If you could choose one superpower what would it be?

If you could choose one superpower what would it be?

To faggot all the faggots with my faggotness

I want to read people's minds. I want to know what they are thinking, what secrets they have, what lies they told. I want to know their desires and hobbies as well as their history.

I imagine you would call that telepathy(?).

OP, don't bump your thread after just a minute.

get gf

That's not a super power. That's just actually having any confidence/ value.

not to be depressd man

a superpower that could alter emotions in yourself and others could be really interesting.

To give people heart attacks by looking at them with a certian look

Best thing wud be ppl wudnt even know

time control.

I would have a power that could switch thier sexual preferences by just looking at them.

This or invisibility

Dont get them mixed up

As was said before, time control.

To be able to make any technology I could imagine.
With that I'd construct a base in the Himalayan mountains. Make a device so I could find Anons and make them my Astartes, and start a great crusade to manifest Humanitys destiny as the ruler of the Galaxy.

to know the answer to any question

So u could make a device to pause time, cloak of invisibility, super speed ?

To obliterate loot boxes of any kind. Fuck and Capchta's too.

Ability to repair my telomeres.


Nightcralers. The agility, sword master skills, and ability to teleport. Pretty neat skillet imo.

Accurate future premonition. So many ways to get rich from that.



Lets battle

be the maximun fag

Ultimate persuasion, everyone will believe what I say, no questions asked. Like an infinite Jedi mind trick

Time and space control I find it hard to get any privacy sometimes

Time manipulation. To do all sorts of stuff - travel in time, stop\slow time, make myself younger\older, make someone else younger\older.
That's basically superior version of immortality, you can live forever in any time, see all things there are in universe and end it at all whim.

Dr Who

To be able to start and stop time whenever I wish.

Forgetting Sup Forums ever existed.

He can't manipulate time at all. Only travel with Tardis and live a really long life.

transform into Ted Bundy when see a feminazi in the street

I want to say live forever but I'm scared that when the earth blowes up I'll be floating in space forever.

Ability to read people's mind/influence them like Prof. X i would fuck up so many people

Probably something simple such as super strength or speed. I wouldn't want to have this amazing power, get too full of my self and mess everything up.. Simple is the way


To cure the chan of cancer and endless summerfags.
Make consequences never the same again.

Shapeshifting. Always shapeshifting.

collateral damage man

invisibility. i would fuck sooooo many girls wherever i go.

Atmosphere/gravity manipulation

Stop time


kill muslims on sight, im French

Mind control. You can have anything you want on this earth.

The power to have all the powers.

Even the ones that stay

To go Super Saiyan

Mind control, so I can fuck any and as many girls I want.
for as long as I want, even forever!
and if I die having sex, who give a shit, I'm dead! (LOL !)

Mind reading, as long as I had full control of it. There are certain people who I wouldn't want to use it on out of respect.

do saiyan powers and all their transformations and abilities count? if not mind control or super strenght/invulnerability

stopping time

To fuck a slut and not nut in 3 seconds

I would want the power to make a spirit bomb but instead of being powered by life force it would be powered by Sup Forums authism.

the power to not be completely repellent to all other human beings

The ability to ignore physics. Basically operating by a different set of rules at my leaisure.

Time manipulation.

I'd love to be able to make sounds, music, random noises, etc play from any location at will. Sounds silly, but I could come up with so many different ways to abuse it.

I can only manipulate so much, so id love to be able to have no limit in manipulation

You user, you. Just you. Shine on
you crazy ass diamond

Iron Manipulation

It has been estimated that there is enough iron in the human body to create a needle.

If you were restricted to controlling it with one specific method, what would it be?

Temporal Loops? Time Portal Manipulation? Stopping? Reversing? Skipping? Accelerating? Slowing? Alternate Timeline Manipulation?

I redirect you to These guys have the right idea
But... HOW would it work?
Would it be cooler to use it like Za Warudo or like SUPERHOT?

Wrong stand

Something tells me you'd love to have the stands "Echoes" or "In A Silent Way"

Infinite dubs

Being an OP without being a faggot

Well, if slowing it means to an insane amount, definitely that. Stopping it would mean you would have trouble with the timing if someone shoots you. So if you slow time to like 0.0000001% of how it usually flows like, you wouldn't really be traceable, but you can do whatever you want as if you stop time, and if you just want to have casual fast reactions and still be able to tell what's happening, just make that 50% or 75%.
TL;DR, depends on if you can slow it by an amount of your will, or if it's a set amount.

Now that's a smart way around it, if you're not fighting someone else who is manipulating time. However, by slowing time, you're still going to be out-ran by a full time stopper. With slowing time, whatever your doing is still bound to a world of flowing time. Think of it like X/1 second. With time stop, it's more like X/0.

Just as hard to achieve ;)

Just think - you could make anyone say anything you wanted on the record if you were aware of the event. Granny's driving 20 under the speed limit in front of you? Suddenly, she's listening to death metal. Maybe that'll make her go. The possibilities are endless if you've got the imagination to use it.

I want to say funny things.

Time Travel/Immunity from changes to the timeline.

Right. Well, if there's other people with super powers, then stopping time would probably be a better option. As long as neither of these are time-limited, and there's no one else that can manipulate time, they're both great options, but slowing time would be much more benefitial. Slowing time would make you look faster to other people, so you can do a lot of stuff that doesn't include crimes, like going into competitions and outrunning everyone, finishing tests at your own pace but without that shit looking like stuff is just appearing on your page or that things are moving from where they were (stopping time to grab the answer sheets, moving bags, moving slightly-open doors). doing things within a timestop result in a sudden change of setting that is apparent for everyone.

>That's just actually having any confidence/ value.


You don't get a woman by having value, you get one by convincing her you have it. Plenty of deadbeats have gfs. All you have to do is destroy her self-worth so even your anime obsession is a plus to her.

The power to change my gender at moments notice


Imagination realization. Anything I imagine becomes fact.


If you made the mistake of watching Jessica Jones, I'd want the power Killgrave had.

Outsiders mark.

that had be great

That's a fair analysis. In terms of usefulness, I'd say Slowing = Self Acceleration > Stopping > Skipping. Reverse for combat against other time manipulators.

Now would it be on a universal scale or a smaller scale? I.E. Universal scale where all things but yourself are affected/Universal without living organisms being affected/Smaller Scale where objects are brought to some previous state, and so on and so forth

Imagine you didn't have that power