Criticise China

>criticise China
>"Canadians" and "Australians" defend it

>criticize Ireland
>nobody defends it

paddy's gonna getcha

Why the quotations? It's not like those countries have a Canadian or Australian ethnic group, unless you're talking about natives.

Don't know what you could possibly be talking about

more than half of them on Sup Forums are actually chinks and gooks from my experience.
they are one of majority ethnic groups here. probably next to whites.

ha ha ha, sorry stinky jap nothing but genuine australians alound here


Why don't you pick on someone your own size?

Where you from? I don't get that sense at all..

What the fuck are you talking about?


>irish tries to speak english
>it makes no fucking sense

Most Australians are wogs here. There is a few chunks, mostly the anime ones from what I've found.

irish are pretty cool

>Irish speaks (only) English

You don't need more than this.

>criticize romania
>italian flags rush to defend it

ireland soley exists as the anti-england

How did so many lebs end up in Australia?

Lens aren't wogs

>be Japan
>get nuked TWICE

Lebanon went to shit and they decided to go to a first world country that was taking in a lot of migrants. Same reason why the Greeks, Croats and Italians came

and you are exactly one from the group. you dont need to be sorry for it. in all seriousness i expect Sup Forums will be a chink/azn board in the near future and those japanese contents will get put in the corner by the users. also there will be some hispanic users who are interested in azn cultures.
nobody can stop it because its simply law of nature. you chinese are gonna increase and get more and more presence in the west whereas whites arent. you actually are able to take over the azn scene in the west anytime soon.
i wont stay on this board either, not its gonna be like that but im here to just practice english. before that, on Sup Forums there're pretty much no japanese users and will.

um i dont still believe it. i think there are much more ABCs than youd expect.