Fucking help, i got a spider inside my fucking ear ... maybe got in when i was on my sleep ... how do i take it off?

fucking help, i got a spider inside my fucking ear ... maybe got in when i was on my sleep ... how do i take it off?

this video was proven to be fake btw


shoot him

are you STUPID? i won't die mother fucker.

pour rubbing alcohol in ear

Vacuum cleaner.

You're welcome.

actually pretty clever.

pour vodka in your ear

Pour it full of cooking oil. It will drown.

this post is bullshit, but in case just pour water in your ear. The spider wont stay in a place that's flooding.

Fuck that pour Vodka in mouth then do that vacuum like that user said



OP is fake
do this but make a vid of it and post on internets

use fire.

Dude be happy you got a spiderbro to join you now

just have a bath and subermerge head?

poor water or hydrogen peroxide down your ear. spider will instinctively run out.

You fuck with that ear? What do you do with the other one?

When the spider runs its legs over the hairs, the hairs don't move.




dude get the petrol