Cocaine is less addictive than weed

>cocaine is less addictive than weed
>cocaine actually has some productive benefits
>weed kills all productivity

So why exactly is weed legal but not cocaine?

>weed kills all productivity
Well, that's a lie.
So there's that.

Bait thread

It's not a lie. It's just an entirely subjective observation. Just like cocaine supporting productivity.

He presented it as an objective fact, rather than a subjective one.
Ofcourse that is a lie.

It's all bullshit. I can sleep on coke and work like a madman on weed.

Finally, someone whos not a weedfag.

Chill guys, I admit cocaine kills focus and weed kills productivity.

I do both, wasn't my intention to put one against the other, I just think if one is legal then the other should be as well.

That said, I know the USA makes a lot of money from smuggling in cocaine low key, so that is why it's not legal yet, but it should be.

He wasn't trying to misinform you, he's just misinformed himself. He can't lie about something he didn't know was a lie.

Cocaine is for fags

>cocaine is less addictive than weed

You are unique then, my experience is the opposite, but I know people experience different substances in different ways, I'm just going off of personal experience and the "average" experience.

It's still a lie.
Telling the truth is not as simple as just wanting to tell the truth.
That is the difference between honesty and truthfulness.

So yes he did infact lie.

>Chill guys, I admit cocaine kills focus and weed kills productivity.
Again this is not true.
It may be so for you but not for everyone certainly.

Again, I think it's a personal factor.

I know people who get anxious when they run out of weed and people who only do coke a few times a year, and vice versa.

I just think it's more likely to do coke only on special occasions while weed smokers do it very regularly, for example.

Fair enough bro, I believe you and wish I could have the same experience with weed.

I never intended to bash weed, I grow my own and smoke regularly, I just think coke and weed are on a similar level.

Objectively cocaine causes both physical and mental withdrawal effects

Cocaine is one of the most potent stimulants available, and it is highly addictive. It affects neurochemistry through the brain’s reward pathway immediately, so taking it even once can trigger addiction in many people.

True, but the physical effects are so minimal compared to, let's say, cigarettes, that it shouldn't be such a big deal.

I'm not a big user, but I have never felt physical withdrawals at least comparable to the prescribed meds I take.

Well this goes against my personal experience, I've taken Ritalin and that was way more physically addictive than a few lines of coke.

But that's just me.

And yes coke is still a baby tier drug.

I always was for the legalization of weed but nowadays I don't care anymore. I've seen enough people turn retarded after hitting once.

I smoke because it helps my focus and I am alot more productive when I've smoked.
Once a year I take shrooms, also medicinal and not for entertainment purposes.
When you know how to use it it can do alot for you.

But again, most people are legit retards with no experience in anything whatsoever and I don't trust them until proven otherwise.

There is just too much misinformation going around, it's no wonder the whole stuff is banned.

>Physical withdrawl
U wot m8?
I think you're thinking of heroin.

>I smoke because it helps my focus and I am alot more productive when I've smoked.

That is a blessing dude, most people have the opposite effect.

I smoke weed to forget about shit and just waste the day away, but I know if I smoke I wont get anything productive done for the rest of the day because my mind just wonders.

Why are we basing things that are legal or not based on how addictive it is and/or how conducive it is to productivity? There's legal things that are way worse for people and worse for productivity than those two. Drugs aren't made illegal for the benefit of society.

because cocaine is actually terrible for your mind and body;you cant overdose and die on weed

The drug prevents dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with elevated mood, pleasure, and excitement, from being reabsorbed, so instead, it lingers in the brain, causing intense euphoria. Once cocaine begins to wear off and dopamine is absorbed, the brain is too exhausted to make more dopamine without help; this leads to depression, exhaustion, mood swings, and other early withdrawal symptoms. To avoid these feelings, the person may immediately take another dose of cocaine in a process is called reinforcement.

