Could this movie have sucked anymore...

Could this movie have sucked anymore? Plus Im not even mad about SJW shit but this was retarded and so overt - the rebels are of course like a UN postcard and guess what race ALL of the bad guys are...go ahead, guess! This movie really really makes all that crazy Sup Forums shit actually seem real and the movie was stupid. They didnt exectue well on any of the big scenes. When the rebels are about to get killed, why not show thr scene from behind with the Star Wars music and suddenly Lukes light saber slowly extends? Its so obvious these retards were either trying to fuck it up or are just directors because they are jews and sucked a lot of dick. Fuck you JJ.


yeah it was pretty shitty. i'm done with star wars.

I couldn't hate star wars more. I haven't watched the last two, but the first one was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

>durr the EMPIRE are pretty much Nazis series ruined

Yeah no shit. It blows my mind that people think the stark white stormtroopers are space nazis

It bugged that they inserted humor in scenes that shouldn’t have it. Luke throwing his light saber over his shoulder really bugged me.

how would the saber extend slowly? Is there a setting for that?

Nice trips

My biggest complaint is how fucking BORING it was. All the opportunities for some cool fights and it's all instead these stupid drawn out cheese bullshit. Felt like I just watched 2 hours of ships getting shot at.

Wouldnt it have been dramatically appropriate to habe the rebels about to die with the star wars sad version playing on the obo and suddenly all you see is the light saber extend slowly and the music changes to the "we bout to fuck a nigga up" version. Its so fucking obvious.

So much jews

Its obvious the direcor did not watch the movies as a kid

Shut the fuck up you virgins, it was a quality film. End of.

sup Rian

I enjoyed it.

haven't seen the movie, but tell me if I'm wrong was there
>a cute thing (now a plush)
>some kind of new Droid/trooper >really ugly ships
>a weapon that would not work in any battle ever (but by the power of friendship BS)

it was SJW garbage, Disney seriously dun fucked up a good thing. complete garbage

The bad guys were the British race


Agreed. I feel like more and more movies are trying to be like Guardians.

Forced humor and humor where it doesn't need to be.

Pretty sure it's extended by tge twist of a knob and not a button like an spring umbrella

I knew way back that JJ taking the directors seat was a bad bad idea. Jews literally ruin everything that is great.

One of the first order was Asian at the beginning,Also most of the resistance is white if you cant see past race when watching a movie. I guarantee you will still buy tickets to see the next movie .

Next one I heard they're going to bring back Jar-Jar

he'd been dead for years if you think about it. now he's one with the force. HURR DURR LUKE DEAD GOTEEEEM. fuck off.

It has both. One is used to adjust size while a switch is used to turn it on. I have Luke's force fx light saber and the knob is for show, but the switch works to turn it on. Not all lightsabers have the knob though its the jedi's choice in their design.

but jj Abrams didn't direct the last jedi. And IMO, the force awakens was a good movie(it was directed by jj abrams)

Movie "franchises" were not meant to last a lifetime. Now we must go to infinity and beyond.

hell yeah! like how Darth Vader's did

Star Was has basically sucked after the first movie. Move on, boys, and get a life.

Does Smoke use a light sabre? He sounds like an absolute fag if Kylo Ten just easily cut him in half...

agreed. Everyone's trying to make movies that has too many cheesy jokes that only 5 year olds would laugh at. Even though there's WAAAAYYYY more wrong with the new Star Wars besides a lot of bad jokes

never even used one....

They killed Snoke, phasma and Luke in a really retarded ass manner./

Why even introduce us to this snoke guy only to have him be outplayed by some random woman that OUTPLAYED him in a lightsaber Duel? YET he held is own against Luke when he tried to kill him.

Only last 30 minutes of this movie was decent, rest was trash.

What the fuck was that Superman Leia shit lmao...

WTF Snoke? Interesting villain, they built up hype around him... killed him without revealing anything about him lul so what was the fucking point of him even being in the new movies?

The reason why this movie sucked dick so much is.... it was overhyped and the most interesting stuff that everyone was looking forward to literally was executed in the poorest possible way.

>Fuck you JJ.
>implying JJ directed Star Wars 8

Now you complain about this last movie, but you'll be buying tickets for the next ones that will suck fat dicks too.

Oh right, Phasma... everyone nagged about her in TFA. Literally did the same fucking thing here again, but this time they gave her 30s fight scene hahahahah

Whoever was writing this script should never make movies again. Idiot ruined those characters.

snoke threw the lightsaber against reys head so he used it

JJ was apart of the story group in the original Star Wars. Him and Mark Hamill colaborated on the new ones

What the fuck did Nigger and Asia face actually do ?

How did Snoke not sense Kylo Ren's betrayal?

