The setting: your classic shitty American middle school

>The setting: your classic shitty American middle school
>8th Grade
>No friends but do theatre so I many fake friends
>There are many different breeds of fags at my school
>You got the jocks, the low lifes, blacks, asians, and me
>I don't fit into any of them
>In problem solving
>Basically if math and everything AIDS had a child
>alone in the back
>there's this girl I like, lets call her Ashley
>Jock starts to talk to her
>Don't really care because no one likes him
>Fag sneezed all over a teacher 6th grade
>Snot everywhere
>Used basketball to fill the void
>Lets call him Brandon
>Over the next few days, see them getting closer and closer
>there's a huge ass cheating ring in the class because the teacher is a tard
>see them starting passing notes under the table
>they touch hands
>this must stop
>accidental notice that I broke my pencil
>hail mary a piece of my broken towards Brandon
>lands right in his greasy hair
>freaks the fuck out
>smile in pleasure
>Ashley doesnt talk to him
>I have found my purpose
>I am… the American Sniper




>In English
>I went out and bought many and many boxes of pencils
>I am starting to realize my role
>I am a force of nature
>I am a vigilante
>I am…
>The American Sniper
>Although I have sniped many a fag
>Brandon is my favorite
>Locker room
>find my perch
>sharpened end of pencil so its turbo sharp
>lands in his shoulder
>continue getting dressed
>crying fag noises
>my role is complete
>as the American Sniper, I have many objectives
>1. Take out out anyone who stands in my way to victory over the school
>2. Torture Brandon
>3. Bunk with Ashley
>I am...
>the American Sniper

I shalt continue

Such a child you are, thinking doing something embarrassing as a kid in school defines this kid.

>I start with objective one
>I have several groups, or individual people, whom I must take out
>I start with the student body president
>bullied me in elementary school
>lets name them Josh
>total stoner, and in his campaign just promised recess and snacks and shit
>he will be my first target
>we have math and civics together
>we are working on a project where we have to hide our poster from the other groups, while “spies” try to find out what it is
>I work alone
>I work for only me
>he has a group of 4 “nerdy” girls who basically get on their knees for him
>I will distract the girls somehow
>get josh alone
> and pull the trigger
>spend almost a week and a half plotting what I shall do
>I have an idea
>find out they all go out to the bathroom at the same time
>bought them a butt fuck ton of waters and gatorades
>they drink it up
>”Oh thanks user you're too nice hehe~”
>they seem like their going to explode just before lunch ends
>go to the bathroom together when they back to the class
>josh is alone
>I find my perch, behind some bookstacks and cover myself with a carpet from the floor
>disgusting but it is what needs to happen
>sharpened pencil with a knife
>josh is startled, but is oblivious
>once more I shall unload my god smiting pencil onto his body
>pull the trigger
>I am...
>the American Sniper


continue user


What's your average spread over 200 yards ?

>josh had to get stitches
>wasn't caught because I had 100 sneak
>target one is out
>second target’s assassination is postponed to help fix my relationship with Ashley
>She got spooked because she was getting the hots for Josh
>thinks that everyone will get the pencil
>friday night, call her and just talk to her
>”user I’m just really scared…”
>”Well Ashley I think you’re just being superstitious”
>”user… If you know the person doing this, just tell them to not hurt me… or you”
>”I don't know them, but I think they'll leave you alone, Ashley”
>she hung up
>I am.. The American Sniper

That motherfuckers not joking

>I am not only the American Sniper..
>I am the American Watchdog
>I guard Ashley with life.
>forever vigilante
>See the occasional “lookin’ good Ashley”
>that bullshit
>But then was Mike
>Mike was a football fag kinda guy
>Laughs like Seth Rogan
>Actually kinda nice, helps the community, and it genuinely sweet
>was actually nice to me before
>having a crisis
>do I put down the pencil, my name, and return to my life as a lowlife fag.
>or do I double down and claim my spot in the social hierarchy
>browsing my room
>then I see it
>these toys
>toys with magnets inside them
>with metal balls to connect them
>I have turned into a new man
>I have turned into the very man I wish to take out
>Ashley is mine
>I am…
>The American Sniper

