Fat fuck here, any tips or tricks for weight loss? Beside the obvious eat less exercise more

Fat fuck here, any tips or tricks for weight loss? Beside the obvious eat less exercise more.

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The only answer is that there are no tricks or secrets, and the fact that you're asking about some short-cut or easy way to lose weight is part of why you're fat in the first place. So do the work, kill the old you, and become someone who eats healthy and exercises every day.

When did he ask for a shortcut?

he asked for "tricks" you faggot. Are we gonna split hairs here?

Thanks for the advice. I just struggle to find the determination and before I know it I’m back to my old habits again.

1. Get brain
2. Switch to /fit.
3. Ignore the outdated sticky

try and have a more active lifestyle generally and eat higher quality foods instead of just fewer shitty ones. Go on increasingly longer runs after work etc

Don't exercise more it only counts for a fraction of the weight loss. Just count your calories and get a good diet going. Regulate bread/pasta/potato intake. Regulate meat intake (more poultry/fish, less cow/pig). And if a meal falls short, add additional vegetables/fruit
It's really not that hard

Plant based diet user. Eat amaranth, split peas, avocados, flax meal, unsalted nuts. Do pushups and some form of cardio. Stop all soda, fast food, proceed food. Take vitamins. I'm saying take a veganfag pledge, I'm just saying be totally plant based for 90 days and you will be amazed. If that's too hard, so it 3 or 4 times a week.

eat less crap and record your calories. you'd be surprised how much you can stuff your face if you eat a bit healthier. as for exercise you really need to find something you enjoy or you will just give it up. I enjoy skating, cycling and jumprope for example. also weigh yourself daily and compare your weekly averages to get an idea of your progress

Be in caloric deficit and exercise moar

Do meth for a few months
Or smoke lots of cigarettes

NOT saying

I didn't mean to be such a dick before. But I think the main point is that there are no tricks; it's just hard work, and it sucks and it's hard and painful to do, but that's the part that gives your life actual meaning. Delicious food and video games are just a couple out of millions of tiny ways you can achieve instant and short-term gratification which prove to be completely meaningless in the long-term and even destructive.

It's also about where you're setting your sights--right in front of you or ten years in the future?Force yourself to expend some sweat and suffering in the short term to build a better you for the long-term. It's the only way and it is worth it.

> Drink about 500ml of water before you eat meal, so your stommach is already filled a bit
> Do something for your metabolism. Don't feed him empty Calories
>move your body out of your seat at least three times a week

works fine for me

Warm water + lemon juice (mixed) after wake up in the morning. Then You can eat whatever you want, but you can't eat after 6pm.. (my English sucks)

It's all right there in your grade-school health book.


Google intermittent fasting. It's the easiest way to lose weight without changing your diet.
Also do meth for a month or so, it's not even that addictive.

thank you

Get an Adderall perscription

1.Drink plenty unsweetened black tea (reduces sugar absorption)
2. Fast intermittently (once a week, No food after 6pm)
3. Reasonable diet eliminating carbs as much as poss.
4. Gotta move
