If you didn't like TLJ that's your fault. Women matter. Get over it...

If you didn't like TLJ that's your fault. Women matter. Get over it. By far the best film since the OT if not better than the OT. Admit it.

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Why do people pretend that star wars matters in any way? If you don't like it don't watch it - it IS as simple as that.

no one said women don't matter, faggot.
the fact that they shoe horned the minimal skill and no-experience having scrounger, rey, into the role of leader is precisely what's wrong with the world.

"i have a vagina, so i should make the rules!"

hah. no wonder a $hillbot loves this movie, $hilllbots love hillary too.

It's a big deal because women matter. These movies influence our society. Get over it

>thinking manchild Star Wars fans can have this attitude

Eh, woman will always be cock sleeves to men, nothing can change that.

Get over it lol

Women will always be objects of our entertainment.

I didn't care about the women, I cared about the fact that it wasn't very good.

Asian girl and black boy got all them rebels killed cause muh we save day by bringing this random dude with us. in short all whites died.

/ thread

Why wasnt it good? Too many women? That's why you old school Star Wars fans are being outnumbered. Your sexist ways don't fly anymore. Get over it. Women are taking over your precious man movie


Maybe it's more about the fact that Rey is an undeveloped character, with a paper-thin personality and no quirks to speak of who faced literally no challenges in the film, didn't have some sort of profound realization or anything like that at all, she just did what she did because movie and due to that fact I had no real stake in anything that was happening at all.

Either terrible bait or sjw retarded propaganda

why can't they make good films with that message?

>Inb4 replying to obvious bait
1 Rey is a text book Mary Sue and I hate her
2 the hyperspace ramming was retarded as fuck. If such thing was possible the republic would have lost the war to the cis since all the cis had to do was ramming their Droid fighters against the republic fleets
3 yoda telling like that Rey is a strong independent woman who don't need no mansplaining force training, despite talking about how luke was too old for proper training in the OT, but of course Rey being the Mary Sue she is she doesn't need to learn shit from anyone
4 the fat Asian retard who could have saved hundreds of lives just by telling Poe her god damn plan, but of course she is another strong independent woman
The list goes on

Looking too much into it. Just enjoy more Star Wars movies. I loved it.

That's what they're trying to do. I'm glad they're doing it with Star Wars. About time.

the way you set up your comment really shows that youre trolling

movies aren't real

I also forgot about the porg

Maybe I'm trying to troll because I don't know how to deal with the depression at how bad Rian Johnson fucked up after 40 years of Star Wars that I grew up loving

>look at this work of fiction in which a writer decided to have women get shit done
If that doesn't prove something, I don't know what does.

EVERY Star Wars movie is garbagei f you analyse it like that

holy fuck I love fiction

Nothing says strong women like Leia flying through space. Click this shit...


god damm top kys

worst scene in the entire movie. Looked like some shitty '70s wuxia Hong Kong movie

Episode 3 is my favourite episode.

Look at his record.

A bunch of shorts, then he did Looper, an okay film. 3 episodes of breaking bad and then they hand him fucking Star Wars.

What the fuck is going on with hollywood where they keep giving these one-off nobodies the reigns of massive properties?

It really is astonishing

no the worst scene was Rose's dumb ass ruining Finn's suicide run and potentially killing everyone that's not Finn, and then they teleported back to the fucking base

I like how he's on the gambling planet and he's just enjoying the place and the glamor and just having fun, and like every woman, she has to go all debbie downer "oh look, there's this injustice. and this one."

The one thing women were great at in the past is nagging and complaining. And now thanks to social media, they have that and the feeling that they're justified. Nothing can be fun anymore unless every injustice in the world is addressed and rectified. We're living in a fucking Joan Baez album.

Welcome to the never ending nag.

Fair enough.

second worst scene, then.

Fucking Christ, why didn't they explain Snoke's origin? Why Rey is such a boring Mary Sue and pushed down our throats more than Roman Reigns? Why Finn is such a pointless motherfucking chinks kissing nigger? Why Kylo at the end looks like a fucking idiot?


Don't forget how she's a fat nasty asian SJW and now if he turns her down he's an asshole. She kissed him and now he has to go with it whether it kills him inside or not.

Op, you’re fooling literally no one. Why do you do this?

It actually is very funny considering literally nothing get done in that movie.

>Plan to hide on Krayt goes to shit thanks to SJW purple hair woman deciding not to tell Poe the fucking plan, despite the fact he liked the plan.
>SJW chink and Finn ruin the master decoder plan because they're literal shit, then chink ruins glorious Finn martyr moment, condemning everyone else for all she knows.
>Rey literally gets nothing done except make puppy eyes at Kylo.
>Kylo, a MAN, get's shit done by killing Snoke.
>Leia is worthless and all she does is pretty much run, accomplishing absolutely nothing.
>Luke, a MAN being ON ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET, has to bail the retard resistance out because they're too useless.

