Face swapping neural net, create porn with your favorite famous person

Face swapping neural net, create porn with your favorite famous person.

Creator(links to porn examples with Emma Watson, Maisie Williams, Gal Gadot):

Source code released on github:

I think this shit needs some attention.

Other urls found in this thread:



You mean video or just pictures?


No one interested?

so where is the link?

To what?

Someone needs to make a tutorial for this

I don't think someone with no experience in machine learning will be able to create content. You either learn all you need yourself or you are not able to do anything at all.

Can't post the links here, "spam", and videos are larger than 2mb, sorry

They are all here

scuse me watafuck
i thought it would be interesting
why no responses?

so is it you wait for others, or can you make your own?

It is interesting, but is too complex to be tested for normal users, we need some hero to make this into an movile app or webapp.


how do i do this on a mac?

Hell I'd pay money for this

>movile app or webapp
i don't think it's possible
neural nets been around for a couple of years and not much were done for user-friendly interfaces.
threshold will remain for some more time

I think they will. This will become an automated easy tool in the future, because everyone wants it to happen. I couldn't give a rats ass about fake celeb porn videos. Now fake personal girls I know. Fuuuck that would be amazing. I think if I could have this I wouldn't leave the house. I'd be fapping all the time. I mean seeing girls I know getting fucked?! Fuck yes.

in a couple of years maybe, when machine learning will be everywhere.
i mean it already is but even more

press 'make porn' button for 29.95$

And how do this code posted by OP works? How can I make it run?

there are instructions, also try to check reddit
what do you want? a button to make everything happen? put some efforts into it before demanding

I can't even code python and could read and understand the source code. And you are asking how to run it? Get back to facebook

This would satisfy all cucks. Finally you can see your gf getting gangbanged. Omg the potential is enormous.

>your gf getting gangbanged
where is your imagination?

Create videos to make people believe anything and direct votes to your cause

this is still a little sloppy but great start nontheless.
Currently trying my first swap with Jen Aniston

This is how they did the Mandalay Bay shooting

godspeed user. I'm wayyyyy too drunk to figure this out right now. can barely fucking type

will you participate in development?

if you cant code fucking python you shouldn't be talking down to anyone about this subject at all. i can code python you fucking asshole

This the kind of python you like