So Sup Forums, do you have any reoccurring dreams? About what?

So Sup Forums, do you have any reoccurring dreams? About what?

I had one that my girlfriend was a witch and tricked me into hating my bestfriends, or when that didn't work, she would poison them or lure them places where she could kill them. Once my friends were gone I had no defense and she ate my soul.

I told her about it and she got reaaaaally mad, and even asked a prof about what it could mean.

Going to work at a new job in place I don't know with people I don't know. Usually some crazy-looking computers that I don't have any idea how to work

my nuts being on your chin

i keep dreaming that niggers will be equal in this world
funniest dream ive ever had

Drowning in an ocean that has no surface.

When I worked double time I would have nightmares about a faceless stranger who only I could see coming into my work and stealing the chairs so I would have nowhere to sit during my break. Honestly terrifying because the dreams were slightly different and going to sleep was like waking up in another world. He would also do stuff like wear the busboy's skin as a mask suit and bring back dishes and food saying that there were complaints. Or, when I tried to take a video, he froze time and talked to me while everyone else was frozen. No time passed in the video, so he didn't show up.

Total aryan victory

once had some weird dream about races being related to intellect and overall cosmic value that made me reeeaaaally racist for a week or so.

Got mad about a dream? Major red flag. You need to leave her. She's insane.

I once had a few dreams that were kinda like a series; post about it?

Probably gonna eat your soul sooner or later

Nope, just compulsive thought habits.

Most of my dreams involve food, and planes or trains

Basically walking misin my shit, then the moon just strt falling toward me. This giant crushing feeling of failure fall on me. The moon is getting closer and closer, I lay on my back and look at it come, am loosing it, fucking scary. It's about 2 meters away, am gonna die! It start crushing me slowly starting by the legs, breaking everybone, squeezing the life out of me. Then my head get crushed and I wake up out of breath, sweaty and crying. It happened about 10 times I would say, my gf still don't understand what's scary about it. ._.

only after doin this 4-HO-MiP
15 mg a day for 5 days

fish dreams

How does the moon crush only your legs first, and then every other bone after?

Oh and ever played Legend of Zelda? Might explain some things.

Not an overall dream that's reoccurring, but I keep having dreams that I'm speeding past a red light and I have no control of my car, thus leading to me crashing into a wall or something.

i have a lot about my high school years
i hated it, i had such bad anxiety, dread and depression that when I dream about it, those feelings resurface and ruin my whole day

Yes please.

That my childhood house is haunted. I'm alone and walk into the kitchen
/living room and suddenly all the lights start fluttering, cabinets and doors slam closed and open, smoke alarm starts going crazy. Then I wake up. Also a reaccuring dream that I never actually graduated highschool and end up have to go back for some reason or another

I have a weird type of dream

I'll be doing some mundane job and them Donald Trump will show up as a customer, after a bit he'll just do it for me, and then when he's done, he tells me I'm fired

Every week I have this dream

feels bad because I can't remember the story but it had something to do with me being on the run and it would come up every few months or so

I have dreams about girls that I'll never end up with

I don't have any recurring dreams but there is a figure that's been in them for the last 3 nights or so. Every time just before I wake up, I see a purple humanoid, made of clouds or smoke or something, put its clenched fists together. Then I wake up. I think it's fascinating, hope to have more.

To be honest my friend said the same thing haha. here's another but it's not recurent
( I actually write most of these in a notebook)
I boarded a planed filled with people, as I was going into the plane, a small peice of metal fell and people didn't seemed worried about it. The plane take off, to pass time we start throwing at each other paper balls.Then out of no where, power lines just clip through the plane and my body, going really fast. Then the plane crash into trees ... then glitch and go back in the air like normal.

>You're Obama in your dreams
>"Back to Iran I guess"

Yes I always dream about my high school sweetheart and what could of been if we stayed together. I’ve been with handful of chicks since then but the magic never came back

The events are pretty random but it always takes place in my middle school. Idk why.

Dream that I'm walking in the forest and slip into a bog. I start sinking faster than I can swim. All I see is brown merky sludge feeling the debris of dead leaves and wood chips as I sink faster

My teeth falling out

I have dreams about finally having someone to love, and someone to love me. Seriously.

common dream is common

Oh man i had this dream couple of times. Scares the shit out of me man

Sounds like my nightmares

Here's another one from my book ( actually a lot of them involved people I know so it's kinda weird to add these dreams in here )

I just finished moving into my new house, I go outside and a bunch of different war planes from the WW1-WW2 era fly above and started dropping firebombs. I went on the roof with the garden hose to stop the fire and push the plane away( by shooting water at them)

What kind of garden hose were you using? Asking for a friend.

