Americans pronounce my last name (Chiquillo) as "chick-kwel-low"

>Americans pronounce my last name (Chiquillo) as "chick-kwel-low"




Build wall

So "chicuelo" is how "chiquillo" sounds in English. Interesting.
How many words like this exist?

>mfw mexicans cant pronounce my german last name


an i doing it right juan?

Yes xD

Its called an accent you dipshit. Can you properly pronounce Srivastava in an Indian accent? Then you probably shouldn't care that someone of another ethnicity and nationality can't pronounce yours in your native accent.

We don't give a fuck about your dirt language Taco Paco.


Chick ill oh?



Haha this can't be real.

Youbshould be grateful they even bither to say your shitass surname

Usually theyll call you a generic name like pablo, miguel, jose , snuggles

More like Chiqueerlo. Now build the wall

Would you like to have a try at my surname Mr. Tsikvilo?

GDP per capita

What is the deal with these girls and why is Sup Forums suddenly obsessed with them?
They've got an obvious case of downs topped with retard strength. Retardation is not high test, guys. Get a fucking grip.
As for you, nobody gives a fuck. Build it

Hopefully an american doesn't spell it wrong when he is carving it into your tombstone.

TRUMP 2016-2020

>tfw sourtheners pronounce that as "shee-kee-shaw"

I'd bang, ain't no problem in that

I'm normally into high test. She's just gross.


Go for it Seppo.

>His surname literally means "manlet"

Right here. And mine is six fucking letters...

Americans can't pronounce any non-english names correctly. Just watch some sports and you'll cringe hard.

I'm not talking about the accent. Let's take a french name that ends with "omb" for example, the "b" being silent. Even though they KNOW the "b" is silent they'll still make sure to pronounce it because they have no respect for names that aren't english.

What makes you important enough for anyone to give a damn about your name?

Ay lmao what an unfortunate name

Why should an English speaking country give a fuck about spic pronunciation?

If you're ever going to learn another language in America, don't let Spanish be shoved down your throat and learn something useful like Russian (which I did) or Chinese (which I'm trying to do).

>Chiquillo as your last name
Hahahahaha, you must be a manlet or something

chick-kee-oh ?

Neither can the English. Neither can most non-English dpeakers pronounce English names. I hate this dishonest multiculturalism where Mexican journalists on NPR jump back and forth in pronunciation schemes. There is nothing ignorant in an English speaker addressing English speakers with the English pronunciation of a foreign word.



This is murica, we speak murican in murica.

Nobody pronounces my name properly and I don't expect them to, because very few people speak its language of origin.
If there is one thing that majes Mexicans ridiculous, it is this Medieval holdover hangup on how their name is said.

Americans can not pronounce my German last name
Back when landlines were a thing growing up, I could alway tell if the caller was some telemarketer faggot instantly due to the inability to pronounce It

I had just assumed your last name was that number on the back of your orange jumpsuit.

My last name is Lloyd, most people pronounce it Luhloyd or luhloyal

>nice to meet you mister tequilo.

How would you pronounce "Botsaris"

we don't care about you or your third world country.

"Admiral faggington"

Who gives a fuck.
Try being Polish.
Polish last names have been butchered by English speakers for centuries.

>stay in Mexico
Problem solved