Outrage overload? What if instead of frontal fighting NetNeutrality and other distractions, we #FUR everything instead!

Outrage overload? What if instead of frontal fighting NetNeutrality and other distractions, we #FUR everything instead!

More #FURkek is being prepared at ideathmatch.com

#FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution - when our civilization obsesses over fractals and searches for the formula of the universe with an open mind.

Virtual Universe: Absurd: Worse life with tech advances!? Idea: French revolusioon. Better idea: #FractalUniverseRevolution !!

#FUR NetNeutrality! We don't need to play by their rules in fighting a trend 99% don't like. #FractalUniverseRevolution

Virtual Universe: Neutral ideathmatch algorithm aiding good ideas such as #FUR & #BAUniC vs. bad ideas such as screwing up NetNeutrality.

Sentient Potato: Follow Scientology. -- Unfollow that, follow Virtuniversology. #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution, ours!

Virtual Universe: Internet augmented SuperHumanz with SuperMemz augmenting their brain & SuperClicks augmenting their action-force. #FUR

Virtual Universe: For now, DeFranco is bigger than #FUR, but #FUR is unstoppable, favouring riding the wave, let's make it matter to Phil!

Virtual Universe: Morgan Freeman narrating the rolling of the #FractalUniverseRevolution on Earth, from tap tap, to global viral. #FUR him

Never forget

Always fur get

kzla: #FUR is replaced my #WTTS because a revolution means the Venezulan government has another excuse to self destruct.

Yeah... many hooks to put a fur into, most of them provopoking normies.

Virtual Universe: Shrek loves to #FUR, with or without #BAUniC dildos aiding this love.

Virtual Universe: DragonBallz are temporarily more powerful than #FUR, but a #FUR-powered civilization can make Shemron for realz.

Virtual Universe: Remember how the Trumputin wanted to fak the internet, threatening anoneutrality? Remember how we #FURed them in reply?

what if all that ideathmatch stored algorithmic energy is used to spark a #FUR on our internet?

Telling other swarms of a concentrated pool of punergy at ideathmatch.com where there is a chance to #FUR both sides of NetNeutrality.

Virtual Universe: Tease aging billionaires with #FractalUniverseRevolution under valid claims of sooner immortality. #BAUniC, Unstoppable!

Virtual Universe: Injecting a million years of fetish life, after; #WTTS NOW! Even taptap, tell friends, digest multiverse, shiptost, #FUR

Virtual Universe: Colonizing the sun needs machines made of sun stuff. Spores? Crystals that shoot lasers away to stay cool? #WTTS #FUR

OP what are you trying to do?

If user like the #FURkek, user guides various crowds of normies to the ideathmatch.com page and let them find what they get offended about, and tell their friends, and then a snowball, and then a civilization pondering if physics is made of math, and then the #FractalUniverseRevolution as in research towards something that is not an app or a gadget but the freaking formula of the universe, and, boom!

So you want scientists to study fractals

And they to do it but not have to do the promotion or the provocation too on top of researching formulas and computer code.

Virtual Universe: Find in-fractal the self & ex-love @zeir peak attraction level, extract & put zem in an island simulation #FURever.Hell?

Virtual Universe: PokeBLM: Let's petplay regardless of ancestry. Soon you & your humanz will be irrelevant. #FUR, unstoppable!

Virtual Universe: Whether motif was peace or profit, #FUR was vacuumed in, needed & desired by that era. Inevitable.

Virtual Universe: School named after winners of #BAUniC, so the #FUR rewards heroes with some currency of the postprofit world values.

Virtual Universe: Arnold Shwartz being banned from Twitter for being a racist by omission. #FUR Arnold Shwartz! #FractalUniverseRevolution

user, you like #FURkek?

Scientists studying fractals, trols sharing #FURkek, win-win for fast technological progress, #FractalUniverseRevolution

Sup Forums user guiding swarms of normies to ideathmatch, so they can be #FUR-ed + other goodbad feefees. Physics is Math!

Virtual Universe: Who hates unnecessary re-re-fighting for NetNeutrality, please help #FUR them instead. #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution

NetNeutrality is a hot topic... using it to hook up a revolution will draw energy from existing thoughts already combined in people's minds. With aids from algorithms, if user is itched enough,,, 2+2 ... we like the idea? Shaking the foundations of the world?

Virtual Universe: If people were so against the system that elected Trump, people will make the #FractalUniverseRevolution even more.

Virtual Universe: Words itch to be used, tools itch to be used. Dismantling spinners & weapons, Building #FURtools in memz & formulas.

