Is being vegan a true spiritual path?

Is being vegan a true spiritual path?

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Obviously yes. Everyone basically knows that vegan is the right thing to be. It's just that many meat eaters are too insecure or weak to actually manage it.

same fagging about your faggotry is a faggot move veggiefag
>in your honor ill eat a steak

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Have a read over your post. Ask yourself, do you come across like an educated, respectable individual. Or do you come across like a retard?

Agreed, it takes intent from the being level.

The cold weather.. Those poor animals shivering in the cold with no where warm to be.

Retard detected

Do you think your on the right thread?

I'm don't think so. To me it's simply a preference in food, i have absolutely no spiritual feelings about it.

sure kid

No or else all other living things would be vegan. Some eat meat, some eat vegetables, and others are omnivores. If the moral question is to not hurt animals then you should go kill all felines and other carnivores and omnivores. Being vegan is just another reason to feel self important. If you were born in a 3rd world country starving as a child I'm sure you will eat meat and anything you can. Instead these vegan faggots are products of our abundant resources and don't understand that eating is for survival not for ethical reasons.

Trying to achieve spiritual enlightenment through real-world actions is an anachronism.

First you find your spiritual center, then your actions change to match that center more closely.

There's no magic pill, special food, scent, or clothing, or interesting book to make you a better person.

Its not the right path for a guy onless you can stay away from soy.

Would you like to contribute anything of value.

This is a bacon thread isn't it?

>Animals feel pain
>thus you should go vegan

We know animals feel pain. Everything the term animal applies to feels pain. Give us an actual reason.

your assumption is that people are only vegan because it harms animals, when there are many, many other reasons to not eat meat, or to eat less meat. Personal health, environmental damage, corporate dominance over basic bodily functions as a means of populace control...all good reasons to find food substituting for meat.

Shut up faggot

I do feel that there are a lot of militant vegans out there, that would like to impose their philosophy on others.
I'm not one of them.

So you wouldn't mind if I molested your child? You know, because she's going to feel pain anyway?

it is now

Yea, vegans haven't seen THAT before. Most non-vegan I know won't even touch that shit. It's the most unhealthy "food" you can eat

The reason is that animals feel pain and we should not create pain.

Good point



And this is a good marker for, spiritual growth.

Someone said bacon thread?


>Personal health
>guise being vegan is healthy that's why I need supplements because my food doesn't have what my body needs

Way to misrepresent my point bro. Go to a rapist and tell them they shouldn't rape because animals feel pain. Now realise how retarded that argument is


You are talking about diseases or illnesses that require vegan diets or just not having enough money for meat. The question was does it bring enlightenment. I just tied it to nature and how they do it. Sure enlightenment is subjective so it was an open ended question but I like seeing how nature does it and compare it to us.

Studies have found vegans are significantly healthier than non-vegans. Supplements are indeed the healthiest way to get certain things. For example you can get B12 from supplements, or you can get it from meat, which leaves you with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

You're just stating the same thing 3 times, we know animals feel pain.


"You shouldn't rape because women feel pain"

That sounds like a fine argument tbh

Then you should be vegan.

No. It's the opposite.


Animal agriculture is the largest cause of land, water, and air pollution in the world

Humans have no biological need to consume animal products, animals feel pain, and humans have moral agency. When causing harm to others isn't necessary for survival it's no longer morally good or neutral

Animal products are the prime cause of obesity and cholesterol related deaths, they're unhealthy for consumption and linked to increased cancer risk and many other illnesses

Unless you live in a small-ass town, (I live in Iowa and still get this shit) you can buy substitutes that taste the same. Beyond burger, kite hill, so delicious, and miyokos cheeses, gardein has everything from fish fillets to orange chicken, there are dozens of plant based milks (even the national dairy council predicts by 2021 50% of all milk sales will be from vegan alternatives. I know many people who even eat meat but won't drink dairy milk)

Pro tip: Your b12 supplements don't work and being vegan is not healthy

it's not a true spiritual path, but it's a more ethical and environmentally friendly way to live. vegetarians and vegans would have an easier time presenting the facts and recommending replacing a few meat meals a week with vegetarian/vegan choices instead of guilt tripping people.

No, something must be wrong with said path due to the generally insufferable nature of those people. Vegans are the only people who can have a moral objection to hunting without being a hypocrite, at least you have that.

But you dont have to eat meat or are you a poor faggot? So why are you bringing survival into the equation? Are you close to starvation or are you just spouting strawman shit arguments to lie to yourself? Im a meat eater but im not a compulsive fucking liar I know what im doing is wrong how about you user?

This is called a "gish gallop." Lacking any sound argument you've decided to send out a flurry of unrelated ones knowing that it will be a lot of energy to refute all.

For a start though, you are committing a fallacy in your appeal to nature. Noting that other animals do something does not mean that we have a moral pass to do it also.

You don't need supplements unless you go raw and eat no processed foods. This is a fact based on physicians reporting patient data - non-vegans have more nutrient deficiencies than vegans.

>Humans have no biological need to consume animal products
Really? What about some essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals

>increased cancer risk and many other illnesses
The sun is linked to cancer, so you better not go outside ever

Milo Stewart detected

It's not because we already know women feel pain. The term women implies an adult female and adult females feel pain. You are just restating the same thing.

