Can one of you cunts tell me what the fuck is wrong with my finger

Can one of you cunts tell me what the fuck is wrong with my finger

you pulled a hangnail and it got infected.

Yarp. Go to a doctor.

This is correct.

looks like an ingrown fingernail

soak in warm water for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day with 1/5 part vinegar to disinfect

do that for days

nail avulsion after soaking

Try washing your hands your hands more than once a month you degenerate fuck.

It's infected. Soak it in a cup of warm saltwater
twice a day for a week.

Ingrown fingernail

Sometimes daily soaking in hot water with Epsom Salts helps, but at this point I would go to the doctor.

You scratched your ass and got fecal matter in there, no joke look it up

Quit chewing your nails until they bleed then sticking your finger up your ass

When did you first learn your finger was gay? It looks like it has contracted cuticle aids and will need to be burned off

Could be herpes

Looks like you wiped your ass too hard and now you have shit on your fingernails. Fucking jews.

The index finger on my left hand looks identical. Mid-September I got it caught between my Saz-all chuck and the frame. It's still mu-fukin infected .
There's something in there and it's foul enough to keep it infected---yes; I did go to a walk in--some 20 year o Paki said "I numb it-den drain it". Rag head had the nurse spray on some Bactine type shit then Paki man starts slicin' wid a mu-fukin SCALPEL!!!!!!
FUCK ME dat hurt--paki gave me some strong Vicodene so I did-n go all ALLAH AKBAR on his camel shit ass
still infected doe
I soak my hand in warm water twice a day and it heps

Got this on my big toe at the moment because I compulsively pick at the nail in the corners until it bled.

It's just infected, keep cleaning that shit with whatever stings the fuck out of it.

use bleach if you have to.

This but also add salt, it won't feel good though

Amputation is your only effective option.

Infected cuticle. Soak dat shit and wrap it.

Run the back of your fingernail along the rim of your penis works 100% on the time.

get the pus out and wash with alcohol atleast .

That's stage 4 fingernail cancer. It usually spreads to the cock.

its like your trying to be black or just some cannibal inbred hick from the woods

Ingrown nail cause of shape (pipe shape), mechanical cut under nail or uncut sharp piece of nail is scratching spot all the time .
Cosmetics can handle this. There is device fo that shit. Hot water, cutting nail or those dumbs from here won't help u. Use device from pic.
I tried everything , only that helped me .

Or buy some Fin Mox Forte from your local petsmart, which is Amoxicillin which is good for soft flesh infections.

Take needle, sterilize it, drain puss. Use neosporin and bandaid, take one 500mg tablet of Amox every 12 hours for 10-14 days (14 days to be safe)

Slice it open with a fucking exacto knife

just platelets from where it bled out- you pulled too much of your hangnail out. It'll be fine in a couple days- just scrape the shit away, soap and water, peroxide, neosporin.

Infected nail.

I've dealt with it a couple times just do this

Take a pin or knife and use a lighter across it to sterilize it.

Poke a hole where the puss is originating from

Put it out of your finger like a bit

Use peroxide to sterilize the wound and for good measure dip it in some salted water for good measure. It stings like a bitch but it works.

Happened to me I just squeezed the end until pussy came out the waited until it dried and then scratched it