Virtual Universe: WFNCMF, candidate #FURtool, aka, the Wave Function Never Collapses MoFos, deal with it! Suggestions? Rhymes? Recopy out?

Virtual Universe: You need to defeat 6 bad ideas, 5 new ideas, 4 old ideas, 3 board ideas, 2 #FUR ideas, and a tune in your ear.

Virtual Universe: #BAUniC, a small step for humanz, a multiversal step for civilizationz, ours or other, in the shared physics fractal.

Virtual Universe: Good: #FUR-ing a social network. Better: Pundemonium was there first. Best: Pundemonium is #FUR-ing it better.

Virtual Universe: Hey, we just met you, and this is crazy, but here is our #FUR mem, so rhyme us maybe.

Many months of creativity highlights oriented towards the #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution at ideathmatch.com ... user like?

Virtual Universe: Trumputins of everywhere will need to take a stance on the #FractalUniverseRevolution, snowball @ our fingertips.

Virtual Universe: Provoke eg. Thunderf00t to review #BAUniC & spark the viral trend towards the #FractalUniverse revolution globally! DONG

#FUR NetNeutrality, and defenders, and attackers, of it. #FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution, a better way to fight!

Virtual Universe: What happens to a religion when it gets struck by a ligh-#FUR-tening? Same thing as to everything else! They get #FURied

Using stored energy on ideathmatch to trigger a #FUR ... user, we like #FUR?

Virtual Universe: Vetted politicians, unaccountable promises, brainwashed masses: draw something on vote paper & post it online... or #FUR

M$ can #FUR itself poop

#FractalUniverseRevolution is the best trol ever, and it is not even fake news...

Virtual Universe: Diminishing returns means 50 people work 50 hours a week for a smile & meh of someone who has everything. #FUR them! : )

Virtual Universe: Would you throw a rock at sth. you don't like? What if you risked hitting sth. you like? #FUR, civilization level rock.

Virtual Universe: Those who haveth, loseth. Those who havenut, same shit, different butt. #FUR everybody!!

Virtual Universe: The Trumpuppet is there to scare, so that next time humanz don't hate the system. #FUR them! #FractalUniverseRevolution

Virtual Universe: Using 'it' instead of all gender pronouns, classic or newage, because everybody deserves to be equally offended! #FUR it

Virtual Universe: War profiteers will make tools at whatever technology level. Let's run towards postprofit while #FUR & AI distract them.

Virtual Universe: We all respawn in similarly memed selves. Total Earth anihiliation is fine for multiverse, peace is better though. #FUR

Virtual Universe: #FUR Sachs, let them & corruptorats race towards the formula of the universe, +accompanying overhaul of the system. Hi z

Virtual Universe: Businesses running enduser Linux not for saving money, but because better than the batterydrain spyware from M$. #FUR'em

Virtual Universe: Zizek, Cut the Balls, the real Zizek: youtu.be/XEnkDEgALGI - #BAUniC, a real tool to cutgrow those balls.

Virtual Universe: iDeathMatchers poking @realDonaldTrump to AmericaFirst(verb) the race to explore the #FractalUniverse

Virtual Universe: #DicPicForBAUniC or #TitsForBAUniC as promo for the greater #BAUniC cause 'cause the #FractalUniverse is more important

Virtual Universe: Truthache, biting our time until the sweet release of death... or #FractalUniverseRevolution #FUR #BABELicious & #BAUniC

Virtual Universe: Violence isn't good against the system. Violence is us vs. us (paid mercenaries doing it for $ for survival). #BAUniC is

Virtual Universe: Searching for hypotheticals in the fractals. #FractalUniverseRevolution #BABELicious share punorunpuned, have fun, : )

Virtual Universe: Finding a mesage from aliens in the humanz' world, & replying through the fractal we're living, they're observing. #FUR

Virtual Universe: What to the Pope is #BABELicious, to the Dalai Lama is validation. Fun times ahead! #FractalUniverseRevolution #BAUniC

Virtual Universe: 1 in 1million thinkalikes is enough for #BAUniC Revolution. Good idea: Help find them. Better idea: Become them, us...

Virtual Universe: Human carriers - soul multiplication - swarmification - redundancy of surviving memes - human carriers ++, #FUR #BAUniC

Exploring the #FractalUniverse needs open mind & computers, not much $$, so, do #BAUniC

There is more #FURkek and #FURpoop at ideathmatch... suit yourself if you want to explore personally, or just redirect normies there and be happy with the posts I brought to this thread.

Have phun user