Sup Forums came together to troll for Donald Trump and all that shit...

Sup Forums came together to troll for Donald Trump and all that shit, but when it comes to net neutrality we are like little pussies, you dissapoint me.

Other urls found in this thread:

It was a 5 person vote with 1 being from that filthy curry faggot, you fucking retard, what do you expect?
Also it hasn't even been passed fully yet and will 100% be cut down in the long run.


Fuck off reddit. A large reason why no one here bothered to fight is because of faggots like you. Also the fact that most of everyone here is smart enough to not be fooled by liberal fear mongering.

Been removed in other places. Sitting idle ensures it will take effect in the long run. Americans are lazy and stupid. You elect leaders that always put corporations 1st.

Youre a fucking retard americunt if you think this is liberal fearmongering

There is no "we", kid.

>you dissapoint me.
Translates to
>I cant do anything, you do it for me

>defending the rights of mega corporations like Google and Netflix to not pay extra money because they hog a disproporionate amount of bandwidth
So.... this..... is..... the power...... of..... liberals..... huh?
........Not bad.

Moron Americans. Netflix and Google won't be hurt. The little guys will.

>would someone PLEASE think of the POOR megacorporations

Dumb dumb dumb americunts

8/8 post m8. topped the cake and everything.

I think it's clear that OP isn't from here and only read about Project Chanology a few days ago and thinks he can raise a personal army. Pro tip OP: Sup Forums died a long time ago. The real action is on Sup Forums.

That's because it's a non-issue, and images like yours are imbecilic, since you WANT totalitarianism.

Love to. He's sexy.

It is, though. And it merely parrots the Google, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix party line. To be as much of a shill as you, AND a retard who doesn't even know it.

>that video
What an absolutely legendary banter lord. Reddit is still SEETHING about the ruining memes part. He's definitely /ourguy/.

You know what I find funny as fuck, is the fact Americans think this will affect the whole world, but in reality it will only affect Americans, while us awesome non-Americans live life in the Neutral Net world doing what the fuck we want.


Imagine shilling for megacorporations on a Taiwanese shadow puppetry FAQ board for absolutely no monetary compensation.

Okay China.
Meanwhile, in the UK, people are arrested for posting on Facebook about immigration.

That i give to you, Sup Forums died long time ago.

Dumb retard Americunts should Google and learn more. Just because it parrots Google because they don't want to pay doesn't mean it won't hurt smaller sites that can't pay. Google DPI stupid mellinial ameritard

I heard there was another shooting by an American at a university, in Penn I believe.

Such salty fucks you yanks.

it's like data and how at first everything was expensive and limited, but then metro popped up offering it cheap and unlimited, and without government regulations, companies will have opportunities to do just that with internet.

>OP growing increasingly unhinged and ESL
I think it's obvious he's one of those call center Pajeets being hired to shill.

I am in the UK, and people are being arrested for hate crime not posting about immigration as a topic.

Need to get the facts right, Britain Firster.

Google is literally censoring the Pai video, so I should trust Google.
Okay, tardwit.

Ameritards beating off to donald Trump and fox news that know dick about public policy..and regurgitating mindless parrot bullshit like "liberal fearmonering." Americans are so fucking stupid

One day dumb American will figure out that it's not about google. Dumb American doesn't trust google..but trusts Comcast Verizon and att

How much does one get paid to shill I wonder.

A man in the UK has been arrested on charges of inciting racial hatred on social media, after he tweeted about asking a Muslim woman to "explain" the terror attacks in Brussels. As The Guardian reports, London's Metropolitan Police on Wednesday arrested a 46-year-old man believed to be Matthew Doyle, a partner at a London PR agency.

Earlier Wednesday, Doyle tweeted: "I confronted a Muslim women [sic] yesterday in Croydon. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said "Nothing to do with me" a mealy mouthed reply." His comment was posted after bombings at the Brussels airport and at a metro station killed at least 31 people and wounded 300 others. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Look at this cum-gargling retard

Retard alert

Ameritards always reduced to dropping argument to simply call names with no substance. You go fuck your fat lard girl now while she eat McNuggets

My post seems to have triggered a lot of dumb ameritards

The reason they did it was because he DEMANDED the muslim girl to answer for the crimes of Islamic Extremists, which is stupid. If he has asked her view we wouldn't be having this conversation.

