Star Wars spoilers thread

Star Wars spoilers thread

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is that real????
i feel like im being bamboozled

One is a movie shot, another is a crime show.
Implying Disney would ever show naked boobs in their movies.


Nothing of consequence happens in this movie. The characters have no archs, they're in the same place by the end of the film as they were in the previous film.

Star Wars is about a farm boy who makes a decision to learn the ways of the Force in order to topple an oppressive regime all the while, he has to get powerful enough to face off against his patriarch. Eventually he ends up battling himself in an internal battle between good and evil. He ultimately chooses the Light and in doing so he saves his father's soul.

Disney Star Wars is about a girl who discovers she has powers. She's a good guy so....she goes out and fights a bad guy. Rey is good, because. Kylo is evil, because. Finn is comedic relief. Poe is a background character - there's lots of background characters who are of no consequence to the story. First Order vs Resistance: There is no reason for them to fight. Neither of them are in power. The Galactic Republic exists and carries on while these two groups pick each other off, inconsequential. In the final episode (part 9) Rey defeats Kylo and the Resistance defeats the Order. No consequence if they were to lose though because there is no reason established for them to fight. Yes, the Order had that death star but why then the Republic Fleet doesn't get involved.....cause plot hole?

And worst of all: The original and prequel trilogies both had love stories intertwined in the adventure.

This trilogy has no such thing. Yeah, there's flirting here and there but in the 3rd film, Rey isn't going to end up with neither Finn or Kylo Ren. She has no internal struggle of fighting against the man she loves or having to choose between her love for Finn and the Jedi code...etc. It's and vanilla under Disney.

yes it is

It'll get asses in seats because of the old movies though, just like the anakin saga did.


thank u kind sir's now it time to spank the monkey

Oh the photo of her tits is real, it just isn't from star wars.

the last jedi sucks

yes it is newfag

What movie?


Oh right, I'm supposed to go along with the thread on fake spoilering a franchise i gave up on ages ago, got you user, will do.

eat my ass bitch

The movie is a star wars(I use this classification tentatively) one and the show is one of the CSI's as far as i remember.

Nah man, you are what you eat and I don't wanna be a cuck.

Not real, ya doofus

Let me just tell you this: you're nothing. You're fucking nothing. I can bench press 290 and can run 6 miles in less than 36 minutes. I train tapout and could knock you unconscious with one punch. I know you think you're some internet tough guy sitting back there like a pussy faced bitch, but if we ever cross paths I will fucking CRUSH you. Your ancestors will feel pain I'll hit you so hard. And if you try and bring 5 of your friends, I'll just get a katana (which I'm trained in) and then we'll see who's the tough guy. Yeah you can make all the "funny" "clever" comments you want on the internet, but when we meet, you're suddenly fucking dead silent. Like a fucking library. Once I'm done posting this I'm going to call my side piece up and pound away. Enjoy jerking off to another hentai movie you fucking pathetic virgin. But sure, keep posting. Go on, bitch, make my day. You think you're funny? I'm about to wipe that smile off your face. Get ready faggot, I've got your IP and I cannot be stopped.

Finally someone who isnt a zombie retard cuck

Is this new pasta or just a lame attempt at making one?


look at this newfag, trying to be an alpha on the internet, get the fuck out normie

Oh You.
New pasta would imply anyone finding it good enough to replicate.

Is this pasta? This smells like pasta. It's pretty decent pasta if it is.

If it isn't, go Have Fun™ with yourself in a Disney-approved way, you proud homosexual.

your whole fucking post screams reddit transplant

>look at this newfag
Who? OP? The post above yours? You need to be more specific

Sad they already killed her

And where’d Finn learn the force from? His coma?

This scene... I can't even

Finnigan wasn't force-sensitive until accidentally being force-injected with force-Snoke's mitochondria because of the force-explosion that force-Kylo's body emanated when he force-Rey'd.

So maguffin basically?

>implying disney would do a main character more justice than an off screen death and never being mentioned again

Please stop my sides theyre in orbit

Huh, my skepticism was aroused by the presence of naked boobs.