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

>School has an assembly about field trips, bullying, and all that classic crap
>Mike is talking with the guys around him
>No Ashley
>hide behind a pillar to hold up the seats
>tears in my eyes
>”this is for you Ashley”
>My metal ball in my hand...
>Direct hit
>Singular tear sneaks its way down my cheek
>Gun it down the bathroom
>Jump into stall
>School is going insane
>Teachers storming all the bathrooms, halls, everywhere
>”Hey I’m just going to the bathroom”
>My balls are in my mouth
>I put the metal balls in my mouth
>They leave
>I cry until last period
>get a glance at Ashley
>tears everywhere
>what have I become..
>I have become…
>The American Sniper...

im doing the screen cap, please cont

>My final two targets…
>And an exchange student named Joseph
>Seriously no one knows where he is from...
>his accent is southern American, Dutch, and German all mixed into one kid
>Brandon and him start talking
>They talk about Xbox, and all that shite
>they become good friends
>I must insert my dominance one final time before asking Ashley out
>I am set on marrying her
>She is my everything
>Joseph is just a regular kid, chill, relaxed, actually pretty cool.
>Ashley and him talk
>he is your classic cool guy
>this must stop
>but I fear just one more push and Ashley will crumble
>School is getting teachers everywhere to look out for this “assaulter”
>I am the American Sniper…
>Joseph has those edgy nerd glasses glasses with the reflectors on them
>Ray Bans or some shit
>This will be my most daring assassination yet

put me in the screen cap and check 'em

Do you end up with Ashley OP?

Probably not

His final target will be Ashley, tragic story... unless everybody walks the dinosaur

The Stop Sign Guardian wishes to be included in the screencap.

>I combine my two weapons
>metal balls
>sharpened broken pencil
>I take out Joseph… Brandon crumbles… Ashley Crumbles, and she will be mine
>We have health together.
>our only class together
>small classroom, even smaller chairs
>nowhere to hide.
>there is a cabinet with a fake skeleton in it
>My only chance
>Joseph and Brandon are chatting it up in the back of the class
>I have them flanked
>teacher has not arrived yet
>I fake sharpening my pencil…
>and step in…
>I smile
>I will have Ashley for my wife… Forever…
>I open up the cabinet just a tad
>I can see his red hair
>A clear bullseye target
>I breath in
>Hey Joseph? Did we have homework in Civics?”
>he quickly turns his head
>towards me
>oh god
>before I can realize it, my projectile is going straight to his face
>Right under his eye
>metal ball flies off and hits him in the eye as well
>blood everywhere
>teacher walked in right as I threw it
>The American Sniper has been caught
>I am… the American Sniper…

>In the principal's office
>Parents, officers, principal, Josh, Mike, Brandon and Joseph are all there.
>”user we have traced back these young boys injuries to you…”
>My empire… Has crumbled
>”user we will be charging you as an adult, as all these boys have sustained massive amounts of damage to their mental and physical wellbeing.
>”YOU TOOK OUT MY EYE” cried Joseph
>I look down.
“As you may or may not know, user, Joseph has lost all sight in his eye. It was so badly damaged that the doctors had to remove it”.
>Joseph cries with his only good eye
>”I just to protect my girlfriend, my friends, and my family.”
>”Who would ever date YOU Joseph?”
>Oh My God…
>I am the American Sniper…
>The officer gets his cuffs out and walks over to me
>any last comments, user?
>I breathe in…

I am… the American Sniper...

what a cock tease


Top tier shitposting my friend

Well done

Pretty good story, ending fell a bit short though, rewrite the last bit and try again next week.


Thanks for the suggestion, this was my first draft

Geniuenly made my meal for one not sad, good job op

this deserves an award

toastin in epic bread

Anime worthy?