So fags, prove you are alpha

so fags, prove you are alpha

Dude don't tell the new fags, what's wrong with you?

you have an iOS tutorial? I want to triforce so badly :P

nah sorry i dunno, maybe someone can fill the gap

I did but when i open it it opens with notepad
what to so?

fuck dont tell

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holy shit my computer just shut down

What do i do now?

▲󠇦Nigger 󠇦▼

lol retard the one triangle is ʇ0bbɐɟ noʎ uʍop ǝpısdn

guys what do i do

ha. you're like a baby.

watch this...

^ ^

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post screenshot


The only triforce I need


post ip and fetish

aol lol


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i appreciate asian women who piss

ip is

hi something must have gone wrong, there is no triforce and my computer is having some issues?

what happened

ɔıd ʇobbɐɟ ʞɔıp ʎɯ ʞɔns

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I opened the triforce.bat and this happened to my screen and now it wont let me get to microsoft edge. i am on my cell phone

>reverse image search
>no results found

what does the reverse image search do? did it tell you how i can fix my mistake?

try to reinstall windows

It's happening again

put windows disk in, reset pc keep pressing F8 nutil it give you an option to boot from disk. restore installation

ok i know this is stupid and i know its a software thing but whats windows and how do i reinstall it? my computer came with it

respond to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight


One does not prove he's alpha, he simply is.

windows it's your fucking operative sistem,basically what makes your pc not a toaster

fag falling for it...

thank you im sorry i really just use it to play solitaire and check my email. then my stepson was using it and i found this tab open and i thought he would be impressed if i could triforce and be alpha like you dudes

well but you faggot just proved that you are beta by being a degenerade fuck posting on Sup Forums

At first, I thought this had potential, but now

you bitch tits or gtfo

and my son also watched animal porn on zootube

ok im ready to do this, where is the disc?

you have no disk

▲ ▲

ok i found a winxp disk
what now?

that is not my computer what is going on here

Nostalgia is happening, my friend. Nostalgia.

show me your computer you asshole


newfags cant

show me your asshole you computer

show my asshole your computer

didn't work OP. do you have instructions for arch linux?

im trying to send you a photo but it keeps saying error the file is too large. what do i do? is something wrong with my phone now too?

Newfags are fine

I'm just gonna save the newfags the trouble.

yeah OP here suck my dick

nice photoshop

Thank you. Best job of my life.

oh god did that actually happen to someone? well at least now i know not to use a magnet or anything. you guys aren't going to fool me that way, i may not be a computer geek but im no idiot

but it's obiously that its fake because come on, who the fuck has such a big screen..
next time at least try to act smarter

Oldfags do not triforce



I can talk to a girl

You do realise this is from a thread a long time ago, right? Y'know, editing the relevant posts in? And skipping the useless crap?
No? Common sense?

∆ ∆
thanks, it worked !

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trying again

Damn you filename

..once more



@echo off
del C:\WINDOWS\system32

So hey, where the fuck's my triforce?


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