White Privilege

Why is it that we never hear about 'white privilege' occurring in European nations? We only hear about 'white privilege' occurring in the US.

We never hear about white privilege in Sweden, where surely white people own nearly all of the wealth. Or in Great Britain where white people surely own nearly all of the wealth.

We never hear about 'Asian privilege' in China, where surely ethnic Chinese own all of the wealth, or in Japan where surely ethnic Japanese own all of the wealth.

Do people not realize that the US has European roots? Outside of the mistreatment of American blacks, is there really such a thing as 'white privilege' in the US, given that the US started out as a European nation? If 'white privilege' only referred to the disparity between whites and blacks I would understand; but 'white privilege' seems to be used for other ethnicities which have only begun emigrating to the US in the past century.

If thousands of Europeans began emigrating to Japan today, would we therefore be able to criticize Japanese culture as being xenophobic and privileged because Europeans wouldn't be able to enter the upper echelons of Japanese society? I don't think we would be as backwards as to presume that the Japanese would allow Europeans into the upper echelons of society, why do we expect that these changes would occur overnight in the US?

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Because non-whites in Asia and Europe are (despite the memes) still a minority. Ever single European + Asian country is at least 80%+ white/Asian. In the US the country is basically 50/50 whites and non-whites with whites having better paying jobs and non-whites having worse paying jobs. If white privilege is actually a thing or not doesn't matter as long as the wealth gap between white and non-white exists.

>We only hear about 'white privilege' occurring in the US.
Yeah, that's because Americans are faggots. Americans don't seem to realize that both the liberals and conservatives in their country and massive hypocritical retards. Americans truly are number one at being the dumbest fucks ever.

A privilege is an advantage that one group benefits and the other one doesn't.

If everyone is equal and had the same opportunity, then there's no privilege in theory

According to Wikipedia (might be spurious), 'European Whites' currently make up ~72% of the population.

Forgot to add link:


That's because they have a claim to those countries, whereas Americans dont have any sort of claim to America.

Having the word "privilege" means that you're weak and inferior as a race in the first place.

Americans outside of apartheid South Africa and Australia spent centuries on the codification of laws pushing white supremacy within their borders.

Doesn't this happen in other nations as well? I would expect that China and Japan would have similar laws. What happens in Canada if you don't speak a European language like English or French?

I don't even know how to translate it into Dutch.

I watched Ben Hur (1959) and Ben Hur (2016) yesterday.

In the 59 version almost all characters were white, a few middle eastern looking. It looked weird with a germanic blue eyed type playing a non-ashkenazim jew. It was definitely "white washed", and I guess there was white privilege back then.

In the 2016 version you can tell Americas demographics changed. Black males, Persians, arabs, jews everywhere. Much much fewer whites. White privilege in american culture is definitely gone. Nowadays there is black privilege in the US, at least within sports, music, movie and culture in general.

they complain about the same things though

as a matter of fact we just now got out first "afrofeminist" gathering, introducing new buzzwords ike "intersectionalité" and "personnes racisées" and all that, making a gathering in public buildings and forbidding white people from coming

a interesting development though is how the all-powerful and usually very hated by the far right, with millions f euros of government-funding "league against racism and antisemitism", led by mr. Jacubowicz (yep you guessed it) as well as the Paris mayor decided to forbid this event
for some reason

i find this very unexpected

so idk, thoughts anyone ? are they just mad they're not invited ? is it because of dieudonné ? is the jewish conspiracy just all around getting tired of their niggers ? idk

Blacks have always had a disproportionate representation within america's musical movements.

>Why is it that we never hear about 'white privilege' occurring in European nations?
is this a serious question or some thinly veiled pol bullshit?

white privilege is not a thing because historically it has never existed for the majority of europeans.

throughout the centuries white europeans have enslaved and genocided eachother on a pretty regular basis, nothing privileged about that

We have butthurt darkies complaining about racisn and white privilege day after day in our media.

in finland there is swede privilege.

>We never hear about white privilege in Sweden, where surely white people own nearly all of the wealth.

we hear about that shit weekly but since sweden isn't a relevant country anymore it's pretty obvious that you as an american don't hear about that

Not only music. Its the same in movies, sports, tv-series etc

But Its the same here desu, if I go online shopping for clothes at least 1/3 models wearing the clothes will be black, despite blacks making up 2.5-3 % of our population.

Serious question, asked here because Sup Forums would get a typical racist responses. Genuinely curious why, through ethnocentrism in Americans don't really criticize other nations for their xenophobia or their 'ethnic privilege', whereas here whenever there's a depiction (photograph or similar) of a gathering of rich powerful white men, white privilege is always brought up. Why don't we bring these things up when referring to other nations with even stronger disparities for ethnicities? Isn't there a historical basis for 'white privilege' (as in, America was a European colony), or is it just 'racist asshole white Americans with their white privilege keeping non-whites down'.

I am not trying to be provocative, genuinely curious what peoples opinions are here.

The belief of the existence of white privilege is based on assumptions and misinterpreted facts or ignored facts.
But even if white privilege was real, it would make sense considering the government should put its people first.

But black people in the USA have no past, they don't belong anywhere anymore but in the USA so that's tricky I guess. You can't really tell they're not american because in this case they are nothing

>"intersectionalité" and "personnes racisées"
I'm not even gonna learn those definitions I just wish they stfu now

>why doesn't america consider other countries for their ethnic priveledge
Because the average american doesn't inform themselves. Do you think the average american knows about the ethnic tensions in Nigeria? Or the Pashtun in relation to other Afghanis?