Man-children can't be told they're wrong. That's only a sign you're winning. They're incapable of intellectually arguing so they post meat like vegans haven't seen it before, or eaten it on the past. I don't understand it personally, it's like plugging your ears and humming to yourself as a response in a debate.


>choosing between a heart attack or not having all nutrients in my body

Enjoy the cardiovascular problems you fat cunt

Human stomach could digest both vegetable and meat product. Such an asshole for not utilizing this gift!

Why dont you feed tiger or lion with vegetable? I bet they would have a healthy lifestyle and live happily forever after.

Pro tip: They do and it is

google "Micronutrient status and intake in omnivores, vegetarians and vegans in Switzerland"

Studies are almost unanimous in concluding that vegans have lower risk of all our biggest killers than meatcucks.

>guise he ate meat he is going to have cardiovascular problems and is fat
Kek, how's your nervous system and cognition from get getting enough b12

Inb4 muh supplemen,

Because they are not herbivores? Are you fucking retarded

ecological and ethical reasons with eating meat are good reasons to go *vegetarian* but veganism is utter nonsense. we keep chickens in our yard and i can assure you they are well taken care of and whatever the chicken equivalent of happy is. they have space to run around, stuff to scratch at, lots of table scraps to eat. the idea that consuming their eggs is somehow immoral or exploitative is insane. it is a mutually beneficial relationship. maybe a vegan would suggest we set all the world's chickens free? that would certainly be good for them. the same thing can be said about milk or butter or any other animal product that does not require slaughter of the animal. if the cow or goat or chicken is well taken care of, then this is a productive caring relationship between man and animal. veganism argues otherwise and, more broadly, it assumes that man cannot have a symbiotic caring relationship with the animal world; that we should leave the world as wilderness, in a sense. it's ridiculous

>he clings to one study

Sorry but for every study you find there are 10 on the vegans side here. Time to call it a day.

Essential? So...despite vegans having less nutrient deficiencies than non-vegans, lower obesity rates, lower rates of diabetes and cancer, I guess they're all going to die because "you need to eat meat?" Unless you don't understand what essential means.

Logical fallacy... I suppose you're probably a smoker who says "were all going to die someday" How about you look up deaths from skin cancer as opposed to colon or pancreatic cancer? (The two most commonly linked with animal products)

Post link I'm not guessing what you read

>implying im vegan because I say you're retarded

No faggot, you are eating. If you feel ethically wrong like you do then maybe you should be a vegan. It's not wrong to be a vegan but it doesn't make you better or "enlightened" as op is wondering. Stay on point block head.

I literally gave the name of the study. Google it.

>meatcucks really are this intellectually deficient

>guise me believe because I said it

I'm on a phone, and about to leave for work, Google that shit.

>doesn't like someone's point of view so discredits it

You are the worst type of faggot.

>guise I cant copy and past a link a read once

>meatcucks wanting trigger warnings before getting debunked

The meat chimpout is real

Is he talking about starving street shitters in india or is he talking to Sup Forums? I doubt starving people frequent Sup Forums you daft cunt.

>Choosing brain damage and nervous damage over might might get cancer

>using words like meatcuck when never making a point

Does it get lonely on that island you live in?

Omnivore here. The retards in this thread do not represent us. One thing I wonder though is what about free range animals? They have a better life than animals in the wild, so how is that immoral?

The vegan retardness is real, can't even link their own sauce

They why dont you utilize your fucking stomach? I repeat HUMAN STOMACH COULD DIGEST BOTH VEGETABLE AND MEAT PRODUCT!

Why didnt you wish to born as a cow or sheep? Earth would be a better place without a toxic like you!

>1/5 die from heart attacks
>40% of all people will get cancer in their life
>worrying abouy b12 deficiency

How your education have failed you.

This thread, the butthurt.
I love steak as much as I love potatoes.
But I love steak and potatoes better.

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” -- Oscar Wilde

>this guy

>can't even link their own sauce
Should be using spice related.

Because we were scavengers 12,000 years ago, ethical wrongdoings is forgiven because we are able to commit them? Are you fucking retarded?

This thread needs more bacon

>How your education have failed you.
>guise 40% of people will get cancer and it's all from meat
>guise 1/5, or 20% of if i could do basic math, people die from heart attack and again it's from solely eating meat

>Meat eaters are the strong, pinnacle of humanity
>Get triggered by the existence of vegans

life feeds life, fuck off with your virtue signaling

I ran out of bacon porn.
How about a study in burger aerodynamics?

Pardon? Are you talking about yourself? How was your school kids? Doing good?

Please get some education. Putangina mo!

Do you shield yourself from knowledge? Even the meatcuck with the b12 links said that all meat eaters were prevalent in cancer and cardiovascular diseases. I would pay to see you read a book

vegans have a 38% reduced risk of heart disease than meat eaters

How do you know we're scavengers from 12,000 years ago? Any solid proves? Did you witness it? Any photo or video? If no please stop bullshitting around!

Hahah filipino trash no wonder a chink like yourself cant understand simple ethics. I feel more sympathy for cattle and worms than I feel for you yellow cunts. You cant speak english and it's the third language I got taught how about you? You speak anything else except filipino?

I can live with meat eaters, and take your well made point

yes but you were implying all cancer and heart attacks were because of meat

You mean except the unanimous articles and scientists that have proven it? It's a simple google away

Nyepong kontol gue anjiik! Cheebye!

And you implying all vegans have brain damage is what? Are you not seeing your double standard?

Hahaha fucking chink