Had an entire pizza to myself

>Had an entire pizza to myself
>Water pipe bursts somewhere in my neighborhood
>No water until WEDNESDAY
>Family had already flushed the toilet without knowing the water was off hours ago
>No more water in the back of the toilet
>Really need to shit, it's 3:00AM

I can't take this pain - please help. I really feel like I'm gonna rot from the inside out.

What am I supposed to do, piss in the back of the fucking toilet to have it flush?

dude, just do it outside in a bush. hell, do it in the middle of the street. like you said, its 3 am.

gonna have to either shit in your toilet and let it sit or go to a gas station or wherevers open and find a bathroom

>go to a store
>buy a few gallons of water
>shit in toilet
>pour gallon in toilet bowl after
>toilet WILL flush

Did this the previous 2 or 3 times it happened.

Really don't have any stores open out at this time.

Just go shit in the middle of the street, it'll feelgoodman. I would honestly do the same

Use any liquid in fridge

>flush fudge log with chocolate milk = WIN


where are you..new york city? go shit in your backyard like a dog retard

Would pepsi incinerate the porcelain?

A mobile home park, on aboriginal reserve land. I don't have a backyard.

Book a flight to Iraq now and I'll let you use my OG sandnigger toilet.

Absolutely not - might stain a bit. Just scrub it when the water comes back.

I'm Canadian, but already in Iraq considering we have all these refugees.

Make like the Hindu and designate a street for shitting until Wednesday

Do your business in the backyard, boi

Between making my carpet look like a bear pelt or rupturing my insides, I might have to eventually.

Wait, you're an ausnig? And someone taught you to use the computer for dreamtime?

Canadian. We have abbies, believe it or not!

Goddamn Canada really is a shithole

Be strong man. Pissing and shitting are for the weak. Hold it in. Don't be a faggot.

Esquimalt is a mistake, indeed.

I want to go back to Sidney.

Why are they not called "natives" given that you are America Lite?

Go to the water heater with the hose and take some water out it's about 5 to 6 gallons in there

They have lots of nicknames, but officially, they are something like Songhees. Maybe Songhess.

Uhh like 40 gallons for most homes.

I meant like take 5 or 6 out

My family's sleeping right now, and considering my water heater's in the storage room with boxes and a very annoying and creaky "fake wall" covering it, this is not an option right now.

Take a shit in it. I've been there man. Fuck it. Or maybe go get a 5 gallon bucket and shit in it.

just go to some 24h fast food place and shit there ffs

Also I just accidentally replied to myself, kek.

Anyway, point is, I'm not going to the water heater to withdrawl some water, even in my time of crisis.

Just take a fucking shit anywhere you can, and then clean it afterwards. Only sandniggers are capable of dealing with such shit, all we have is sand anyway.

If it was me man I'd shit in tbe toilet. Or just do a upperdecker.

Put a plastic grocery bag in the toilet and shit retard

Fucking genius