Honest opinion on Polish women?

honest opinion on Polish women?

Their pussy is the softest and withest thing on earth

Try to contain your inner nigger, shitalian arab

pretty disgusting

Women are ruled by the moon and men by the sun.

Idk why but majority of runners look hideous. I've got one in my class back in hs and she had an amazing body but looked similar to the girl on the left


They just have aerodynamic faces

Women are governed by the menstrual hormone cycle. Men are governed by the daily testosterone cycle. Pic is the female hormone cycle.

Excellent deduction

This is why dick gets up with the Sun

Those polish girls have contain my inner nigger pretty well


did a giggle

Literally nigger behavior

ftw Polish men are super good looking while Polish women are ugly hags

>one chance at life
>born hetero


pretty much


Undercover slags desu. The ones I've met all gave incredible head.

It's a typical catholic thing.
In the past they did that to remain virgin.

biggest whores of all the slavs

>not being a lunatic
>implying women worship anything besides themselves

Mongoloid women

Would racemix with them to uplift this inferior race tho

>arab mutt uplifting anything