How to make someone fail an exam/ get kicked out of school?

How to make someone fail an exam/ get kicked out of school?

Those Fuji apples sure look delicious. I would avoid such an activity since it is unethical.

but how does a polar bear know what apples is?

Did he get the apples?

Become their lover, break them down psychologically and dump them before the exam.

When they did it to me it worked like a freshly whipped african american

I'm more concerned about these apples

can he break the ice to get the apples

Same here, tbh

Found the high schooler

Yeah, I'm craving some apples, now.


user asking the real questions, here

We don't give a shit just give us the story on the apples

Apples are sweet and healthy. I had no idea bears took an interest. I need to grab a bag of apples at the market if I scoot that way sometime soon.

thank fuck there are still one or two of us oldfags left

>this thread


as far as I know... no.


What did the polar bear do to you?

Apples make the world go 'round. Spin me like an apple, dude. Get me some of that apple is what I might do. Chop on down and let the juice take hold. Crunch that skin and see that crisp skin, golden inside so bold. Sugary pectin flowing through my veins, hardly can wait to take away the days pain.


Holy shit