Not only does cocaine change how neurotransmitters are released, but a study found that cocaine addiction actually changes a person’s genetics, and this could lead to physical addiction. The drug activates genes that code for the protein delta-FosB; this protein, in turn, activates production of GluR2, a component of glutamate receptors, and these bind to the neurotransmitter glutamate. An increase in the ability to bind to glutamate intensifies a person’s sensitivity to cocaine’s rewarding effects, which is a physical change leading to reinforcement for taking the drug.

pretty sure you never did coke craving is a huge issue on comedown


How is the CIA going to fund it's operations if cocaine is made legal? Keep your priorities straight user.

Do people actually overdose and die on cocaine regularly?

I'm sure more people die from alcohol than coke...

Yeah I know, woke user.

But fuck the CIA, we have Trump.

Never experience a craving for coke tbh, I only do it when drinking with friends to keep my awake through the night.

It's usually just the alcohol hangover that fucks me up the next day.

>less addictive

also a lie shill and bait sage

Fuck, all the smokers are insulted now, shouldn't have made that comparison.

Both are for losers.


cocaine ISN'T less addictive than weed
personally checked

I've quit bud and Charlie is the only thing I do now.
But weed isn't as bad as coke.
It's not physically addictive like coke where you will get ill if you don't take it if you're addicted.
No risk of OD with bud aswell.
It's also cheaper.

>It's not physically addictive like coke where you will get ill if you don't take it if you're addicted.
That doesn't happen with coke.
I did coke nearly daily for a year and never experienced any physical withdrawals.
Literally only thing that would happen is I would dream about it.

Yeah I know man, I smoke too, just gonna delete this thread.
Never meant to compare the two, I just used weed as an example of a previously illegal drug that is now legal.

They do.
However alcohol being a socially accepted drug paired with the influence alcohol corporations have makes it ok.

So let me correct that

> Cocaine is much more addictive than weed or cigarettes. (which are fucking addictives)
>Cocaine makes you excited, which makes you feel like you can actually do more and you can since you don't feel tired for a long long time. But: you're not thinking straight, and the decisions you made are basically dumb when you think about them after a while. If you try to do anything complicated like witting a complex algorithm or modelizing a math or physics problem. It will be counter productive as you will not be able to focus more than 10 seconds on anything.
>Weed kills productivity if taken on a regular basis for more than a few weeks or so.

> Brags about cokane.
> Doesn't even have a pic of new narcos from netflicks
> Welcome new guy lolol top kek m8

Don't delete it Sup Forumsro.
It's a discussion worth having.
I stopped smoking because bud made me lazy.
Everyone gets affected differently by drugs so ones experience will differ to everyone else's.

I agree with your second point, as a programmer I've tried to take coke and work while tired and it just dosn't work.

As a cigarette smoker, I strongly disagree with your first point. Since weed is only a mental habit/addiction rather than physical, I guess that point is subjective.

>Weed kills productivity if taken on a regular basis for more than a few weeks or so.
Again, maybe I'm the exception where I can't do any work that requires focus and mental clarity while on weed.

Coke's effects are identical to those of Adderall.
You're an idiot.

I enjoy a drink, maybe more often than I should, but I know that alcohol fucks me up way worse than weed or cocaine ever would.
Both physically and mentally.
Which is why I ask the question, how can something like alcohol be fine while coke and in some places even weed is still illegal.

Alcohol has been around since BC, however most illegal drugs only came into circulation recently.
The majority of people think "Drugs are bad" because they don't understand them.
Most don't even consider alcohol to be a drug funnily.

Cool, I have the same attitude as you.
Maybe I came off as a bit anti-weed in the OP, but I'm not anti-weed at all.
I just find it interesting how the law chooses to distinguish between what can be legal and what can't

Cocaine is waaaayyyyy more addictive than weed.

