Здpaвcтвyйтe ))

Здpaвcтвyйтe ))

Funny Americans how my fellow Russians can easily manipulate your population. You are really stupid people and will face destruction within your own people.

Your internet shall go first. When the war start, you will have no way to communicate. You will be crush and crumble.)

Goodbye friend

Former Trump voter here. We will fight you, even if we have to use nukes.

this is the truest thing on Sup Forums right now

The Germans sure manipulated your population...

Чe зa хyйню ты пoнaпиcaл eбaн


you shut up about that faggot

most of the comments that came from russia were actually pro-NN

Have fun taking a polonium laced bullet when the KGB is finished with you. Kys commy faggot.

They were both. Americans to stupid to know which to be pro or against))

Funny Russians, your country has been in shambles for a century since you killed the Tzar.

Then you were SO DUMB as to accept one populist leader after another. And now the oligarchs have a strangle hold on your economy.


If you have any pride in your country left then it is by compulsion or stupidity.

please conquer us - you have thin women, not fat yankee whales

Nobody manipulates better than jews.

International capitalists do that every time a country attempts to create self-determination. They're afraid of competition.

Удвaивaю этoгo пидopaca.

Иди нyй Бopиc

u fukn wot m8

Thanks for pointing out the obvious Boris. Now send Trump and his cronies endless 13 year old virgins to fuck.


Кaкoгo хyя тeбe здecь нaдo?

Cpy кaк и ты.

мeня зoвyт Джeфф

Sure Igor

Hi Jeff. Hope you're not gay


Guys, i tired for our dumb stuped clown "prezident". Can u just talk to you trump huyamp, for he just take his dick on hand and smash our moron from face of earth?

>>your country has been in shambles for a century since you killed the Tzar

>>country of peasants went on to sending man into space

pick one. nice bait

Electing Trump is not that funny now is it edgy Sup Forums fags.

>our army is stronger
>our nuke defense is better

What are you gonna do? Throw vodka bottles at us? Choke on my superior army filthy commie.

>Russian Government who owns the peasants tied to their land over-works them so they can get to space with shit tier scientist and nazi scientists they had steal after ww2.
>Yokels don't even realise race was for the moon.

>Former Trump user
>We will fight you
Too Kek mate.
But, they don't allow faggots in the military anymore, how are you gonna fight us now?

Didn't know this was a ylyl thread.

the only reason your still around is because you breed like rabbits and no one wants shit tier Siberia that nothing fucking grows, in not even the Mongolians wanted that shit


> went on to sending man into space
Single peoples make it. Not communists at their top of communistics slave pyramids. It is not YOU send man in space, with your pathetic gospels.

we just help the countries already ready to beat your shit down in eastern Europe, Poland already took your shit-tier empire before we might just give it back to them

My dreams are all dead and buried. Sometimes I wish the sun would just explode. When God comes and calls me to his kingdom. I'll take all you sons of bitches when I go.


>mfw russia still hasn't explored past getting to space and setting up a satellite, mfw that destroyed your economy just getting their.

I heard Indias soon gonna have a buddy satelite near you guys Putin better get ready to remove space station kebab

Tell Putin of what we have done here. When the glorious revolution reaches our shores, we will be ready to fight for a true leader!

crush and crumble by whom comrade? Not by alcoholic potato heads. Too bad Nazis ran out of bullets mowing your "people" down by the millions

yo why doesn't Russia just take all the wests fucking immigrants and put them in Siberia, I mean it's half your country and there's like 2 people their with fucking chink eyes