How did no-one sense the force in Leïa in the first trilogy?
The whole story was full of holes from the start, couldn't expect any better than what we got after...

Mark Hamill's head is too big for his body. I could cope with that if it was the first time but I used to think that Darth Vader's helmet was too big for his body.
Fuck Star Wars and their disproportionate head to body ratios.

>a single non threatening asian for 2 seconds

You are trolling right?

>a cute thing
So you've seen a trailer? Great work Sherlock.
>New droid/trooper
Does adding a spoiler to your car make it new?
>a weapon that would not work
The entire movie is about rebels running away. Most of the battles are simple CGI space battle bullshit. The few moments where they could have thrown in some real life action shots and it's nothing but edited to shit dramatic grunting and groaning.

I've seen pornhub clips with more action.

Honestly, was pretty disappointing overall.

There was next to zero progression. Zero substance in this movie. I kept waiting for something to happen and then the movie ended.

Carrie Fischer's acting was just terrible. Honestly they should have just let her die when she was blown out of the space ship. But no they have to let her do some weird uncharacteristic force flying bullshit where she just zooms into the ship with nothing but the power of the force.

The voice acting for non-main characters was just terrible as well. Stuff like "We're detecting another ship on the radar sir" was just completely garbage. Or a fighter pilot saying "We have only one shot at this, let's do this" sounded like I was watching a youtube movie and not a star wars movie.

The Snoke scene was so garbage too. Like Snoke is supposed to be a powerful Sith that can bind minds together. And then Kylo Ren just is like lol let me just slice this light saber through you hurrr ezpz bro no problem.

I did like how Rey's parents were literally nobodies who sold her to slavery. I'm glad they didn't do any weird bullshit like she was Lukes kid, or Kylo's sister. It really felt like they were alluding to something like that which I'm happy they didn't cop out and she's just trailer trash.

Mark Hamil I thought did a pretty good job. At first I thought he was doing pretty bad thinking Luke wouldn't act like that etc. but then I remembered that Luke was a little whiny bitch in all the movies and it's been a long time since we've actually seen him. I'm glad they kept it consistent.

I really would have preferred the Obi-Wan treatment in regards to Luke where his failed apprentice cuts him down while he lowers his defenses, but I guess turning to sand while sitting on a rock is okay too.

>This movie really really makes all that crazy Sup Forums shit actually seem real
I've got some bad news for you Sup Forumsro...

ITT: faggot edgelords who can barely take time away from their mom's teat. OH HAIR HURR DUR MY STAR WARS SJW JEWS WOMEN IN POWER FUCK YOU DISNEY DURR

I'm sure Disney is sad that you'll bitch for two years and then go see the next one. It's like how you faggots complain about interracial porn and then unzip to fap to it. Pathetic.

>Jedi evaporate when they die
>their clothes do too just not their robes
I will always hate this stupid shit.

The obvious political metaphors are exactly what I liked about the movie.

There was even a debate between a liberal (Rey) who believes that fascists can be reformed and a leftist (Luke) who believes that that is foolish. This a real debate I have in my own head and with my friends.

They have special underwear like Mormons.

One of the best reviews
>"We're detecting another ship on the radar sir"
>but then I remembered that Luke was a little whiny bitch in all the movies
100% agree, the 10 minutes fighting darth vader saved him but he is like you described.

Kind of like how modern SJW's would despise Karl Marx if they actually understood him?

You do remember how in the original trilogy, the Rebel Alliance was white men and women, black men and women, and aliens of all kinds - whilst the empire was only white men.
You do remember that right?
You're not a gibbering retard, right?

OP is mad because he read about it on Fox News or Breibart

He doesn't realize that the Empire was being compared to Nazis and rebels compared to the diverse Allied Forces

I fuckn called it. When disney bought SW i was no longer a fan. I can still have the positive thoughts of my action figures and millions of lightsabers i had as a kid and not want to throw up because i cut the new ones out. I have only seen 1-6 and i will die this way

THots on the ending scene and the new little jedi that they are gunna make another 6+ movies out of?

>the rebels are of course like a UN postcard
For me that is one of the worst parts, the revels looking like a Benetton commercial without barely any aliens. NO FUCKING ALIENS IN THE GODDAMN REVEL ALLIANCE, IT MAKES ME SO MAD THAT I WRITE IN ALL CAPS LIKE A FUCKING RETARD!

Also that retarded looking purple hair girl took our based "is a trap" mon calamari guy's role. I hope. I hope someone allahu ackbar his jew asses.

spoiler for new Star Wars movie: OP is a gibbering retard

nazi army was diverse - plenty of black and brown (couple of documentaries about it)

JJ didnt direct this one

Anyone else feel like the Yoda puppet was extremely shitty as well?

the point of those kids was to show how class consciousness spreads among the proletariat. This movie is socialist as fuck.

what about random old bitch that goes kamikaze for god knows why?

