You nostalgia you lose

You nostalgia you lose.

Always wanted this one but I never got I lost already.

Got this for xmas when I was a kid.

Yes I'm old.








Its christmas fuckwit



Punisher will punish your asshole.

got me.

you're a bunch of old fuckers, bet you even played with pogs


I had that exact set! Those arms came in handy for making shit later.



i had this whole fucking set. i was in third grade. it took me so long to get the white and red one.

fucking called it

that was right on the pog

Got me


O shit i have that thing hangin in my room





Got this for my 7th birthday

Don't know if lose or not, Sup Forums decide. Do not have one of these, but would like to, for my car.

I loved these. White was my first and favorite one. Remember that when you had 3 of them you could build them into a giant Bionicle?

you crying yet user?

The set*

The others are shit and dont count.

I had this fucking plastic piece of shit. Cost 100 dollars.

Saves the zoo or die.

Richfag detected.


I'm dyslexic, meaning I can't spell crisstmas so I have to write xmas, you heartless dyslexicaphobic cnut.



Cant believe this shit existed. Its probly what created the Trans and feminist and BLM problems today.




This one is hard

lion king is big and popular enough that it'll never get old. 0 nostalgia

Remember this being on channel 2 in Aus around 16:30.
Just after Spellbinder.

im playing tibia right now


>underage reported


y'all lost.



da numderz Nazom, wat do dey meen X---------------------------------D
zombies were alright

says the one posting a PC game
>MFW i was the first in my family to own a computer at the age of 16
>this was 2007

Holy shit. What happened to these?




fuck me



Also available in Sleestak green.





i still have the left one

ah fuck





dont worry

+1 nostalgia


Unga!!! Bunga zu pu! :’(






Who gives a shit, autist


Bung noga DOOBs


Holy shit my Nana got from the thrift store all the figurines except R2, 3PO, the imperials and Han

They must of been from this playset

Fight your way through "YOU ARE HISTORY"






I had this set. And a yellow submarine too

BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO RAD was the shit!!! i miss this thing!!!


