Diaper thread

diaper thread


anyone else can contribute?












Gonna go listen to some hypno.

what the fuck





Can some one explain the appeal behind this?

There's also a thread about magic trick fetish stuff going on and I'm wondering how either one is popular.

Well obviously it´s different for everybody. SOme who are more into the ageplay aspect may find it makes them feel more safe. I like as a tool for humiliation.


diaper fetish is underrated

pls remove this trash out of this thread, thanks

But.. but this is diaper thread, right?

post girls putting baby powder on their butts?

Plz, sauce!!


que wea beno



skull diapers... yum




Same but most pics don't show this aspect at all. Most play up the age aspect instead. I'm not into that.


i feel you

Where does one even get adult-sized diapers with baby prints like dinosaurs and cute animals anyway?

There are quite a few specialty retailers. ABUniverse, Bambino, Tykabkes, LittleForBig, etc.