If you could have a DO-OVER for any moment or decision in your past

if you could have a DO-OVER for any moment or decision in your past,
What would it be?
What would you do differently ?

Just before my cousin shot my eye out with a BB gun, I would have ducked.

Me and my ex broke up because my foster cousin broke into my phone told her we were done.
If I could I would've waited till the next day to shower.

If I was a bit less shy to persue her, I could have had a Jap gf or at least we could have mucked around sexually while was on foreign exchange.

Surviving birth.

Holy shit where do I start

- fuck the horny school friend who I lived with righg after highschool. I mean she took her shirt and bra off in the kitchen specifically to show me her tits and then said she was horny, and I (being in a relationship with a controlling shrew and being freshly free from a super religious family) just went to my room. Regretted it for the last 8 years.

-fuck that matried chick one last time before breaking it off. She wanted Anal, she said so. Should have ignored my conscience.

- fuck that other school friend again. She showed up in a tight, revealing dress. She wanted to fuck again. Pussy.

- stop being so depressed during one period of time and fuck that lonely girls ass. She wanted it, but I was so fucked up with depression I turned her away. Fuckin pussy.

I've pussed out on so much hardcore fucking in my life, and now I'm married and all of those things are just shameful memories. Here's to hoping they invent time travel in my lifetime.

"mucked around sexually"

Yeah no you are going to die a virgin

If I could go back I would keep myself from waking up from the coma

never join Sup Forums, study harder, train harder, never smoke weed or cigarets, punch a retard in the face, get straight as in school or, you know, just kms

Impossible when I have a wife and kid but you keep living the dream buddy

Fuck my wife when she was 17 instead of waiting to get married until she was 24.

The moment I admitted to my now ex that I liked her.

I wish I could go back to myself 5 years ago so I could fix what was gonna go wrong

Could have fucked my girlfriends mom but was too beta

Y'all really just wanna go back to have some pussy?

not go to play at the beach that day so my brother and some cunt kid dont throw bricks at my head

cant really remember stuff ever since

Pretty much. I wouldn't really change any of the other shitty things that happened because they all led to a really great place where I am now (put that on a justgirlthings poster), but regretting easy missed pussy is a deep, dark regret that burrows down into your soul. Seeing that a chick has ballooned up to 200 pounds and is getting bags under her eyes and realizing that you could have fucked her tight nubile snatch when she was 18... sad.

Damn I didn't not think of it like that.
Such wise words could only come from an old fag.

never fap the dog in front of the family at christmas...got knocked out


It's a tough choice between texting the girl who I've now been with for 8 years after getting throated violently by a high school slut, or not looking more into Bitcoin when I first heard the term back in 2013 and had the money to dump on dumb shit.

I mean I definitely wish I'd have spent more time with dead relatives or focused on college or whatever, but those are actual real things that are unchangeable. So maybe I just choose to lightheartedly "regret" the stuff that doesn't matter, not the stuff that could really lead to depression if I was to focus too hard on how any opportunity to relive those moments are gone. Also, bingo - browsing since 2007. Enjoy your 20's kids, fuck at any given opportunity before you settle down and get old.

got sent to my room chritmas morning....
crying 10 yrs old
hear a scratch at my bedroom door...its the dog

definitely would go back and slap myself for getting married to my whore of an ex wife. I've spent the past 17 years paying for a kid that I was given no choice in, and told I would have, or I would pay for

I made a joke nobody laughed it led to an awkward silence in the group
I still think about this 4 years later and want to die tbh

in spite of the akward silence I can still hear my drunk uncle laughing his ass off

Wtf is this the same person

in short making the dog do the funny dance at chritmas isnt funny

Got my girlfriend pregnant. Would have just walked away when we first met. Wasn't worth the life-long agony in any way. And I would not date anymore. Just focus on my career.


sorry you missed the train user, pay attention to whats going on in the world

Not lied about not being a virgin, now I'm in a fairly long term relationship, I always lied about it, saying that I had done it, and apparently thanks to so much reading online in naturally damn good at sex, so my girl is convinced that I had sex previously, now I feel like I can never tell her she was my first without worrying about her losing trust in me.

