What should I get her for Christmas, user?

What should I get her for Christmas, user?




a brain then

coupon for a plastic surgeon?

A respectful boyfried who doesn´t share her pictures for wierdos online? sounds good to me


Found the betafaggot


My cock

A new face.

go to bed, tomorrow is a schoolday; learn to spell while you're there

nothing. she has resting bitch face and looks like a bitch


She's got a saggy body eh?





Probably a plastic surgery to hide that massive fucking forehead

A chin.

> fivehead

Is plastic surgeon far enough to replace face with a single tit?


get her a new face for christmas

>It makes her smile
>Makes her clothes come off
>Makes her bisexual
>Leaves her confused in the morning so you can escape.

diamond ring.

That shines so bright, her face shall never been seen again.

A nonwhite supremacist outlook on life?

Also, I know I'm in a different generation of Sup Forums when now most people don't recognize this chick.

treat her like a queen or get out of her life.

be* dumbfuck. And, what do you do for a living, flip burgers?

Tickets for bungee jumping, then cut the chord.

Anti depressants

>What should I get her for Christmas, user?



attitude adjustment.



calm down guys: she's taken




Get her christmas.cards with her body exposed sent to all the nearby businesses around her home

The only thing she really ever wants, Big Black Cock

your love, she looks like she already had it enough, treat her better man.

plastic surgey

A real boyfriend...

maybe, death to all niggers and jews.

love and respect.

a horse dildo

for your grandma

a nice pair of dress,Jewelries and tons of other cute gifts. Make her feel like an princess, treat her better buddy.

there's already enough wrong with this world. give her your priceless love and take care of her.