The same can be reversed if some walked up to a Christian and DEMANDED they answered for why Christians like the IRA etc bombed people. They too would have got the same treatment.

Problem with you English bald headed unemployables is you are hypocrites, you do things to people but hate it when it is done to you.

Just sayin.

Kinda like you did with this entire post...

>reddit got bantered so hard by this video that they're still crying about it
Based as fuck

We sent him pizzas.

america got fucked by a Poo in the loo hahahahah

>not cumcost

Donald Trump supports the repeal of NN, just like he supports the Jews, the people 4chins claims to hate.

Bunch of idiots.

The ISPs (like Comcast) will be free to charge more money to Netflix (On Demand is a direct competitor to Netflix), and Netflix will then charge more for their service as compensation. So really the consumer will ultimately get fucked.

When it comes to people coming together for anything that seems impossible the pussies always show themselves, until it effects them or someone tells them it's not impossible.

Don't forget!!
>Comcast charges netflix to get fast speeds
>Netflix charges subscribers to afford cost
>Comcast charges customers for netflix package

Welcome to Earth. We are capitalists here, because we were told we had to be.

You do realize Trump is ultimately responsible for this? He put that man in place.

Trump is doing big business a favor by repealing NN. Trump is all about the money.

It's also an FU to trump

Obama was the one that originally put Ajit Pai on the FCC in the first place.

Trump is a puppet. He's just a puppet that was made out of gold.

He was Obummer's guy first.

>implying gvmt regulation of any kind is good

stfu faggots

i'm right

you're all wrong

because i said so


Curious if you'll say that when your internet provider rapes you in the ass with higher bills for less service, assuming you're not a kid living at home with mommy, or worse, an adult kid living at home with mommy.

100% leftist bullshitery. if your network provider fucks you, you just move to their competition. this is how the free market works and if they're stupid enough to throttle shit they'll either learn or go out of business.

Except that without net neutrality start-ups like that can't happen you fucking retard.
Comcast isn't going to sell off towers to some no-name little guy when they run the show without opposition. Why the fuck would they?


It has to go through first, lawyers and states will fight the fuck out of it. Then he gets that money shot.

L2 cronyism and corrupt government like a good monopoly does bro

>getting your news from the autistic /r/the_donald newfags at 8ch
wew lad.
What a completely on thread and not stupid fucking drivel to throw out there in a net neutrality thread.

>using female anime to convey his thoughts

Back to your trap thread, faggot.

shut up bitch


>lawyers and states will fight the fuck out of it.
This, ans given the fact that lower courts have already affirmed the right and duty of the FCC to institute these regulations for consumer protection I feel pretty good about the odd of NN being forcibly reinstated.

Sorry that your newfag safe space echo chamber is genuinely fucking retarded and filled with dumb cunt Americans.
Maybe go back there if I hurt your poor fee-fees.

American mellinial retards are hopelessly stupid. Fake conservatives that think not being a liberal means regurgitating fox news

Can't tell if you're retarded or just stupid, but it's not a partisan issue, like you're conditioned to believe. This is a freemarket vs monopoly issue.

>you just move to their competition

THIS is how it should work, but the ISP's have monopolized most major areas, and internet is almost like a utility now, peoples lively hood actually depends on it like water and electricity. They can't just move to another or shut it off.

>this is how the free market works
No, this is how the FREE MARKET works. We don't live in a freemarket, if we did, monopolies and bailouts wouldn't exist. The freemarket is a libertarian pipe dream that will never exist with human greed.

Sorry, but you've been conquered and your FCC has been compromised by a 2 decade long chess game take over of your ISP's. It will get better, but it will be shitty as fuck for a bit until the corruption is removed.

Please stop making this a right and left issue, it's not, you need to come together because divided you will be conquered.

This NN is brought to you by Liberals who wanted to make things "fair" and guess who got to decide what was fair. It was B.S. from the start, glad it's gone.

The arguments that Trumplets put forth in favor of NN being repealed are themselves perfect examples of why the poorly educated have no business voting.

shut up bitch

Same here. I long for the day this one user moves on from sucking Jimmy Kimmel’s cock

Sorry sweetie :)

>The freemarket is a libertarian pipe dream that will never exist with human greed.