*gathers my grandchildren around a fire*
Alright kids I'll now tell you the story of when Sup Forums had a heart

Fuck off nigger you're going to end up riling up the begfags

"You'll shoot your eye out, kid"
> flashbacks? PTSD?

No ragrets


Resist the urge to invite my ex on a first date. My heart is fucked now.

When I was 15 years old I attached weights to my 8.5 inch penis to make it longer because I had low self esteem, and thought my ruler was wrong (because no way I could have such a big penis). I heard a pop and my cock filled up with blood in a not cool way. It never grew to the same size again( 5.5(probably 6) was my guess). 15 years later , my penis is just under 7 inches. I'm still fine with my penis size though. Probably not walking into a mini mart to meet with the girl who I was in a relationship with for 3 of the worst years of my life would be a cool do-over. Not breaking my penis would have been cool too.

I'm not really worried too much about money anymore desu, I just need excitement in my life

dude thats just my active wallet, I got alot more in paper vaults... calling me stupid is just showing your jealousy, I've taught a couple people on here how to be profitable. Its the winter kids that are begging, some of us actually know what were talking about


This man seen nigger and thought someone insulted his intelligence XD

I never called you stupid my dude congrats on your money and all I just don't want an actual decent thread to get derailed because of begging faggots

What do you like to do? what brings you joy? do you have a passport? go some place that you can explore, go do something that makes you happy, quit worrying about other people, focus on yourself. Dont get locked into child support, dont get tied down, be free, then you can have that excitement you need

>8.5 inch penis
did you measure from your nose

Told her I loved her instead of let her go..

pics or youre a newfag

pics or it didnt happen, faggot

I should've kissed her at that party I should've grabbed her when I seen her after not talking for a year.
I'm happily with someone else but who knows what we could've had.
We had names picked out and plans for after we were done with college...

Go back two years, urge my girlfriend to get tested for cancer, save her life if I could before it became terminal.

thank you.
I was able to put it in my mouth if it's all the same to you.

All my regrets are about missed sex chances too

no you couldnt you lying faggot. Does it make you happy to lie blatantly on an anonymous image board? Post some pics and stop being a goddamn blight on society

Fucking study something else other than fucking Journalism and Mass Communication.

Would not have got MARRIED. DONT DO IT ANONS!!!

I probably would have stayed away from PCP and ketamine, and not let it put me in that place where I pushed away a fiance

though I will say, Ketamine is the closest thing to heaven that I've ever felt

Never do opiates.

when you get to a certain age sex isn't important any more, just give your body time and let your hormones chill out.... Think about the real things in your life that were important, how did you miss that scholarship? how did you fuck up your credit, why didn't you ever go on that adventure you always dreamed about? Why do you think you need someone to go with you for that?

Do you think I'm lying, because you think it's humanly impossible, or because you've never been able to do it?

Having sex while I was still in high school also would have been cool.

I have a 5 inch dick and I can put it in my mouth

Try getting herpes, it really puts a damper on going out and getting laid when you realize you'll be giving everyone a reminder of you for the rest of your life

I regret sleeping with that chick with herpes, though I really really miss that ass

I'd actually go through with turning my secondary computer into a mining machine back in 2010 when I had free electricity 24/7

or, I'd go home after going to the bar that Monday night instead of visiting my hookup

you are a marvel amongst men.

If she broke up with you permanently because of that it was never going to last. That sucks dude but it's not that moments fault

Would have made sure I succeeded my first suicide attempt.

You're probably better off not being dead. It's way more fun.

Thats a hard lesson to learn, but why spread it around, why go back? why repeat her evil, just live with it. Having something like that is kinda like having a kid, but you dont have to pay for it in the same way, and you never get rid of it.... shit if a person did that to me, I think I'd just kill them.

Stayed away from pills.

This is correct. Also you are 17.

I would have banged the lawschool barbie who begged me to

look into biocentrism, its about the transfer of consciousness after death into whatever your conscious being can comprehend
IE - you might of actually succeeded your suicide attempt and switched realities into surviving it

Which means the dead are never really dead, and explains why I have a ghost in my house that asks for help with his diabetes medicine

I wouldnt have let her move away. I should have said something to keep her close.

