Hi, Sup Forums. I've been mildly depressed for 6 years and severely depressed for 2.5 years...

Hi, Sup Forums. I've been mildly depressed for 6 years and severely depressed for 2.5 years. I've been searching for best methods of suicide and I've come to believe that suicide by carbon monoxide would be the most peaceful end to my meaningless life.

How do I go about doing and what is the success rate? I've got an old ass truck from 1994 and I'm going to be running the truck in a small enclosed garage or I might just run a pipe from the exhaust directly into the car.

I'm going to get drunk as fuck right before I hop into the truck to end my life so I don't chicken out when I start feeling dizzy and confused.

Should I do it this way or should I stick with hanging? Hanging doesn't sound too fun imo.

Instead of commiting suicide, why don't you just mow your lawn?

I think you should do like your pic related and go into a garage just to make extra sure. I'm guessing the only thing that could hinder your chances of success would be if someone finds you. Otherwise, just wait you'll eventually die.

Don’t do it. Trust me.

It's actually super pal ful since you get the biggest headache ever, helium gas is the best way to go

why don't you try some drugs first? like ayahuasca, they say it works in cases like yours

I've really thought about getting my hands on ketamine and I've heard of ayahuasca but I haven't done much research on it.

Let me know how it goes

Hanging isnt the worst. Blood/air loss makes you passout then you die while knocked out.

But you probably shouldnt kill yourself.

Why don't you take out some scummy people before you go?
Do some good before you die.

Fuck killing yourself, why not just get a massive personal loan and go fuck bitches and snort coke overseas? Not gonna pay it back anyway right ?

god damn I cannot stand people like you. WAAA IM SO DEPRESSED IM GONNA KILL MYSELF. Dude no one gives a fuck. Life sucks sometimes, life is great sometimes. If you kill yourself, no one will care. pick a plan and stick with it, fag.

Care to share your story bro?

Dont kill yourself Sup Forumsro. Call a suicide hotline or go see a Dr about your depression.

If you've made up your mind to die.
Go take a fuck ton of risks doing stupid shit.
Go fucking bungie jumping or rock climbing w/e.
If you've given up the world becomes your playground.
Don't go out like a faggot.

If you're concerned about the law or just don't have connects you can

A- buy borderline legal research chemicals online


B - buy morning Glory seeds (home Depot) or Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (online) cognitively they're similar to acid. Some people claim they cure their depression, others say it gives them a new Outlook.

Or you can buy a magic mushroom growing kit online

thats what i was thīnking to be honest


Oh look another depressed fag. Get over it, loser.

Instead of killing yourself, why don't you kill the person who made you sad?

>how do you kill gawd?

Go sky diving and don't pull the cord

Shit advice since there's a very small chance that you'll survive. Instead go skydiving, pull the cord and once you land fucking kill yourself.

hey b

hey op

are you me?

as much as you want to kill yourself, you dont want to kill yourself

sound familiar?

or this, could use moneys for facial feminization
or breast augmentation

preferably the first one as i kinda have a bum face

will probly increase my WILL to live,10 fold
picture related
its me

You have the eyes of someone dead inside.
Jesus christ.

I started looking for a 100k+ loan the other day havn't managed to find anything yet though. Don't think I'd get one with my income.
Seriously thinking about it though.

have been for aẃhile, struggled with wether i should pull the trigger . pussyed out, again

Take some pills.
Change your life, new plans, new enviroment, do something different,

neither , i could get like 40 k if that i think

Well, some part of you still has hope.
I'd say live til that well runs dry and live out whatever sick fantasy you want to.

thats the plan, just
gotta eaze into it, im pretty sure i know.....

bipolar and manic,from time to time

Not to be rude but wherever you're staying looks like a shit hole.
Maybe change your environment or attempt to?

You'd pass as a trap but your eyes give away that you're crazy.

I've considered options and this is among the top three. All three include automobiles.

If you need to make it look like something your survivors can claim is an accident, take the bottle with you, and don't include any preparations that would make it look like a suicide. Up to and including a suicide note or a recently updated will.

Upside is that it leaves a corpse suitable for an open casket.

Downside is that it takes a while. Get good and drunk to the point of passing out, and drink some more.

And make sure your tank is full.

I thought those eyes meant normalcy?
I have similar eyes.

ye it is total shit, you wouldnt know the half of it
seriously mum, dad you should have been serialized

'ook what horror you released onto the world lol

good to know

there my but hurt kms eyes

lol,,total,fag pic related

is that specifically drinking booze?


Was what I meant.

Most efficient...

totally géts to me the most lol ,fucking adems apple


Oh, and see you in civil service on the other side

or that

lol fuck that

Before you do could you give me some ideas for a toilet humor comic involving the girls from Street Fighter? Something short and sweet.

these are terrible ideas and you sound like a total faggot.

>LITERALLY can see the pellet for pellets or bb`s tin


not gay but would love to fuck your face

You never know what's going to happen. Things could easily turn around. It only takes one moment for your life to change. Better to stop giving a fuck and go on living your life. Stick it out m8

Not gay...

someone at my school killed themselves like in your picture well used chemicals in their car it was a hassle for everyone but the dead die, dont do it Sup Forumsro like an user said go mow your lawn or get hobbies start gaming make friends workout try new food places.live.

suicide is to mainstream , be more original instead of crying on the internet about how much you dont want to live. What makes u any different from any other boy who cried wolf? seriously nigger

if you want to die by carbon monoxide make sure you remove your catalytic converter
without it you wont get enough.
probably take a shit ton of nyquil too and go to sleep.

it would be easier to get a helium tank and oxygen mask.

maybe it's not crying wolf, maybe it's instead a cry for help. Calling it crying wolf just makes the person who needs help more likely to kill themselves.