To add a few more things on to this, I was really disappointed in the chrome stormtropper scene.

Like they hype Brienne of Tarth up to be some badass stormtropper who kicks ass. Then they give her a 10 seconds scene where she literally falls in the fire.

Like come the fuck on, she's Brienne of Tarth. Have Finn kick her helmet off and let this bitch do some acting. Don't just let this bitch be a voice in your movie, she's a fucking great actress. I wanna see some badass battles, but no we get to see her fucking eyeball and she falls into the fire.

The rich gambling scene was something else too. Honestly just felt so forced that they needed another cantina scene.

One other thing that bothered me was there was little character development between Rey and Chewie.

With Han we would always see him communicating with Chewie and talking with him. Those scenes were great. Why didn't we see any of that shit between Rey and Chewie?

> god knows why

um, she saved everyone it was pretty clearly explained were you paying attention or were you too busy jackin' it?

>tells Sup Forums is crazy bullshit
>they are jews

>not mad about sjw
>badguys are white

she's obviously going to be back in the next movie, all scarred and shit.


Fuck off, you fucking queer ass faggot.

I actually liked Yoda in this movie. It felt like the originals and not like the CGI barf they did in the prequels.

kylo for biggest pussy of 2017

> jedi can move objects with their minds, including hovering sometimes


>movie produced by a giant mega corporation that enforced capitalistic copyright laws is socialistic

got it

Hollywood hasn’t had an original idea for over 20 years.
Hollywood is like a dying fly, still kicking on its back, stll making a lot of noise but dying all the same

agreed. Yoda was handled well. the idiots who say "HURRR YODA WAS ONLY A JOKESTER WHEN HE WAS TESTING LUKE" is fucking horse shit. even in RotJ Yoda makes jokes about his age, about his mortality. Yoda is funny. he gained a sense of humor after all the Jedi got fucked i guess.

Lots of people work on these movies. They sneak stuff in.


The shame of it is, SW under Disney is totally socialist. The original movies were more universal fantasy, and if they had any political applications, it was that the empire was like the Soviet Union. So the new movies have flipped ideologically.

just wait for new robinhood

replace Hollywood with "Western Culture" and "20 years" with "2000 years" and I agree.

You are so right, it's probably more cynicism on Yoda's side and the fact that he learned to let it go.

Star Wars was always antifascist you slobbering barbaric dolt.

Focused on kylo killing rey. It's a rip off of the scene from rotj where Vader kills palpatine.

soviet union? are you fucking dense? are you retarded or something? it's nazi you fucking herd-cuck.

I think the point was that it shouldn't have even bothered him the room was "white", people should be cast regardless of race if they fit the character and can do the best job, hiring colored people, just for the sake of it is fucking retarded, which is one of the things wrong with the whole PC SJW mindset.

Pretty obvious that Kylo was tricking him by concentrating really hard on "turning on a lightsaber" but not which one.

Pay attention.


or maybe it's just another FUCKING SCENE, you faggot queer ass loser.

Like they hype Brienne of Tarth up to be some badass stormtropper who kicks ass. Then they give her a 10 seconds scene where she literally falls in the fire.
*cough*boba fett*cough*

Hollywood has had a liberal slant for almost all it's history, and some ranged to socialist and outright communist

What did you expect after disney started milking it? They only care about the money, so they target those retarded SJWs.

Yeah, there's the Nazi aspect there, but if you knew history and the social context of the time, it would also apply to the Soviet Union in the 70s-80s, when the first movies were made, you ignorant troglodytes.

are you a fucking millennial or something? is your attention span that of a FUCKING GOAT, YOU GOD DAMN QUEER FAGGOT????????? DID YOU EVEN PAY ATTENTION TO THE FUCKING FILM???? your criticisms are invalid. get the FUCK OUT

Except that Lucas wrecked that scene in ROTJ in the re-release by adding a bunch of fukcing "No.. No.. Nooo... NOOOOOOO" to Vaders dialogue

All the internal struggle disappeared, making the betrayal obvious, which would have left the Emperor a gazillion years to react instead of getting killd. All impulse was gone. At least in Last Jedi, the betrayal is silent and sudden.

it's literally in George Lucas' words that they're modeled after Nazis. jesus fucking christ, when is your tard guard going to come and tell you internet time is over? get the fuck out of here.

~Fuck this sjw bullshit. I just wanted a couple more classic planes to crash.

I enjoyed it.

Seriously? I haven't watched any of the special editions other than anh. Have the vhs' from 85. That's shitty.
Han shoots first

sounds like teen commie got offended

sounds like an idiot thinks his own idea of someone elses movie goes over the creator itself.