Either After graduating high school I'd go straight to a 4 year instead of fucking around at a community college, or get into bitcoin

you never went to a feel thread hun ?

Bought bitcoin

I actually enjoy working on cars, and driving my pile of shit cars to their limit. I think I'm feeling like this because I haven't been able to do so lately. I have an expired passport from my country of birth which couldn't care less about people living outside of it, I started the renewal process and it's been at a halt for the past eight months. I've been giving less and less of a fuck about people's opinions of me, the problem is I'm not happy with who I am. There's been times where I've asked myself when Tyler Durden's gonna show up. I'm not married or have kids, I'm just in a long term relationship with someone I fell in love with during my teenage years. I'm just starting to feel like she's not interesting anymore. She has no music taste, no friends, and the longest conversation we've had recently was a post breakup let's-get-back-together exchange. It started with the sex life going downhill, now I'm just convinced relationships are a meme.

should have followed her back to switzerland and tried to marry her

my sides...

I would have never told Alexandra that I love her.

Last I heard the chick was still spreading it around like the flu, so someone will probably do her in one of these days, but to me its not as bad as everyone puts it out to be or thats what I've been tellin myself. The first year is like having your dick skinned everytime it pops up, then after that its just like a casual itch that lasts a week every couple of months.

I don't spread it, though I kinda wish it became more widespread just so its easier to find a chick to date, I even moved down to LA then bangkok in search for that "#1 in 4"

Well it didn't happen right away but that caused the distrust and then she left but I get what you mean

>I have an expired passport from my country of birth

the other reason to renew your passport, is that it is the best ID card in the world. Over here, you may have to document yourself, with a "Birth Certificate" or something, perfect for all state and federal and world documentation purposes, and a Passport is the King of all ID cards. letting it expire means you now have only shitty regional ID cards

then leave, join the peace corps or the military, or something, find some focus, go to college, learn a new place, get away from everything you know and learn something new. Dont just sit in one place and rot

Being born.
would have strangled myself with the umbilical cord if id known id be spending my entire life on the same planet as you people.

its not too late, faggot

report her to the CDC or what ever you have in your country, its an actual crime to spread communicable diseases like that. She probably needs to be locked up, sucks for you because your her victim, but you can have some sweet revenge if you just go ask the local law enforcement.

Tried that before, it turned into a he said she said, cause she tried saying I gave it to her. Besides when its a 1 in 4, non deadly kinda thing it's just seen as whatever.

Spending all my life probably being delusional having faith in a “God” that doesn’t exist. The temporary dopamine boosts just don’t do it anymore. Nobody cares. I want the world to suffer and burn.

Why didn’t you explain the situation???

damn, then dont bareback chicks you dont know.... lesson learned. Oh and just because she was a shitty human to you, dont be a shitty garbage person to other people, check on positivesingles.com or whatever try not to spread that shit


Hell is just a video of all the times you could have gotten laid in life, but did something stupid to screw it up, on repeat forever.

I did as best as I could and I thought I fixed it but a few days later she said she just couldn't do it because it hurt her that it happened after we started getting serious*we started having sex* so we broke up.
He also texted a girl I was close to asking her to fuck me so I had to fix that too.

I feel like telling a green text about what I would have changed about my life. Anyone want to hear. But to answer the question I never would have sent a girls nudes to my friend. Landed me in bad shit

Not go to Denver when he asked me to.

Bought a fake ID for about 300 bitcoin years back. Fuck the things I’d do

jesus how many kissless virgin fags do we have on here? This is why this board is broken, too many 14 year olds begging, that dont even know who they are yet. We need some actual age verification.

Didn't bareback, just went deep enough in that she got skin to skin around the pubic section. But nahhh I'm good off a disease pool site, I learned from a stripper friend those kinda places are usually good for nothing but getting more diseases than you came in their with cause its usually full of people that are used to just shagging around without asking too many questions.

Nobody gets in trouble when its a "He said, she said" situation, something you should use if you ever find yourself in any kind of trouble