What is the general consensus regarding niggers?

What is the general consensus regarding niggers?

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honestly, it baffles me how all of you people are so racist. I am white and affluent and I think black jokes, jew jokes and woman jokes are great, I don't get offended and trust me I'm not, but I know for a fact that if you said that to a black person, 1. you wouldn't say it to their face, 2., if you did you'd get dropped on your ass.

I know plenty of ppl who make pretty funny jokes and call ppl niggers but I know for a fact they would never and you would never say it to a black person's face. Own it or don't if you say nigger online, but are too afraid to say it in public youre a fucking pussy.

Say it and mean it or don't say it at all. I am prepared to get roasted bc everyone on here says nigger 24/7 but you all know damn well you'd never say it to their face or post that on facebook because you'd get castrated. Tell me im wrong and that im a nigger because it won't change the fact that I'm right

You're a nigger


I probably wouldn't call you a cunt to your face too due to social norms, but it doesn't mean you aren't one.

There are three major problems among them. First, is a low mean IQ relative to other races. Second, a genetic disposition to violence. And finally their horrors they inflict on each other through violence crime has created a society-wide PTSD epidemic. Essentially, most niggers are trauma survivors who are also saddled with low IQ's and a penchant for violence.


It's true though. I grew up around them.

Actually If one had the balls to call me a cracker to my face I would in fact call him a nigger to his. The fact is in this age there is a difference between a black and a nigger. The common term nigger has come to have the same meaning to a black of the same quality as white trash.


Niggers are only a subset of black people. Every race has its own stereotypical asshole. Don't get me wrong -- niggers are a thing. I lived in Chicago and saw people that actually wanted to be that type. But no way all black people are niggers.

there are black people, and then there are niggers. a black father that leaves his family after finding out his gf is pregnant? nigger. a black coworker, who doesnt argue about pay and goes out with you for drinks every friday? black person. a 16 year old black kid who walks around with a knife and his pants sagging? nigger. an honors student that has a 3.6 average that happens to be black? black person. the context is needed.

some are actually pretty cool, yeah. some are niggers, but i wish there was a word similar to nigger that i could call white people. cracker doesnt really sound like an insult to me, and i'm white. in my experience if you encounter a black person at their place of work, they are generally one of the good ones. the ones people consider niggers dont have jobs. generally i get along with black people better than white people. theres something about young white people that makes them really immature. old black people, in my experience, act the same way that young white people do.
tl;dr every race has ass holes

Say that after niggers rape and kill your mom

There's good, contributing black people who are well integrated into society. There are also the lowest subhuman garbage that turn parts of cities into warzones and do nothing but commit violent crimes and destroy neighborhoods.

I didn't even read, and I know this is copypasta.

The most dangerous, violent neighborhoods in America are exclusively black. Libs like to blame poverty of course but can anyone give me an example of a poor white neighborhood that is 1/5 as crimeridden as inner city chicago?

basically they are evil and possess demonic spirits

anything touvhed by their influence becomes corrupted and evil

the evil of their nature is a direct correlation to the evil in any situation

essentially the blacker the thing the worse it is , music , culture, art , behavior, intelligence , everything

They g


What about Mexicans? Italians? And Irish?
Maybe we should also talk about Arabs, Indians and those eastern Europeans. Come on, this is bullshit. You think like a nigger.

They're not bad, I'm more annoyed by chinks when I see them in 6k worth of clothing. It's like they don't deserve that shit, I don't mind if it's an American chink, but the foreigners get to me. They always fuck up places like Disney World and Vegas, there's too damn many of them.

Hang them

yes, thats what niggers will do. they will dig up my mom from her grave and fuck her.

Naggers are the worst.....black people who ''act white'' are ok in my book.....hate dem naggers do

When you say niggers, do you mean all black people, or store-robbing, bike stealing, illiterate niggers?

I have no opinion on the former, just as all white people aren't rednecks, not all black people are niggers. But niggers are the absolute biggest blight on humanity, so unfortunately, the rest of the blacks end up getting blamed pretty often.

They need fair and equal treatment, just like white people.

oh yeah and black people who wuz kangs, are proud of their African roots, are black nationalists or supremacists, think we wuz building spaze ships an shiznit before whitman came and stole the knowledge....are the funniest cunts of all

Leave your bike unlocked in a white neighborhood, and watch what happens. But I agree with your comment.

I think Niggers need to stop hating whites so much if they want the whites to not hate them.

I serve them all the time. It's 9/10 for me.

Ask me what that means...

My consensus is if jews, niggers and muslims suddenly evaporated into thin air, humanity would improve 9001%.

Being a nigger transcends race. That's what they don't get.

goddamn... no.


Damn right

My brother actually frequently forgets to put his bike back in the garage when he comes home from work. Surprisingly he still has that bike. But I think that has to do with living in a house rather than an apartment.

I'd say our neighborhood is mostly Mexican with some old white people sprinkled in, but I know we have one black guy across the street. I only ever see the one guy though, no wife, kids, or even friends.


All niggers are black people, but not all black people are niggers. Ya dig?

N I G E R I A is a very beautiful place. I might visit in person one day.

you want aids, malaria and rape?


Say hello to boko haram from me



I find them quite ugly.


I think white people need to stop hating black people if they want the blacks not to hate them. your argument is the same, far more white people have actually committed racial discrimination than blacks to whites. maybe the solution is to just not give af what anyone says or thinks, not generalize an entire races opinion on another race, and treat everyone how you would want to be treated.



a lump of shit is just a lump of shit

all blacks are niggers, without exception , i.e shitstains

Befriend the black guy and. And a mexian. Then ask permission to call him your Negro Amigo

Sup Forums believes that Sup Forums is just a bunch of whiggers


homo sapiens without neanderthal admixture are of a lower quality


Blacks in the US are mostly a mix between Irish and Central African



two kinds in this world


and they fare much better than their african counterparts

racists have the one-drop rule backwards tbh

You mad white bois?


>Gets an ugly bitch
I'm so mad, grrr?

The pitbulls of humans, for comparison.



fuck, wrong thread
as i'm here, just going to say they aren't humans

As a jaded optimist who grew up wanting to believe the only difference was disadvantage, experience taught me the sad truth. The nigger vs. black people thing is true but the non-nigger black people are 2-3% of their population. The statistical outliers. I'd love those 2-3% to find each other and outbreed the niggers but that's long term. Truth is they are simply the burden of the human race. They have low intelligence, low impulse control, have no ability to think in abstract concepts. As a result they are violent, thieves, liars, undependable, and cannot self sustain beyond a hunter gatherer level without help from other races. They'd have best been left in Africa. I say this in defeat, not in hate. I don't hate them. They can't help it. I don't wish them exterminated or hurt. I just think the best thing is to contain them and not let them hamper civilization any further.

>Every nigger is black but not every black guy is a nigger.

My philosophy


changes your thinking, right?

so stop giving a shit faggots