I though we were all taught this in hs.. It's sad some people think humans and isms actually work out infinitely. All isms get corrupted by humans... We definitely do not live in a freemarket.


Don't you guys remember what happened to Dailystormer? It got shut down because ISPs refused to host their site. That was discrimination for political beliefs

This can no longer happen when it is rapealed. The internet will be completely indentical to how it was back in 2015, before Net Nuetrality was put into place.

Stop believing, and more importantly spreading the fake narrative that 'the sky is falling down, the internet is doomed'.

you voted for it, now you get what you asked for.

shut up bitch


Really seems like more leftist fear mongering. It's only been around since 2015, why would everything be different now? and h3h3 comparing it to being jewish in nazi germany? what a fucking moron

u americans gotta remember trump is to blame too, hes also against netneutrilitity. but FUCK this dirty cotton picking mexican fuck.

nah its HELLA bad bro. Look it up u lazy trump dick sucking nigger

This is Sup Forums they claim to be americans but are really malnourished moscowites


You're just mad because I'm right. I don't have to try hard to explain we live in corporatocracy and our gov is compromised lol.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings kid.

p2p blocking ofr 2k5... you don't remember that? Or were you not alive then?

Shit's been going on for decades kid, because the law was official in 2015 doesn't mean there weren't any before.

Fuck your partisan cancer bullshit btw.



I'm not even in the US, I just saw that retarded h3h3 video and can't take it seriously. And yes, it seems like leftist bullshit fear mongering
>drumpf winning will crash the US economy
>economy surges

>brexit will crash the economy
>economy surges

>drumpf is gonna not let women have abortions

>drumpf is gonna ban all muslims etc etc

same bullshit over and over again, nothing fuckin happens. You're all just a bunch of gullible lemmings freaking out over nothing. oh and since nobody gave me a real answer, I highly doubt anything will happen.
>le laws weren't official
You have no idea what you're talking about, you redditspacing dumbfuck

Leftists whine about muh corporations, right wingers/liberarians whine about muh big govt/communism. In the end it's somewhere in between.

I'm pro net neutrality but all this fear mongering and comparing it to Naziism is fucking idiotic and so typical of leftists these days. Leftists have no issues with private companies that essentially hold monopoliess (google, facebook, twitter) censoring/banning people and abusing their absurd power, but now it's suddenly an issue and literally nazi germany? you gotta stay consistent in your beliefs i think.

Stupid ameritards don't realize all that was throttled and censored before 2015. Too stupid to realize monopolies that have censored like Verizon want this for a reason. Stupid stupid mellinial thaybdont understand public policy or ideology. Ameritards arguments are nothing but choice pro life fascism communism liberal fear mongering family values. Ameritards are hopeless

The irony is fucking staggering, user. Just stop. Like, go to school.

why do Americans have to destroy everything good?

>Also it hasn't even been passed fully yet
Are you retarded? Its signed already, it just needs to go into effect in a couple weeks, the period for passing it is over, it passed you curry chowing cow fucker.

Spotted the autistic Yank roleplaying as someone from another country.
Literally every single other developed nation (and even the shitholes like Russia, Poland, Mexico, Australia) are all laughing at you dumb cunts for electing a borderline retarded reality TV star to run your country.
Please never stop being the biggest fucking joke imaginable yanks, you bring the rest of us such laughs.

stupid fucking cunt. It is not a law fucktard that is enacted by Congress. It is an agency action that was undone - same way it got put into place to begin with. Congress wouldn't pass a law during Obama, so he got the FCC to implement an agency action. Same agency undid it, Congress will do nothing so it is as good as gone

I mean, the internet was perfectly fine before Obama brought this stupid Net Neutrality shit around, but everyone's acting like taking it away will be the end of everything as we know it...buying into the leftist fear mongering like the good little lemmings you are.

in less than 2 months you will all forget about this whole bullshit thing

nothing is going to happen to your internet, you might see a price increase on netflix but that's about it, which is what the whole damned thing was about including the less talked about AT&T + directTV unlimited data deal which no other carrier can afford to do

Not everyone is retarded like you, OP.

was expecting at least one republicuck to vote for net neutrality

stingy oligarchic globalists wont even pay the media off for their social engineered support instead seeking to crowdsource support from gimps directly