The entire movie is shit though, so not that any of this matters. And it is shit for reasons that surpass the retarded SJW token characters and MaRey Sue. Hell, I would've welcomed them if they'd done the rest of the movie justice. It's shit.

All this because some mouthbreather asked JJ Abrams about "azn representation"

Every decision is now made by the amount of shame some blue haired millennial fuckhead can dish out.

I wonder how much extra her action (inaction?) figure will be because of the extra plastic they have to use.

Brick was the shit. I had so much faith. Unfortunately it was misplaced....

holy shit carrie fisher's nose got fucking huge towards the end

>inb4 a tidal wave of butthurt baited expats from Sup Forums goes full reee and starts...

oh, too late.

never mind.

eh, so-so b8 m8

Agreed. That was fucking retarded.
>"What's important is saving what you love, not destroying what you hate!"
>almost causes the death of the entire Resistance in the process

I think the real point is that women did shit in the original trilogy just fine, they led the rebellion and attack on the death star. They didn't need to write an "fempowerment" article in every single glossy mag about a fictional story for children back then tho. I honestly think that women have sunk even lower due to the constant praise

I just had to make this into a webm since that youtube clip will get taken down and I want to watch this every day

This reminds me of a clip of and interview with Boyega where he says something along the lines of "Original Star Wars had women too, but they were just perdy princesses and stuff like that."

It made me think the creators of these new movies have forgotten what went on in the original trilogy.

ghostbusters all over again LOL

Thats the thjng pepple are not going to watch it and the stock holders can sue the company for making substandard product but now they are going to say people are not wsatching it due to political boycott so the stock holders cant sue them

the whole gamer gate was about this

Like how depreton wuest wasnshit but it got put on steam cos of politicak reasons rather then it being an actual game or even any good

>They didn't need to write an "fempowerment" article in every single glossy mag
true, but that shits just hip right now... the new Star Wars movies are no more and no less feminist, communist, jew-shilling, whatever-sjw-yada yada than the original trilogy. People just like to think so, either because they want them to be (the sjws of reddit etc) or because they're addicted to being ass-traumatizes by progressiveness and sees degeneration everywhere (/po/, stormfart etc).

nothing new my dude, it's just fashion.

ce la mode and shit and such.

this guy gets it. They'll politicize anything.

This is manifestly false.
The first trilogy was like Mario Skywalker and Luigi Solo save Leia Peach and blow up Darth Bowser's Castle.
Now the movies are all about teaming up women and chinks and negroes to take down the white man.

the fuck is the OT?

I hate niggers, spics, gooks, kikes, ragheads, and women.

10/10 i kækked

.. but this, pretty much, is what Sup Forums unironically believes.

It was actually more like: Whiny little kid grows up, teams up with smuggler, saves sassy no-nonsense princess who is also the leader of the rebellion and works with other women and a fishman to lead the attack on the death star

Original Trilogy

I hate non-whites, non-europeans and non-christians.

Women can only get shit done in fictional universes?

>Leia Peach
She wasn't some simple damsel in distress.

Luke and Han fuck up her rescue mission and she has to help them not get shot to bits by stormtroopers.
Then she takes her place as the leader of the Rebellion.
And later singlehandedly infiltrates Jabba's palace for Han's sake, and finally kills Jabba after he enslaves her.

Why do people always seem to forget this?

Bicos she wumen wif vagene

you guys should totally fuck


I don't hate women though.

Perhaps it wasnt good partly because the writers focused too much on muh girl power and let the story quality fall short.

well then, according modern Sup Forumsism, you're a faggot, a bugman, a soyboy, a numale and a cuck.

I do, and I do think that Laura Dern's character and story arc was fucking horrifying.

perhaps, yeah.. or perhaps that's just your confirmation of bias fucking your shit up, brah.

The majority are, yes, but that's because the prequels exist, user.

I didn’t like the last Jedi at all. Women weren’t the problem, the acting and plot were.
Between Leia flying like Superman in space, Finn falling in love with an Asian janitor, some ugly purple haired weirdo who killed herself, and Rey who spent what 3 days training?

Are you a Sup Forumsist scholar?

>cunts getting shit done

Sure, yeah. That's why they spread their holes and use sex to get everything. It's totally because they get shit done, not because they're just whores at all.

why yes, kind sir. Indeed I am, yes.

