Post bondage pics that look like authentic photos taken by a serial rapist of his victims. That means no smiling girls...

Post bondage pics that look like authentic photos taken by a serial rapist of his victims. That means no smiling girls, no porn star leering, no stupid costumes, and no overly elaborate S&M shit. Just terrified looking girls simply but effectively bound with rope, ducttape, handcuffs, etc, possibly gagged and blindfolded. Don't fuck this up.



That's a guy. That's Dennis Rader wearing his victims clothes.

More like this.

There's one serial killer/rapist couple that were known to have kidnapped girls and used sex machines, forced them to get fucked by dogs, etc.
Not sure if there's pics though. I believe one girl escaped.

Can't remember their names though. It was a husband/wife couple I think.


Nothing about this looks like an authentic rape

I can't find anything better. I want pictures of what it would actually look like if you broke into a girl's house, waited for her to come home, then attacked her and tied her up.

That would be Donald and Melania Trump.

Well the knots definitely wouldn't look that good, and she'd have redmarks from getting hands put on her. I wanna go deepwebbing for it, but I ain't trying to catch a charge for a fap.



Now come on! If you break into a girls house, what are the chances that she is going to have that wooden thing in there?


I love your optimism. I've never seen that at a girls house. Maybe I just don't know the right girls :)

More to come





Who is that

That looks like it would hurt your balls.