About once or twice a month, I dream about my dead brother. In the dream we meet and talk like normal people, once it was even at a picnic. It's nice to know I'm still connected to him.

Oh just the regular hose ya know :)

Look at ya nose.
Nose long like garden hose.

You don't deserve to be on Sup Forums with memes like this

Okay here's another one that I wrote down

I was in a desI was in prison. In my cell there was this other inmate who kept doing pushups. When the guard came to close the cell door, the push up guy was still outside doing pushup and the guard was waiting for him to be done. When he came back in, the guard closed the door but it opened back up for some reason. The push up guy told me I could escape via airvents so I did. Exiting the airvents, I was in a large warehouse like building with a lot of crates. The was this empty area with nothing but a VR headset and I decided in my prison escape that it would be nice to play the VR a bit. So I played VR for a while with other inmates that also escaped through the airvents. When I stopped playing, I wanted to escape so I openend a large sliding door and looked outside. 3 meter away from a small forest, told myself I would have top live in that forest for a bit because the cops were searching for me already.

Not really a reoccuring dream but since I was a kid I've dreamt of the same place lots of times, it happens like twice a year.
It's my home town, everything is there: the house I grew up in, my friends' houses, their parents, the schools, the shops, the bus stops, it's all the same except the proportions are all fucked up.
The streets are much longer, the trees taller, the slopes steeper, the roundabout at the center of the town is crazy huge (like 300m in diameter) the whole town is out of proportions and constantly unnaturally dark like it's always 5pm in winter on a very cloudy day.

In these dreams I just wander around town, visiting the places I used to go as a kid, my old schools, my friends houses but never mine. It feels super real and I never realise something is wrong even if the town looks like some hellish distorted reality

That's spooky :o

Here's another one

I was walking outside and saw this really nice rainbow that was radiating some sort of magic color thingy. When I would put my finger over the colors, it would change the color balance of the real world. My friend started arguing the true nature of the change of color but I didn't really care as I could change the color of the fucking world by puting my finger over the rainbow thingy. ( sounds like my brain got mind blown by the color correction setting in Photoshop)

Also you peeps should try writing down your dreams ... everything I read this book back I don't even understand why the fuck I dreamt such things. :v

Not often, but here are my two:

>Be kid, in museum
>starts filling with water
>must go to higher levels inside
>someone's also trying to get me
>have to swim away and fight while climbing
>I'm collecting something, hard to remember
>I think it's parts to something that will save me
>always drown

Nearly exactly the same every time, started when I was 10 or younger

second more interesting, coming in a minute

To make it spookier it's also empty, it's a complete ghost town, there's no one walking in the streets, when I go to someone's house they're never here and there are no cars driving around.

I've thought about writing down my dreams before, I really should do it I've had some really crazy dreams.
I can tell some if you're nice

Water must be scary as shit. I'm happy I don't have dreams that involve water or being chassed :D

my whole life feels like a big recurring dream...same shit every fucking day...

Go ahead, I'll be a nice dogo.
but yeah remembering dreams require a bit of practice, if you ever tried lucid dreaming before, the first step is trying to keep a dream log.

Sabrina the heartbreaking bitch would pop into all my dreams, she would just be in the background sometimes, but never less, for like a year after she told me to fuck off she would be in all my dreams. They would be different dreams but she was always there, sometimes eating dinner with me (and ignoring me) sometimes just drinking coffe in the background in some cafe or something (and ingoring me) anyway then we got back together and she just stopped talking to me (again) and it sucked but thats when i got over her and she finnally stopped being in my dreams. Somehow that means I win

I used to have this dream VERY often, then went years without it (10+) and then I've had it twice in the last 5 or so. This dream, unlike the other one, varies more per dream, but stays within the same general idea.

>be youngish, around the same age as the other dream
>there's a house, but it's like a fort
>no windows, curtains are nailed hanging cloth, that kind of thing
>there's older kids inside, and I can tell they don't like me
>but it's my fort, I think, I feel like I've built it
>I start trying to fight them to get them out
>it escalates really fast, they want to kill me
>some energy starts building up in a ball form inside the fort
>the fort is now more like a house, with several rooms
>energy ball is in living room, kind of blueish
>getting bigger, I'm running for my life
>suddenly realize the light is my power
>find some super weird peace inside myself that I've never known
>obtain power
>wake up

The dream never resolves itself, and I'm always left feeling so empty when I wake up. If it's been a while since I've had the dream, it will start to feel like an itch in the back on my head. Something my mind is trying to remember but I don't remember what it is or why it's trying to remember it. The first long stint I had without dreaming this dream I felt that feeling for years and years, off and on, until it happened. I had forgot about the dream before that. One night I had it and woke up freaked out, and the feeling that I was trying to remember something was gone.