>Should just be called "Women Getting Shit Done"
Why? The first movie wasn't called "Men Getting Shit Done".


>complaining about sexism
>with a twerking gif

Because Carrie Fisher's tits were just that damn hot.

bitter-virgin-soon-to-go-spree-shooter; the post.


>spoiled needy bitch wants dangerous training, lets dangerous war criminal go, doesn't listen to luke's commands, gets thrown around like a ragdoll
>purple haired dyke gets 300 people killed with ridiculous decision making
>old coke head makes zero decisions, letting others take the responsibility
>ching chong crashes three ships, gets duped twice by a thief, cries and is led into danger by her vulva
Sounds about right.

>don't mind me
>just a cunt that got her shit done

Goddamn. She's got to go out like Mary Poppins.

1. Rey was a mary sue in Force Awakens. Luke beat her in a fight (until she pulled a lightsaber toward her) and Kylo Ren was fighting 3 dudes while she could barely fight one. They went out of their way to tone her down in this movie and try to repair the damage they did.

2. Meh. People bitched about their use of hyperspace in Force Awakens (which IS a shit movie), but hyperspace has always been confusing in Star Wars. Does it say anywhere in the movies (not books or otherwise) what hyperspace even is? If it is just them going super fast, then yeah, that works.

3. Yoda was saying the past didn't matter, which is actually the same thing Snoke told Kylo. It was a theme of the movie. He wasn't saying Rey was a badass. This movie actually did a pretty good job of themeing, even if other parts were shit.

4. I'm confused. The fat chick told Poe her plan, that's why he sent them to get the cracker to get onto the imperial ship. I don't know what you are talking about. However, even if you were right, a gripe about a character's decisions is just that. It isn't an argument about movie quality. She was an underdeveloped character without enough backstory to justify whatever way you 'think' she should have acted. This is just you bitching.

Give me more of the list, and let's try actual flaws this time, like:

A. The dialogue was super cringey much of the time. Guardians of the Galaxy tier forced humor. The redhead dude's speech at the beginning with Poe being 'on hold' was fucking autism garbage.

B. All the cutesy 'kid humor' moments like the aliens screaming comically when those horse-aliens rampaged through the casino. Way too many of those CGI stupid monsters like from the last trilogy when Lucas shit all over his world.

C. Finn is still a horrible character that does nothing and needs to die. If they had let him die by blowing up the cannon the series would be 90% better since he's fucking useless.

Jew media can suck my balls.

Haven't touched it since around 2015. No movies, sports, news or TV.

This is discrimination

>don't mind me, just a cunt here who don't need no man
>that's why I have sex for money
>because men have the money

Finn dindu nuffin. Of course he's going to be the Great Black Hope in this train wreck.

Your kids will love these movies fuckwad

>Yoda was saying the past didn't matter, which is actually the same thing Snoke told Kylo. It was a theme of the movie
That was subtext about throwing out the old EU.

why can't they come up with new ideas instead of hijacking pre-established franchises and using their pre-established fanbases to spread these messages? why can't they come up with new ideas that become on par with such popular franchises?

because it's not about a message. it's about systematically shifting the social dynamics of society via popular culture.

Worst star wars movie ever...maybe until ep9

>so strong and independant
>gettin' all kinds of shit done and just movin' on up all on my own
>that's why I'm an attention whore: because I can spread my holes and get money.... from men
>that doesn't mean that I need men though! It just so happens that the men have all the money... that they worked for...


Women did stuff in the movie. So did other people. This is just bait to get haters and retards to lap it up.

When Fury Road came out there were a billion articles about Furiosa as the main character and how women were great which not only wasn't true but didn't fucking matter.

Stop buying into this bait.

I mean what's happening is essentially SJW's hijacking pre-established franchises mainly created and pushed by men and completely dismantling and rearranging them into their own image (to the franchises detriment as well), instead of coming up with fresh ideas.

to me that just highlights that all of these pushes of SJW bullshit in popular culture have little to no genuine ingenuity or creativity, they have to work off the backs of others. which to me indicates that they don't even believe the messages they're putting forward, nor is their heart in it. it's likely for the money. they're being paid to do what they're doing by someone else who wants those messages pushed and wants the dismantling of those classic franchises, and wants them reshaped into something of an antithesis of the originals.

>B. All the cutesy 'kid humor'
The worst one was the little big eyed thingy next to Chewie in the ship doing the stupid faces. Toddler movies tier humor.

And I agree with the Finn thing.

>Haven't touched it since around 2015. No movies, sports, news or TV.
wow, glad I ain't you.

Cocaine, buddy

hi there Sup Forums, gotten lost again?