How did anti depressants help you get through a rough time?

How did anti depressants help you get through a rough time?


By fixing whatever was wrong with the norepinephrine in my brain.

They didn't. They just made me numb. It was like I was living life underwater, everything sounded muffled and it was hard to move around. I couldn't think, feel, eat. Was just like a robot.

Getting off them was the best thing ever

I was taking remeron but it was too strong and i gained a lot of weight really fast.

Switched over to sertraline and its helped. It doesnt make you this happy person 24/7 but i definitely dont think as negatively as i was and i dont blow things way out of proportion anymore.
Cant drink and take it though, so that sucks.

anti depressants effect people differently, i know i was on a few until i got onto the one im on now. At first it made me really happy and energised but then it slowly started bringing me down and causing my depression to get worse, but i've been a lot better with the one i'm on now

Same. Only time I were seriously considering offing myself.

This is the exact description of, when i was on Venlafaxine (effexor).
I watched every morning as people were driving off to school and work, while i was in the bottom of a river like a rock and glared how everyones life was going forward, except mine.

shit this is how i feel without ever being on ad, but as a result of severe anxiety.

Helped in the first phase just to trigger psychosis. Was a side effect. After that i got a post psychotic depression. The irony is killing me.

why dont you go to a therapist instead of taking medication? genuine question, not being condescending. The chemical imbalance theory of depression isn't a very reliable one, its probably due to circumstance and past trauma, so really a therapist is the best option

>Cant drink and take it though
Is sertraline zoloft? My doctor suggested zoloft to me
Maybe not drinking will help me though

I don't have the time or money to see a therapist, I'm in law school

God you guys are pathetic

Studys show long term therapy can help as good or better than meds alone,but nit for everybody. If you are not a stupid fuckhead, you will get both. If not, get depressed, take meds, get better, fuck up by changing nothing, get depressed again and so on for the rest of your miserable life because you don't value yourself at all.

is this for a survey you are doing or for school assignment?

You must be new here baiter boy.

No, my doctor suggested them to me and i told her I'd think about it

They didnt i dont tell anyone about my mental condition in fear of being mocked so i just drink and cry in my room while cutting my legs

Yep. I get you. I was the same.packed up my things. Tidied everything up. Made sure all perishables were disposed off in case it took a couple days before anyone realised I was missing - lol didn't want a friend to have to clean out a messy fridge. Also deleted all my porn.
Attempt didn't work. That was when I stopped the meds.
Yeah, I can't describe it any better. The world going on around you and you're not able to take part in any way. Freaky af.
Sorry to hear that bro, hope things sort out for you.
My doctor suggested it too. I honestly think she was just busy and thought it was worth prescribing without having to do any work on her part. Glad she got a kickback for getting me on them.

Are you on them now?

My therapist is pretty against meds and will only recommend if you are suicidal or something, he's also one of the most qualified in my country
everyone I know on meds wants off them

>My therapist is pretty against meds
Find a new therapist. The one you have now is shit


I just self regulate. Keep a routine. Eat well. Do exercise. Limit social media. Ghosted people who aren't healthy or helpful.
Feel so much better now

We're here for you, Sup Forumsro

I've been with him for over 2 years and my quality of life has improved ten fold, why would I do that because someone on Sup Forums told me to

I've had a severe depression for a while. Refused to take anti-depressants even though my doc recommended them because of how miserable I was. I was scared to become dependent on the shit and that, if they would even make me feel better at all, that would be because of the anti-depressants and not because I felt better MYSELF. Social interaction, talking, doing stuff, being active and working helped me out of it. Especially working/making stuff. Even doing some volunteer work or helping a friend or relative do their job can help a lot if you ask me. I still sometimes have moments or days that the numb depressed feeling comes back, even after 'defeating' depression 4,5 years ago. I don't think I'll ever grow out of the horrible experience of having it. But most times when I feel numb it's because i slept too long or didnt do any physical work for a few days...

Because he had this rediculous bias against drugs. It doesn't even matter how good he is or his reasoning, that bias alone calls his judgment into question.

But I'm seriously glad he's named to help you. I've been too tired to bathe at times so I know how much of a relief it is.

>Ghosted people who aren't healthy or helpful
tfw a girl i used to see did this to me.

>MYSELF. Social interaction, talking, doing stuff, being active and working helped me
I do all these things and still feel like shit

I have been taking anti depressants for 3 years now.. I was like a zombie in the first weeks.. but then I was feeling great, until now.

I mean its very normal to be skeptical about drugs, pharma companies are in it for the money and people are diagnosed for the slightest thing, and they continue to spread lies to sell more drugs
not just the opinion of my therapist, but theres aricles out there documenting this stuff

What happened?

>implying I'll ever open that little orange bottle
I can solve my own problems, they're all in my head anyways

They helped me by deciding not to take them. I was severely depressed for a few months. A change in lifestyle was all I needed.

Never felt better in my life. Man, life is awesome.

My issue is my life is together and i have a lot going for me but I still feel like shit all the time

Don't take it personally, you probably just weren't fun to be around. Dealing with friends family with mental illness is tough. Can be scary too, her reaction is fairly normal.

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No, she had severe mental health problems and we dated for a couple years, then she saw a new therapist and immediately broke up with me and said we cant talk anymore because I'm preventing her from getting better

ian killed himself btw

I'm on zoloft, stabilized my moods, improved my motivation, returned my libido, but traded my orgasms for that. Can't cum at all. Eh, I think it's worth it tbh, at least I don't wanna kill myself anymore

They did help a lot, but combined with therapy.

Don't be afraid to seek help user, it works.

They didn't. They made me numb and took away all of my feelings. I took them for 3 years and finally quit a month ago, rough withdrawal symptoms for a week but worth it. Tried Fluoxetine, Lamotrigin and Duloxetine(aka cymbalta) btw.

Oh ok. Now I get it.
Seems like you are waaaaaay better off without her mate.