considerable amount of distance between our groups. After gunning it down the mountainside for about a mile we slowed down to gather ourselves and reload. We continued going down the mountainside for about 2 hours trying get down ASAP and in one piece. Because it was pitch black outside and our lights were pointed down at our feet to make sure we didn't twist our ankles we failed to notice that our antenne were all ripped out of the ground and thrown around. Our path back down the mountain had been destroyed and we were lost.

After almost 4 hours of hiking in 40 degree weather we stopped again to rest before we had to continue. This time they caught up because in the distance we saw the reflection of dozens of bright yellow eyes glaring at us. That was our cue to GTFO. Again we ran at full speed down the mountain and we could hear them closing the gap. Boulders where being pushed aside and down the mountains by the creatures in their attempts to catch us. The big one was the first to close the gap while the others were still a good 80 yards away the big one was only 10 away. It pushed itself off of a rock into the front of us where we immediately met it with bullets from the 3 guns. We killed it almost as quick as it caught up but because we had stopped the group had closed the distance to only 30 yards. Upon seeing the group we also saw the sizes of the others. These ones were bigger than the big one that laid at our feet dead. The shapes of their heads was also more pointed at the nose.

As we ran again the group caught up with the corpse of the “big one” and they let out a collective shriek that sounded angry and disgruntled. We had regained the original gap we had before and continued our escape. Once we got closer to 6 hours shit hit the fan again when Arturo slipped on an iced-over rock and snapped his arm in two and hit the side of his head against a rock. He was awake but he was gushing blood like crazy out of his arm and his jacket was getting heavy with the blood dripping from his skull.
80….65...50...they were getting closer...45….40...35...30...25…..boom.
I had to shoot Arturo in order for him not to suffer and be captured by the creatures because god knows what they would have done to him.
I picked up his gun and we ran off again down the mountain side. We knew we were getting closer to the base of the mountain because the terrain was beginning to become more even and not as steep as before. When we got to the truck we jumped in and tried to turn it on but the engine was so cold that it didn't want to start. We also knew we couldn't risk going outside because they would catch one of us. They had closed the gap and were smashing their bodies against the truck rocking it from side to side. The smashed open the windows and tried reaching in for us but because the truck was lifted and didn't have any running boards they couldn't fully reach the windows. They did however manage to throw the truck onto its side where my head collided with the steering wheel and into Gregory. I went fuzzy so I don't remember much besides the creatures breaking the front windshield and hearing loud gunfire. I blacked out for a bit but Gregory told me that apparently some military group were in the area training when they heard our truck being trashed and the gun shot from Gregory trying to kill them before they could climb inside the cabin.

Ok now Sup Forums the reason im typing this out because 2 days ago I got a call from Gregory at 1 in the morning saying that he been followed home by a black SUV and how he told his therapist about what happened last year and that he had been driving around for hours trying to loose them. He told me that if he “commited suicide” that I should tell others what we saw up there and expect a knock on my door. I got the call an hour ago from his girlfriend that he “killed himself” in the garage with his own car. She asked me to meet her at the hospital 10 minutes ago. I just looked outside onto the street and there is a black SUV 3 houses down.I knew something was wrong from the moment I got the call. I had the same feeling when my boss told me to go to those mountains. Whoever is sitting outside on my block sent us out there to see if those creatures were still alive. That is the only way I can explain the miracle that was us getting saved. They set us up and no they're tying up loose ends.

Dont know how long I have. Ill try to answer them as best as possible but im just glad my story is out there.

What did the creatures look like exactly?

Cool story bro. Lemme guess r/nosleep?

What made them so unable to catch up with you guys very quickly?

And here I was expecting one of the monsters to lean in and whisper "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" any minute

No they could have caught us at anytime and im sure of it. As to why they didnt is a mystery to me still.

hold on ill draw it out

Cool thanks.

They did everything at a light jog, possibly not having the physiognomy for anything else, light gravity world of origin might make fast running very dangerous for them

The area around their faces was almost bald. They had almost of hair on their heads instead it was a pinkish yellow skin color

No they were made here on earth. The big one had no problem chasing and catching up to us.

Here is a map of where it went down

Fuckin weird. Wonder what they were.

Sounds like coyotes with a bad case of mange. Google image that shit


Thats what we thought initially but they dont go up that high and they were a lot heavier and we capable of standing on their hind legs sort of like a bear does



If you know the area it becomes much less belieavable


What's up with the area?

give details that would verify the story so we can pass it on to the media if you "disappear"

Coyote Wells.....it was coyote.

>and put a clip into my rifle

Fucktard alert. Did you mean a MAGAZINE?

Yeh,...cause ABC news doesn't have a stringer monitoring /b all that well for some reason, but they'll listed to some anonymous b/tard

Same thing dip shit

seems fake