Why do feminists hate men so much, Sup Forums?

Why do feminists hate men so much, Sup Forums?

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They don't hate men. They just want to make men un-alive. Totally different

Ask /pol

Feminists don't hate men idiot, they just want equality.


> falling for the sociology Jew

HAHAHAHAHAHA of course they do

fuck off

Gr8 b8 m8


but I already know a bunch of idiots will reply



feminists don't hate men -- feminism is about equality. men just have a hard time with the idea of not oppressing and raping women and stealing all of their ideas and contributions to the world.

just stop being misogynists. it;s not hard.

Feminists aren't heard any more along the noise misandric idiots create. Pity.

Too much user, too much. People would buy that on Reddit but Sup Forums's much further right-wing.

I'd go with just the first sentence and last one:

>Feminists don't hate men - feminism is about equality.
>Just stop being misogynists. It's not hard.

Because theyre dykes, obviously.


yeah, i might have gone too far in the radical intersectional feminist/TERF direction

thought about going with the whole thing about how women have some special spiritual connection to mother earth/the universe but cbf figuring the best way to phrase it

Men and women are totally different. I do not know in what sense there can be equality.

> Totally different
Not as if both had the same number of organs, save a few exceptions.

Come on, you're not an idiot, you know what I mean.
They are weak, not very creative and emotional. Men serve to work and be in those positions, that women want, because they deserve it.

that's the best video ever

Feminists hate men because they are collectivists. They see the men at the very top of society and presume that because those men are the top therefore all men share in that wealth, power, and influence and that those men at the top are shaping society to be more favorable for men -- all of which is completely untrue. The men at the very top care only for themselves.

Because they are men

Woman are creative and funny...

Not only do I not know what you mean (until now), you haven't even given any real difference.
Men aren't really creative either nor are they really strong, statistically speaking.

>touching a girls boob when she doesn't want it
>get fucking slayed for it
Redditors think this is le funny and equal?

In comparison to women, yes buddy :3

If you are interested, you should listen to and read a lot of work by Camille Paglia. She was a feminist figure back in the 80s and early 90s mostly and promoted what she called "amazonian feminism" or "cross dresser feminism" which was this idea that promoted the standard feminist idea of equality of opportunities of men, BUT also stressed the equal responsibilities of men, especially safety. She HATES whiney victimhood feminism specifically because it goes against what she argued. She also hates fat disgusting women who hate men for not finding them attractive and said young women should get in shape and enjoy their bodies while they can.

Here she is calling out Lena dunham for that shit


They don’t you just bought into the meme


Fuck you! you fucking mysogynist!