Read the rest of the thread my friend :)

>less addictive

>It may be so for you but not for everyone certainly.
Alright OP
Listen up you cheeky little junkie shit...
I've got ADD and thus "killing focus" is a whole new level to me, I have a hard time focussing in general.
I used to smoke weed constantly for 2.5 years until about 3 months ago, and toned it down to maybe twice a month.
With AD(H)D, it actually benefits you.
Of course the usual "stoner issues" come with it.
But with weed, you're able to listen to your own thoughts instead of being scatterbrained and reactionary, your mind goes to 150% capacity and speed (estimated, of course) and begin to contemplate instead of just thinking.
It doesn't kill your productivity as an ADD, it just regulates your redundant energy amount, the constant bursting of activity, down to a regular behavior.
It replaces being frantic with being relaxed, but if you're not a naturally lazy person, this relaxation even increases your productivity.
It increases my speed and thus my efficiency to up to 3 times compared to being sober, and I don't mean "I feel like I work faster", I made it an experiment to observe myself at work and compare the difference.
Thanks to weed I accomplished 3 times as much work within 90 minutes than usual, which was my "experimental time frame".
It's all entirely depending on character, psyche, personality and neurology.

You're entirely subjective and you keep and keep and keep insisting that there's a spark of objectivity in your statement.
There's not, bitch. You're generalizing and buffing your personal, anecdotal observations and experience to empirical facts, a tendency I've observed in all my drug consuming friends, which was the reason I quit it.
Because I'm sick of "feeling I'm right" and finally wanted to get back to being always right by being able to admit that I might be wrong and that my statements, including this post, are just my personal opinion, not science.

And as your answer to this will be childish bullshit:


Nice pasta :)

coke is good to fuck girls in the ass, but weed will help you find a wife

Stop smoking indica during the daytime dumby.

Bud is getting a lot of leniency currently due to it being low risk. When weed was originally outlawed the public didn't have search engines to research the subject.
You believed what you were told.
However with limitless information being available at people's fingertips it's more difficult to bullshit and control people.

I have to disagree with a point that you made here, and that another user agreed with you on..

I do coke maybe three times a year. However, all of my best math has been done on it and on Adderall. I'm close to my degree in applied math, the uppers really get me going, and help me burn through a lot of different possible ways to solve what I'm doing

Charlie can be counter productive, however while working a 24 hour shift without a break or sleep it helps.

>I do coke maybe three times a year. However, all of my best math has been done on it and on Adderall. I'm close to my degree in applied math, the uppers really get me going, and help me burn through a lot of different possible ways to solve what I'm doing

Do you actually study or research new concepts while high?
I could do a fuck ton of math or programming problems on coke if I know how to do them, but gaining new knowledge and retaining it is what weed fucks with.

Yep. It's all about how you use the drug; uppers like that are meant to be used in a pinch, and smartly. Alcohol should be used as a social relaxer (in my opinion, I've got anxiety issues), and weed should be used to cool down after a long day when you need to sleep


I agree, weed fucks with it all, thinking wise. I don't smoke it very often at all. But, on come, and (more often) Adderall, is when I get almost all of my 'revelations', where make some sort of breakthrough in my understanding of what I'm dealing with

On coke*** not on come

And I apologise if my sentences are a bit incoherent right now... I also happen to be an alcoholic three or four nights a week

That's cool, whatever works for you.

I've found I can never study for an exam on coke, I just get distracted too much, but I can write an exam no problem on coke.

I never tried writing an exam while stoned.

Me too, I think I would like you IRL.

I think that's just a difference in thinking method. I definitely can't write an essay on coke,not even close. But like I said, my best math is done on uppers

That's good to hear, thanks. I don't really like myself

> I don't really like myself
Me neither, but the anti-depressants and alcohol help with that :)

weed is easy to . pass
the rest will follow

Alcohol used to help. Now it just keeps me sleeping regularly. That being said, it used to make me happy and keep me sleeping regularly. Always had issues with the sleeping
Can't say what it is, but I hate taking pills. I've tried four prescriptions, they all fucked with me, so I opt to not take any. I figure if I last, then I'm worth having kids. If not, then I'm not. It is what it is