Now I recognize the feeling, and when I think back, depending on how long it's been, I'll remember very little of it, but I'll have the dream soon thereafter. It's almost like the dream is calling for me and I come to meet it. I hope one day to know why, or learn something from it that I'm supposed to learn.

Oh, I don't always make it to the end of either of the dreams, sometimes something will wake me up before I can

Those are my only two recurring dreams. Interesting topic, OP.

as a kid/young adult I got mauled by animals a lot. mostly bears and sometimes wolfs.

You know, I've never really minded the water. I've always been a good swimmer, and swimming was life as a kid, so I always started the dream feeling I was in my element.

Getting chased was by far the more difficult part to deal with at first. Then I'd start to get trapped underwater. I remember parts where I'd be trying to come up for air but someone was waiting for me. I'd double back into a room for some air and find a different place to move up the building until I didn't and died. It's weird how dreams feel weirder than they sound, but it always felt really strange.

I have sleep paralysis so yes I have reoccurring "dreams"
One is of the shadow figure walking around my bed and staring at me
Another one that's rare is of a pale little girl that just sits in the corner of my rooms and looks at me
She never moves

I've gotten to the point where I can get myself out of them but my gf tells me she knows I'm having a bad one when I'm screaming with my mouth closed

I've learned to just except that this will always be a part of my life

or poison your friends..

Actually I've had lucid dreams since I was a kid, I found out that wasn't normal a few years back, it was (and still is) so common I thought everyone had them.

Anyway here's a dream that I'll probably never forget.

>be me in my hometown, not fucked up this time)
>except it's on the moon
>we can breathe just fine don't ask how.
>gravity turns on and off at regular intervals
>I go visit a female friend I hadn't seen for years outside of the dream
>she has a BMX with the things to put your feet on
>we go for a ride
>she drives, I stand on the foot thingies behind her
>we arrive at the edge of town, there's a very deep moon crater
>basically a cliff
>gravity is off, we can jump and not hurt ourselves
>she decides to try it
>i get off the bike
>the second she leaves the ground gravity turbs back on
>she crashes down the cliff
>wake up
>burst out laughing

same, for me its a nightmare but i may be slowly waking up

I used to have one where a giant mechanical spider would chase me and I would eventually end up hiding under my bed, then peeking out from under my bed, and it would have been on top of the bed so when I peek out it stabs me in the back with one of its legs.
I'd then wake up with my back locked in an arch and would be stuck like that for 10ish seconds like a cramp. Never figured out what was up with that

I have every night a recurrent dream. It starts with me walking through what looks like a completely whited corridor with no windows or corners, then I, for some reason stop walking. After what looks like a thousand years waiting an angel with blue/green eyes, almost pale skin and black hair with some blond tips descends in front of me. She appears to be talking to me but I can't hear a thing. She notices that I can't hear so she touches my ear, when she does this she tells me something with a celestial voice and starts getting closer like she was going to hug me. But when she touches me I wake up in tears forma no apparent reason.

had a few different ones a long time ago. now I rarely sleep long enough to even have a dream

what were the results then?


Save-this-thread bump

nope, just staying up watching videos and vidya too much

>be. me.
>my house in ohio was always scary. old. nasty.
>every day hearing shit. weather its neighbors or my cat or the wind.
>ALWAYS noise.. never ceasing. this was weird concidering I lived in rural ohio and that place is always quiet.
one day after coming home from work, [email protected] i felt the hairs on my neck stand up.
>saw nobody in house
>ok good.. no murderers.. no. cat.
>where is sprinkles (yes his name is sprinkles im a fag like that)
look all over house and find nothing so i stop to think.
>while im thinking i notice something strange.
>mfw its silent. absolutely silent. no neighbors, no wind, no birds.
>forgot to look in basement for sprikles.. maybe hes down there?
>get into basement and still. silence.
>get to back of room and find bloodied hole in window.
>the moment i see it the basement door slams and i hear footsteps in the house above me.
>grab my baseball bat from boxes next to walls and run up stairs.
>out i walk into this familiar but alien land looking deep into the halls and slowly peering around corners.
>get to room
>find sprinkles.. most.. of sprinkles
>just her legs and arms were standing without a body perfectly on my bed. as if set up by someone.
>bury her out back
>the next day the noise returned, i took the day off work.
>life, went on.
>never found out what happened and never will.

that is my story Sup Forums, hopefully none of this scaryness will ever happen to you. we did find muddy footprints on concrete driveway (it had just rained.) but that was all we found.