The new film is pointless.
So many characters, and so little depth... it was clearly a money grab to sell as many toys as possible. Well done Disney, slowly taking over the industry, and slowly taking away everything we love.

Well, if you're actually asking, the Force itself has been completely reimagined from the original trilogy. It's anybody's game, now. I have no idea how it's gonna pan out, but I'll admit to being a giant fanboy.
I hope it's as fun to watch as I think it will be.

They kind of hitched me off by starting the new iteration of movies with a mary sue story.
If they had built a proper character arch for Rey, I would've stayed on.

the end arch of TLJ never really happened. they were all a force illusion created by snoke. the beginning of the next movie will be rey and kylo being shunted back into reality only to see snoke still alive.

and severely pissed, considering his pupil just betrayed him within his force illusion.

Maybe I've just got such a crush on the girl I don't see her flaws.
It's happened to me before.
Either way, I'm just happy they're making more star wars movies that aren't prequel-level dumb.


meant to say "all of the events that transpired were a force illusion created by snoke"

That's my problem though user, her lack of flaws.
She's basically just "strong female protagonist" sold by drunk parents edition.

“We know you’re out there, and we’re coming for you.”

Nice feet

Just stop. If you ever post here again, I will fuckin’ choke slam you into a coffee table, with any luck it will be one of those old school antique coffee tables that was made out of the really good wood from deep in the fucking forest and not that Ikea bitch that explodes like a fucking stunt table. I will put you right through it, and pull you up by your god damn larynx and then right through the dry wall, my hand would be disappearing into the wall like I just fisted a fucking horse. Then I’d pull you out, you’d have plaster all over your fucking hair, you’d be deprived of 3 quarters of your oxygen, and you’d start to cry. Then I’d just whisper into your ear, really calmly, like one of those bad guys in one of those great 80’s movies with Mel Gibson, or fucking Stallone or whatever, where once the goons would get him tied up and the head bad guy that’s running bitch would come in all relaxed with his dress shoes and suit and would just come up and put his face like parallel to the other dude’s face and just come in and whisper in the guy’s ear nice and calmly. That’s what I’d do to you, as you’re struggling to breath, I’d put my head right next to your ear and just be like “If you ever post in this section again, I will fucking kill you. You understand me? The only reason you’re not dead right now is because I haven’t figured out how to get away with it yet. If you even come in this section again, I swear to god, I will grab you by your fucking baby fat and the top of your fucking head and I will throw you upside down through a bay window” As you sit out there in the rain, picking the glass and the wood shards out of your body, I’m gonna take a tray of hot macaroni and throw it right on your fucking face. That’s what I’ll do if you ever post here again.

She's got the exact same flaws Luke did in the first couple of movies. She's overconfident, drawn by the dark side, doesn't really know where she fits in the world, and has a soft spot for the bad guys. It might be a Mary Sue story, but the same argument could realistically be made about Luke in E4-6.

True, but Luke lives within my nostalgia vision, having to take off those glasses would hurt my childhood.
Realizing that the old movies weren't much better than the newer ones would hurt too much.

Starkiller Base destroyed the Republic fleet. Don't know why they were all chilling there but that's the explanation. So Republic lost its leaders and military.

Actually I find it's better to take the glasses off and just enjoy the movies. The originals weren't the masterpieces we remember them as. They were groundbreaking, sure, but not perfect.

It's just plain unadulterated fun, and I say this as a man whose first memory of movies was watching Empire a couple times a week on a 12" black and white TV.

I dunno man, I ruined scooby doo for myself, I don't wanna do the same to star wars.
Besides, it's been quite a while since anything star wars made me fanboy squeee.

Hey, you do you. I'm just gonna be over here overjoyed about the fact that there are more star wars movies to look forward to.

Enjoy yourself user, I've gotten more into horror with age anyway.

I really never enjoyed horror flicks... is there one that sticks out to you that got you into it? I like reading spoopy stuff but watching it just doesn't do it for me