Here we go

Here we go

*blocks your path*


Grow up


i'm three grown men you cant even grow as good as i can

Increase in age


Mature a bit


Add to your maturity


Await a span of time where you age physically, mentally, and emotionally

advance towards the years of adulthood

await the required amount of time that you have aged intelligently enough that any smart individual would consider you mature.

Grow up

become sufficiently annuated so as to break free from pathetic childishness

Fulfill the lengthy requirement of escaping your rather pitiful immaturity.

proceed beyond the years of constantly embarrassing yourself with your juvenile social ineptitude.


Execute the chain of events whom's occurrence will likey span into the field of years whereas your rather laughable infant-like thought processes have ended.

redirect your current behaviors away from the nadir of infantility and back towards the apex of maturity.

I don't know what this thread is,but I like it

Resume the process of advancing towards the pubescent era of your lifetime, where you will be able to advance towards an adult-like thought process, as opposed to confining yourself in a rather dull and uneventful child-like mannerism which results in an ordinary individual saying "Grow up."

dispense with your embarrassingly childish tantrums and decide to join the society of adults.

It is time that you annihilate your honestly depressing infant-like nature to advance to times where you can be respected in the general public and to be acknowledged as a functioning member of society, rather than acting as a child who remains indifferent on his opinion on the given subject matter rather than being enlightened or intelligently disagreeing.

abstain from further disgracing yourself through your juvenile actions and speech, and instead choose to develop into an adult.

Grow up




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Grow up






